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Planning Commission Meeting
August 2, 1979 7:30 p.m.
Tha meeting was calved to order at 8:10 p.m, by Chairman John Asmus. Roll call
was. taken: Present: John Asmus, John Antolik, Patrick Harvey and Charles Johnson,
Absent: lawrence Hazel, Marvin Gaisness, Nancy Enright.
Also present: Roger Knutson (City Attorney); LeRoy Nyhus(City~ngineer); Martha
Greenwald{City Planner).
79.114 Commissioner Harvey noted several corrections to the minutes of July 19 meeting. A
motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Antolik, ro approve the minutes as corrected.
Roll. call was.. taken on the motiono Ayes: Unanimous.
Chairman Asmus opened the public hearing on the application of James A. Millar. for a
below grade variance for a new house at 12330 West 162nd Street. Mrs. Miller
answered questions on the request. Chairman Asmus noted that the staff recommendation
was to approve the request subject. to review by City Engineer of driveway design, to-
ensure that water is kept off construction site and road right-of-way. Henry Rice,
-Lakeville resident, spoke on the request, asking why so many people had asked for and
roceived variances in that neighborhood. Chairran Asmus repFied that atl applicants
had been able ro indicate hardship. The City Engineer indicated that there were no
major problems he could see with the proposal, although ha wanted. ro examine blue-
prints in detail beforo approving.
79.115 Motion was`made by Asmus, seconded by Antolik, to close the public hearing on the
Millar roquest. Roll call on the motion: Ayes: Unaninwus.
79,116 Motion was mode by Antolik, seconded by Johnson, for approval of the Miller variance
subject to firwl review and approval of the request by the City Engineer.
Roli call on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous.
Chairman Asmus opened the public hearing on the application of Fronk Woytek for u
conditional use permit and variance to build a new home at Lot 6, Block t, Sullivan's
First Addition'to Marion Heights, 200th Street and Juno Trail. Chairman noted
that the City had still not received o $horelands Impact Plan as required by the
ordinance and requested in staff review of the roquast. There was some discussion
with the applicant over what should be included in the Shorelands Impact Plan. It
was noted that the Planning. Commission could not act on the request until all the
information had been received.
79.117 Commissioner Harvey moved that the public hearing be continued until all. informatcn
had been submitted by the applicant, Antolik seconded.
Roll call on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous.
Chairman Asmus opened the public hearing on the application of Dr. Brendan O'Brian
fora conditional use permit and variance ro build anew house on tot 7 and$, and
outlets G and H, Block 26 in Section 2, south of County Road 44 near Orchard. Lake.
Although insufficient information had been submitted to the Planning Commission for
its roview, he Chairman asked whether anyone wished. to make comments on the
:proposal. There was no further discussion. «
79.118 Commissioner Johnson moved, Antolik seconded, that the public hearing be continued.
Roll Call was taken on the motion; Ayes: Unanimous.
• The public hearing on the preliminary plat of take Villa Golf Estates was continued.
Representative of the applicant stated that a number of changes were being made, and
would be presented to the Planning Commission at its next meeting, Russ Striefland,
Lakeville resident living in the neighborhood where the development is proposed, spoke
about his concerns that utilities be arranged in the new subdivision so that he could
hook-up with them also. City Engineer affirmed that this should ba incorporated .into the
proposal .
79.119 Antolik moved, and Harvey seconded the continuation of the public hearing.
Roll call on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous.
The Planning Commission spoke with Parks Director Steve Michaud on the Parks and
Open Space Plan for Lakeville. Commissioner Harvey commented that the plan seemed to
represent the needs of those who were interested in organized sports, but he didn't-
see much in the plan for those who were not interested in these activities. Stated that
the plan did not address parks facilities for horse-shoes, volleyball, pcinicking, croquet,
modeF airplanes, or the extension of swimming facilities. Director Michaud answered
that the purpose of the plan was to respond to Metropoli#nn Councif requirements and.
to provide the basic skeleton of a parks plan for Lakeville. He stated that such passive
recreational needs are being considered in;upcoming parks proposals and plans by the
Members of the Planning Commission hod questions about the needs of elderly, vandalism
in the parks, and the needs for parks where none have been developed, as in the Clay
<,< area. Concern was also expressed that the park development should meet the needs
of the largest population groups. Commissioner Harvey stated that the needs of older
members of the population hod not been addressed.
In other business,. the Planning Commission was asked to respond. to a letter from David
Licht, Midwest Planning, on Section 4.4(1) of the existing Lakeville Zoning Ordinance
dealing with substandard lots. It was asked if the. Planning Commission concurred with
the interpretation of this sectionthat platted. substandard lots are automatically acceptable
if they are withing seventy percent of the minimum lotnrea requirements of the applicable
zoning district, and do not require approval by the Commission or the City Council in cases
not. involving shorefand. Commission members stated that in their interpretation, these lots
were automatically acceptable.
• _Asmus moved that the Planning Commission concur with the interpretation of this section
of the zoning ordinance by the staff. Harvey. seconded.
Roll call. on the motion: Ayes: Unanimous.
79.120. In new business, Chairman Asmus made a motion .that the Ciry Council consider the
procurementof a Planner to assist in administrative functions, grant applcations, etc.,
to facilitate review of planning proposals by the appropriate staff. The reasons given
were that at that evenYng`s meeting applicants were sent away because they had not been
rold what information was required to review theirappliaations. Chairman Asmus cited
the disappointment of citizens who turned up for meetings but were sent away when they
discovered belatedly that additional roquirements were needed far review of applications.
Johnson seconded the motion.
Roll col) on the motion: Ayes: Urwnimous.
79,121 There being no further business, a motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Harvey
to close .the meeting..
Roll call on the motion: Ayes:. Unanimous.
The meeting was odjoumed at 9~5 p.m.