HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout02-21-2023 Agenda PacketConsent 1 - Check Register SummaryConsent 10 - Approve a Professional Services Agreement Amendment with Berry Dunn McNeil & Parker LLC and a Resolution amending the General Fund and Utility Fund BudgetsConsent 11 - Release of Conditional Use Permit and Development Contract for Airlake South Creek Business ParkConsent 12 - Joint Powers Agreement with Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization and Moore Engineering Proposal for Professional Services for East Lake Rough Fish BarrierConsent 13 - Braun Intertec Proposal for Professional Services for 185th Street ExtensionConsent 14 - Agreement Between City of Lakeville and Minnesota Wisconsin-Playground for Antlers Park Playground Equipment and InstallationConsent 15 - Contract with Swedebro for Police Garage Floor Epoxy CoatingConsent 16 - Proposal from ROMTEC for Antlers Park SheltersConsent 17 - Agreement with Xcel Energy for Antlers Park Improvement and Reconstruction ProjectConsent 18 - Mayflower Properties - Gopher Outdoor Storage Interim Use PermitConsent 2 - Minutes of the 2/6/2023 City Council MeetingConsent 3 - Agreement for County Boulevard MowingConsent 4 - Resolution Supporting an Application to the Corridors of Commerce ProgramConsent 5 - Dress Code Policy AmendmentConsent 6 - Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement with Metropolitan Airports Commission for Installation of Public UtilitiesConsent 7 - Reconditioning of Steve Michaud Park Water TowerConsent 8 - Contract for Tree MaintenanceConsent 9 - Landscape Maintenance Contracts with VonBank Lawn Care, Inc.