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Planh~ng Commission Meeting Minutes
March 1, 1979 7:30 P.M.
Public Works Bldg Airlake Park
Vice-Ch. L. Hazel called the. meeting to order. Answering roll call were Hazel,
Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, and Antolik. Council had been notified, previously,
that J. Asmus would not be able to attend this meeting.
In attendance here, also, were Attorney R. Knutson, Planner S. Ryan, Engineer
F. Burg, and Building Inspector D. Goodermont.
79.25 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Johnson, to approve the minutes of the
meeting held February 1, 1879. (The February 15, 1g79 meeting had been cancelled
because of bad weather.)
Voting aye were Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, Antolik, and Hazel.
The public hearing on the application of Ross Bassett for preliminary plat of
Bassett's 3rd Addition was opened, upon testimony of the attorney that legal
publications had been made. Basaett's 3rd Addition is located north of the.
existing Junelle Path and northerly of Bassett's 2nd Addition, on the northeast
shore of Lake: Marion.
As the preliminary plat of Bassett's 3rd Addition has been presented tonight, there
is a problem with the northwest portion of it not being in accordance with the Shore-
line Ordinance setback of 1,000 Peet, Planner Ryan expressed the opinion that a
variance application would not be in order in this instance because na hardship exists--
an "economic hardship on the part of the developer is not considered a hardship, and
this is new land which has not been platted previously."
S 79.26 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Hazel, to continue the public hearing to con-
. eider the application of Ross Bassett for preliminary platting of Bassett's 3rd
Addition until April 5, lg7g, in order for developer to make procedural determinations.
Voting aye were Enright, Johnson, Antolik, Hazel, and Lutgens.
Public hearing to consider the application of L. M. Loken for a preliminary: plat of
Oak Shores 6th Addition, west of Crystal Lake, was begun upon the assertion by the
attorney that the hearing had been legally publicized.
Ed and Jerry Sunde spoke for the developer, who is out of town at this time. Outlot
E is planned to be kept at its present zoning.
79.27 Motion was made by Hazel and seconded by Lutgens, to close the public hearing.
Voting aye were Johnson, Antolik, Hazel, Lutgens, and Enright.
79.2 N;otivn was made by.Hazel, seconded by Lutgens, to recommend approval of the preliminary
plat of Oak Shares 6th Addition, with the condition that the access to the park be
located between Lots 7 and 8; the exit to 162nd Street shall be moved westerly to
accommodate this change. Outlat E is also recommended for approval.
Voting aye were Hazel, Lutgens, and Johnson; voting: nay were Antolik and Enright.
Reason .for nay voting: Antolik felt the plat should be returned to Park and Rec
• Committee for re-evaluating.
Enright reasoned the same as Antolik, and felt that the
park dedication monies should be ear-marked for park develop-
ment in this area.
The public hearing to consider the application of L. M. Loken to rezone from 8--4
and R-1C, to R-2, (two-family residential}, classification far Oak Shores 6th Addition
was opened after attorney declared the proper notifieationa had been given.
The Sunde's spoke for the developer, declaring that Outlot E is asked to be kept at
its present zoning, B-~, for the present time.
79.29 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Antolik, to close the public hearing«
Voting aye were Hazel, Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, and Antolik.
79.30 Notion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Enright, to recommend approval of the appli-
catian to re-zone Oak Shores 6th Addition: R-1C to R-2, and that part of B-4 zoning
included in Oak Shores 6th Addition preliminary plat to R-2--with the exception of
Qutlot E, which is asked to remain at its present B-4 zoning.
Voting aye were Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, Antolik, and Hazel.
A review-discussion was made of proposal of L. M. Loken of a plat to be located east
of Oak shores, and south of Logarto Additions. Engineer Burg will continue working
with the developer on drainage and shoreline concerns in this area.
The public hearing to consider an ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 42 to provide, as a
conditional use, senior citizen housing with over seven dwelling units per structure,
in an R-3B district, upon verification by the attorney that the hearing had been
legally publicized.
79.31 Motion was made to close the public hearing. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded
• by Antolik.
Voting aye were Enright, Johnson, Antolik, Hazel, and Lutgens.
79.32 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Enright, to approve the "senior housing"
amendment to Ordinance No. 42, as has been drafted, without any changes.
Voting aye were Johnson, Antolik, Hazel, Lutgens, and Enright.
79.33 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Antolik, to adjourn the meeting.
All members: aye.
Respectfully submitted,
CHAIRMAN ~:.~~,:.~a`~a-~~P SECRETARY
(2} PLANNING caN~llssxoN 3/1/79 mek