HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21-79 CITY OF LAKEVIILE
Planning Commiesion Meeting
21 J erne 1979
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m, by chairman John Asmus. Roil
call was taken: Present: Larry Hazel; John Autolik, ~ ohn Asmus, Marvin
Geisness, Nancy Enright, Patrick Harvey. Absent: Charles Johnson.
Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; LeRoy Nyhus, City Engineer,
David Licht, City Planner.
79.77 Motion was made by Havery, seconded by Enright to appreve the 7 June (979
Planning Commission Minutes.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes:-Hazel, Autolik, Aamus, Geianess,
Enright, Harvey. '
The Chairman reopened the Public Hearing on the Lakeville Comprehensive
Plan--Policy Plan/Devetopirant Framework. IVM. Licht roviev~ the pt~apoaed
changes and explained in detail tfie modification'suggested fcx the Downtown
Area (Planning District 18) and the Interstate Corridor Development District
(Planning District 2). Also discussed were the.. changes k> tFre city's service
areas map. Following the presentation, written copies of the proposed
changes were distributed to inhrrested individuals in the audience. The Chair-
man advised that time would be given for the audience to read the material
and the Commission would receive comments and questions at 8:00 p.m.
Chairman Asmus opened the Public Hearing on the rezoning of property located
at 170th Street and Pilot Knob Road from R-i C to B-4 for Central Telephone
Company. Mr. Knutson verified that the Hearing hat been properly published
and written notifications sent. Mr. R. Glenn- Nord appeared as representative
of Central Telephone Company and briefly .explained the proposed development
plans. He also stated that he had met with Mr. Licht and discussed the change
in the rezoning request from B-4 to Planned Unit Development (PUD) District.
Mr. Nord stated that he concurred with this change and requested that the
necessary legal notice be published and written notification supplied to property
owners. Furthermore, additional information was being supplied upon the
request of City .Staff, and as a consequence Mr. Nord requested continuation
of the Pubic Hearing. Mr. Nord then asked if there was anyone present who
had questions on the project and that he was willing b meet individually with
property owners in the area. No response was received from the audience.
79.78 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Geisness to continue the Public .
Hearing and republish required notices and. provide direct mailing to property
owners of the change in the. rezoning request from B-4 to PUD.
Roll call was taken on the motion; Ayes, Autolik, Asmu:, Geisne~, Enright,
Harvey, Hazel
The Chairman declared a five minute r+eaesa and would reopen the meeting at
8:00 p.m.
The Chairman reopened the meeting at 8:OD p.m. and asked for questionu from
the audience an the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. William Cooley stated that the Plan revbsions appeared to satisfy his con-
terns rotative to the southern portion of the Interstate Corridor District. He
stated a willingness b work with the city on implementation of the Interstate
Corridor Concept.
Mr. Thomas Wurst, Atbrney for Mills Fleet/Farm asked several questions per-
taining to existing zoning within the Freeway Corridor and on how the hansition
f l . •
• to the new zoning concept would be handled. Mr. Licht responded by stating
existing use would be allowed as well as other uses. New preformance criteria,
many of which would be applicable to the entire city would however be
Mr. Byron W. McCullough, Atbrney representing Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stewart
raised several questions pertaining to the prefornwnce standarcls to which Mr.
Licht responded .
Mr. James Sheely raised questions concerning property near Minnreg Road to
which Mr. Licht responded.
Commissioner Geisness indicated that he was still concerned about the provision anal•
distinction in between interim and long term uses in the InterstaM Corridor
District. He felt the city should permit only long term uses. Mr. Licht explained
that throughout the Plan Review. Proce~ the City Council and Planning Commission
had expressed concern over allowing owners use of their property. The interim
.use concept was in response to this sih~ation.
79.79 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Geisness that to allow sufficient
time for citizens and. property owners to review the proposed changes the
Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan-Policy Plan/Development Framework
• would be contined until 19 July 1979.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Asmus, Geisness, Enright, Harvey,
Hazel, Autolik.
Chairman Asmus opened the Public Hearing on the James G. Cowan Variance
Request on their property located at 10028 Ck,k Shore Drive. The request
is fora side yard variance to permit the construction of a new garage. Mr:.
Cowan was present to discuss the request and respond b questions from the
Commission. She indicated that the neighbor to the west originally had
opposed the new garage but-now is in favor as a result of correction of drainage
and run off ~oblems which wil! be taken care of as part of the proposed
project. She also stated that the addtion will be made ro look as part of the
original house. An architect has been retained to design the addtion. No one
else was present to speak on the request.
79.80 .Motion was made by Hazel, seconded by Autolr'1r. to close the Public Hearin
on the Cowan request.
Roll call was Mken on the motion: Ayes: Enright, Harvey, Hazel, Avtolik,
Asmus, Geisness~ '
• 79.81 Motion was made by Hazet, seconded by Harvey, to rocommend to the City
Council approval of the James Cowan Variance Request, subiect to the
.conditions contained in the planner's report of 12 June 1979, the City's
vacation of its drainage and utility easement, and the City Engineer's review
and approval- of site drainage.
Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayea: Enright, Harvey,. Hazel, Autolik,
Asmus, Geisness
The Chair advised Mrs. Cowan that the variance request would be considered
by the City Council at their 2 July meeting.
Chairman Asmus opened. the Public Hearing on the Charles Nolen Variance
and Conditional use Permit for the pr~rty located at 12305 (South side]
168th A~renue West. Mr. Knutson attested to the Validity of the hearing.
Mr. Nolen was present and explained his proposed development of a
single family.residents on the property. The Commission questioned Mr.
Nolen on off-street parking and whether this would possibly be a problem.
~ i
Mr. Holes responded that a garage as part of the house would be toward ~
western boundary of this structure. Commissioner Hazel questioned the elewtion
of the proposed house above the C+rchard lake Highwater mark. Mr. Nyhus
advised that the one foot elevation as shown on the plans was acceproble from
an engineering ~rspectiv+e.. Commissioner Aamus sroted that it has been Commission
policy in the past to refer development request for substandard lots within
the shorelarxi area ro the Natural Resources Committee.
79.82 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Harvey to refer the Charles Holen
Variance and Conditional Use Permit Request tofhe Natural Resources Committee
for review and comment and to continue the Planning Commission Public
Hearing unto the next regular meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes: Enright, Harvey, Hazel, Autolik,
A s mus, Ge i sness .
Mr. Licht was directed by Chairman Asmus ro inform. Mr.Holen of the Natural
Resources Committee's meeting date and to also request copies of the applicants
housing plans for Commiision review.
Commissioner Asmus reopened the Public Hearing on Mr. Leonarc! Bentson's
• request for a subdivision variance for his property in the vicinity of 205th
Avenue and Holyoke. Mr. Bentson appeared on his own behalf and explained
his reasons for requesting the variance. He sroted that he had cor?tacted his
neighbors and that they were in favor of his proposed single family housing
development on the site. He stated that they objected to the planner's
proposal to rezone the properly ro R-2 for duplex development. The Com-
missioners noted and discusseed that the property in the area, including the par-
cel proposed as Mr. ~ntsan's lot is 20,.000 square feet or greater in size. Add-
tionally asingle family structure' could be constructer on proposed lots
and 2 which would ~ in character with the immediately adjacent development.
79.83 Motion was made by Hazel seconded by Geisness ro close the Public Hearing
on Mr. Bentson's request.
RoII cal I was roken on the motion: Ayes, Hazel, Aural ik, Asmus, Geisness,
Enright, Harvey
79.84 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Enright to recommend to the City
Council denial of Mr. Leonard Bentson's Variance Request based upon the
Commission's finding that no physical hardship exists with regard to the
property and that the property can be developed as a single family residence
in keeping with the general character of the neighborhood.
• Roll call was taken an the motion: Ayes: AutoFik, Asmus, Geisness, Enright,
Harvey, Hazel
Mr. Bentson was advised by the Chairman that his request and the Commissioner's
recommendation would be considered by the City Council at their 2 July 1979
meeting .
The Commissioners discussed the agenda fcr their 5 July meeting. Mr.~Licht
was directed to arrange the use of a car for Commissioners ro tour property
to be discussed with Mr. McGarvey.
Commissioner Harvey raised o concern over the vaguene~ of pub{ic notices
published for hearings. He auggeated the City should investigate additional
means to more clearly identify property locations. The Commission concurred
that there is a problem and that the matter should. be discussed at the 19 July
meeting when Mr . McGarvey is in attendence .
79.85 IVbtion was made by Autolik, seconded by Geisness ro adjorn the meeting.
All ayes
1 i ~ . • •
AAeeting was adjorr~ed by the Chairman at 10:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
J n mus, airman ~ ecretary ~