HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout05-02-2022 Agenda PacketAction 1 - Resolution Approving the Brookshire Preliminary Plat, Rezoning Ordinance, Conditional Use Permit, and VarianceAction 1 - Resolution Approving the Brookshire Preliminary Plat, Rezoning Ordinance, Conditional Use Permit, and Variance (2)Action 2 - Authentix Lakeville Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map AmendmentsAction 2 - Authentix Lakeville Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments CopyConsent 0 - Andrew Walz Conditional Use PermitConsent 1 - Check Register SummaryConsent 10 - Proposal from Vacker, Inc. for Park Identification SignsConsent 11 - Award of Construction Contract for the 2022 Inflow and Infiltration Improvement ProjectConsent 12 - Confirmation of Planning Commission ChairConsent 13 - Water Heater ReplacementsConsent 14 - Contract with Northern Mechanical Contractors for Water Heater ReplacementsConsent 15 - Approve Agreement with Dakota County and Contractor for County Boulevard MowingConsent 16 - Resolution Approving Charitable Gambling Lakeville Lions ClubConsent 17 - Resolution Approving Charitable Gambling for the Lakeville South Clay Target TeamConsent 2 - Minutes of the 4-18-2022 MeetingConsent 3 - Minutes of the April 25, 2022 work session meetingConsent 4 - Resolution Authorizing Continued Participation in the Dakota County Community Development Block Grant ProgramsConsent 5 - Agreement with WSB for Profession Services for Street Improvement Project No. 22-08Consent 6 - Agreement with H&R Construction Company for Replacement of GuardrailsConsent 7 - Conditional Use Permit 16410 Kingswood Drive (Walz)Consent 8 - Labor Agreement between the City of Lakeville and Minnesota Teamsters Local No. 320Consent 9 - Agreement with Lakeville Area Public Schools for a School Resource Officer (SRO)test