HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout10-03-2022 Agenda PacketAction 1 - Resolution Adopting Assessments For Unpaid Special ChargesAction 2 - Public Hearing for the Proposed 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan and Street Reconstruction Plan and the Intent to Issue General Obligation Street Reconstruction Bonds and General Obligation Capital Improvement BondsConsent 0 - Agreement with Tennis West for Armor Crack Repair System Installation at East Community Park Tennis CourtsConsent 0 - Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition Preliminary and Final Plat and Easement VacationConsent 1 - Check Register SummaryConsent 10 - Amended SEH Proposal for Professional Services for Citywide Trail Gap ImprovementsConsent 11 - Gilb Fitzpatrick Second Addition Preliminary and Final Plat and Easement VacationConsent 12 - Agreement with Midwest Fence & Mfg. for Installation of King Park Safety Fencing and BackstopConsent 13 - North Creek Stream Restoration Construction Contract Fitzgerald Excavating & Trucking And Amendment to Stantec Proposal for Professional Services And Funding AmendmentsConsent 14 - Resolution Calling a Public Hearing Relating to the Imposition of a Service Charge for Special Service District No. 1Consent 15 - Resolution Approving Public Improvement & Special Assessment Agreement and Awarding Contract for Airlake 70 First Addition and KTJ First Addition Public ImprovementsConsent 16 - Beehive Addition Final PlatConsent 17 - Appointments to Youth Advisory CommissionConsent 18 - Resolution Appointing Election Judges and Establishing the Absentee ballot Board for the General Election on November 8, 2022Consent 2 - Minutes of the 9/19/2022 City Council MeetingConsent 3 - Approval to purchase of two LUCAS Chest Compression SystemsConsent 4 - Resolution Approving the KTJ First Addition Final PlatConsent 5 - Approval of Extending a Professional Services Agreement with Brent Richter Consulting, LLC and Sonya Eastham Consulting, LLCConsent 6 - Approve contract with Quality Flow Systems, Inc. for the rehabilitation of Lift Station #9.Consent 7 - Approval of purchase for commercial water metersConsent 8 - Orchard Lake Watershed Water Quality Improvements Phase II Construction Contract with Sunram Construction And Amendment to Stantec Proposal and Funding Amendments