HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06-79 _ ~ ~ . LITY OF LAKEVILLE , Planning Commission Meeting December.6, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman John Asmus, Roll call was taken. Present: Commission members Johnson; Geisness; Antol ik; Asmus;.Enright; Harvey.. Also present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney; David Licht, City Planner. .79.179 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Johnson, to approve the minutes of the 15 November 1979 Planning Commission meeting. Roll call. was taken on the motion: Ayes:. unanimous. Chairman Asmus opened discussion: Df the Speedy Market subdivision and con- ditional use permit request. A letter dated 6 December 1979 from Mr. Rollin H. Crawford, attorney for Speedy Market was acknowledged as being received and read. The major question raised by the letter was a request for the Planning Commission to initiate `a petition for rezoning of the property in question from its present R-1C designation to B-4. Mr. Knutson advised the Commission that it did have the authority to initiate the request if so desired, The .Chairman asked if the representative of Speedy Market or others in the audience wished to speak. on the matter.. Mr. Carl Schroeder of Speedy Market indicated that he wished to discuss the rezoning further with his legal counsel . He stated that Speedy Market would definitely pursue a rezoning request. The Chairman polled each member of the Commission and all concurred that they thought it inadvisable for the Commission to initiate the request. Mr. Douglas. Rugaford, 6635 Lower 169th Street, RR #4, Farmington, stated that if rezoning was pursued, he wished to secure legal counsel for advice on the matter. He also requested to receive special notification of the next hearing as he was not within the-350 foot mailing distance of the Speedy Market property. The Chairman stated note would be made of his request, but was advised to watch the Dakota. County Tribune for public notice of any hearing and the Commission's meeting agenda. 79.180 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Harvey to Conti nue the publ is hearing. on the subdivision and conditional use permit applications of Speedy Market for the property at the southwest quadrant of the Dodd and Flagstaff intersections until such time as the applicant requested the matter on the agenda. Roll call was taken on the motion: Ayes: Geisness; Antolik; Asmus; Enr+ght; Harvey; Johnson. The Chairman advised the Commission that a letter had. been received from the. Minnesota Department of Transportation whichoutlined the suggested right-of-way for the realignment of Highway 50 west of its intersection with Dodd Boulevard. The. impact upon Mr. Tinges'. Viking Square development was illustrated in attachments. The Chairman made note that the.right-of-way may affect the White Funeral Home operation and requested clarification of the situafiion. The Chairman opened discussion of the request of Richard Ruh and John Dennehey to divide Lot 5, Block 1, Lidco Addition into two lots: The applicants and their Legal counsel were present. Mr. Licht advised that- the proposed split was for the purpose of receiving financing for two individual owners of .the duplex.. He suggested approval of the division subject to the City Engineer's approval of water ~ ~ , ~ 1.r ~ CITY OF LAKEVI LLE - Planning Commission Meeting December 6, 1979 .and sewer connections and the.City Attorney's review and approval of the property maintenance .agreement. Mr. Dennehey advised the Commission that separate water shutoffs had been installed. Mr. Harvey questioned creating two substandardlots and felt problems might arise in the :future if the existing duplex. was destroyed by fire or natural disaster. Mr. Knutson advised that a restriction for one building on the two properties could be added to the property owners agreement and that this would be filed against the property title. The applicant's legal counsel agreed with the suggested procedure. 79.181 Motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Enright to recommend to the City Council approval of the division of Lot 5, Block 1,-Lidco Addition subject to a condition being added to the property owners agreement that only one house ...could be built on the two. lots,. that the City Attorney review the property. owners agreement and that it be subject to his approval, and. that the water and sewer service to the duplex be subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. Roll call was taken. on the motion: Ayes: Asmus; Enright; Harvey; Johnson; Ge isness~, Antol ik The Commission stated that it was their position that the.City should proceed with amendments to the zoning and subdivision ordinances which would .properly handle such lot division and expedite their consideration.. CommissionerAntolik questioned if the City had ordinance restricting parking on the streets when snow. plowing was. required. He stated that he had seen difficulties being encountered by City crews. Mr. Knutson stated he would check City regulations to determine what if any controls exist. Mr. Licht advised that matters which .would be coming .before the Commission at future meetings include a .conditional use permit for the Church of God, a sub- division and rezoning request for Northland Mortgage's Foxborough Plat, the preliminary plat for Foxrun and the revised zoning ordinance. 79.182 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Enrigh to adjourn the meeting. Roll call was taken on .the motion: Ayes: Enright; Johnson; Geisness; Antolik; Asmus. Nays: Harvey Time: 8:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, a C arles Johnson, Secretor ATTEST: Jo n Asmus, Chairman 2