• November 1, 1979.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by the chairman., John Asmus.
Roll call was taken. Present: Commissionmembers Harvey, Asmus, Johnson, and
Geisness. Absent: Enright and Antolik.
.Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; LeRoy Nyhus, Consulting City
Engineer; Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk.
79.158 Motion-was made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson to approve the minutes of
the October 18, 1979 Planning Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Asmus, Johnson a.nd Geisness.
At this time the chairman, John Asmus, opened the continued public hearing on
the application of Carl Schroeder, Speedy Markets for a preliminary plat,
conditional use permit and variance to build a convenience store with. gasoline.
sales at the corner of Dodd Road and Flagstaff Avenue... Mr. Asmus explained
to the citizens present that the staff had done research on the .question on
if and when Outlot B in Donnay's Valley Park 5th Addition was zoned B-4
Commercial. Mr. Asmus then called upon Roger Knutson to review a letter he
had sent to Mr. Schroeder concerning the matter.
• Mr. .Knutson reviewed his letter and concluded that from the research the staff
had made of City records from 1969 through .1975 that the Outlot B in Donnay's
Valley Park 5th Addition was not legally zoned by the City :Council to B-4
Commercial as indicated on zoning maps. Mr. Knutson explained that the
research had shown where a public hearing was called to rezone Outlot B from
resedential to commercial=industrial in 1970. However, after the calling. of the
hearing the City Council did not act in any'manner on Outlot B in the 5th
Addition. The minutes of council meetings for those years are silent on the
matter. However, a map was published in the officail city newspaper on April
11, 1973 that shows the outlot being zoned B-4. Mr. Knutson explained that
while the map was duly published, the council action approving Outlot B's
change to B-4 was never taken, and therefore, that part of the map is in error.
Mr. Asmus asked Mr. Schroeder if he had anything he wished to say. Mr.
Schroeder stated that he had invested over $70,000 purchasing the property
and preparing plans and that he was slightly upset with the current situation..
but that he .and his attorney would continue to investigate the matter. He
had no further comment.
The City Administrator had written a recommendation to the Planning Commission
requesting that the Planning Commission table any action on Mr. Schroeder's
application until December 6, 1979 Planning Commission meeting to allow the
applicant a fair amount of .time to .review any or all City records on this matter.
Several citizens present stated that they had received a gray and red colored
• book from the developer, Mr. Donnay, in the early 70's when they had purchased
their homes which included information concerning zoning and that none of
the books showed Outlot B in the 5th Addition being zoned commercial. The.
~ ~t_. •
• November 1, 1979
Casty Administrator stated that if any of the citizens still-had such a
book, the City would appreciate reviewing a copy of it as there was none
in the City files.
79.159 Motion was made by Geisness, seconded by Johnson to table. the application.
of Carl Schroeder,.S~peedy Markets, to the December 6, 1979 Planning Commission
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Asmus, Johnson, Geisness and Harvey.
The CityAdministrator presented the final plat of Bentson Addition and
recommended its approval.
79.160 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson to approve the final plat
of Bentson's Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Geisness, Harvey and Asmus.
At this time Dick Crawford of Rockey Mountain Log Homes appeared before the
Planning Commission to present their plans for the purchase of the Acorn
Heights plat and a request to construct one log home on one of the ..lots to
use as a model home.. Mr. Crawford presented pictures of a log home and gave
the Planning Commission a review of log homes, their energy efficiency and
• design characteristics.
He stated that if they purchased Acorn Heights from the current owner, they
.would be willing to wait, under terms of a development agreement with the
City, for a few years until city water and sewer can. be brought to that area
and then develop the rest of the plat with full urban services. In the
meantime, they would like to use one of the lots adjacent to the service road
for a model home because of its visibility .from I-35.
The City Administrator explained that Acorn Heights was platted 20 years ago
and that their plans for development and time table compliment the City's
plans for that area.
79.161 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson to recommend to the City Council
that a development agreement be prepared with Rockey Mountain Log Homes for
the Acorn Heights. Addition which would allow the use of one lot as a model
.home location.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Geisness, Harvey, Asmus and Johnson.
The City Administrator presented site plans and building plans for an
addition to the Crown Cork & Seal building in Airlake Industrial Park. The
City Administrator explained that the expansion plant included no additional
use of sanitary sewer and water which is in dispute with the City over
connection charges.
• November 1, 1979
79.162 Motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Geisness to adjourn the Planning
Commission meeting..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Harvey, Asmus, Johnson and Geisness.
Time: 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,.
Charles Johnson, Se etary
ohn.Asmus, Chairman