At 8:00 PM, Administrator P. McGarvey spoke the words of .allegiance with Nancy Enright,
thus making her appointment to the Planning Commission official, and she took her seat.
The meeting was opened by Secretary Larry Hazel. In addition to Hazel--Antolik, Lutgens,
Asmus, and Enright were members in attendance.
78.1 Motion made by Asmus and Antolik to approve the minutes of the meeting held
December 15th. Motion carried.
An election of officers for the coming year commenced.
78.2 Nomination of Lawrence Hazel for chairman of Year 1978 was made by Asmus and
Antolik. Motion carried.
78.3 Motion to close the nominations for chairman was made by Lutgens and Asmus.
Motion carried.
78.x+ Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Lutgens, to east a white ballot for
Lawrence Hazel to be Chairman. Hazel wished to abstain.
78.5 Motion by Lutgens, seconded by Enright to nominate John Asmus as Vice-Chairman
for Year 1978. Motion carried.
78.6 Motion by Antolik and Lutgens that nominations for Viee-Chairman cease. Motion
• carried.
78.7 Motion by Lutgens, seconded by Antolik, that a white ballot be cast for J. Asmus
as Vice-Chairman.
78.8 (A nomination was made of Lutgens for secretary, but he declined, saying that as
soon as all seats are filled on the Commission, thus assuring a quorum at meetings,
he will resign.) Motion was. made by Asmus, seconded by Antolik, to nominate
Nancy Enright as secretary for 1978. Motion carried.
7$.9 Motion made by Lutgens, seconded by Asmus, that nominations for secretary be closed.
Motion carried.
78.10 Motion made by Asmus, seconded by Lutgens, that a white ballot be cast for Enright
for secretary.
A continuation of preliminary plat public hearing for Dodd Park was the next order of
business. There were three representatives of the developers attending the meeting.
"Accurate, correct figures for park dedication are now being processed", was stated by
78.11 Motion was made by Lutgens and Antolik to continue the hearing of Dodd Park
preliminary to the 19th of January. Voting'Aye' were Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens,
Asmus, and Enright. Motion carried.
• The update on gravel permit application renewals, and a reviewal of Ordinance No. 10~+,
was the next agenda item.
Public Works Director Jim Robinette was present and asked if he would give some insight
to gravel pit permits and renewals situation. He said. there were very few "real" pits
in operation. Existing measure .is that when an excavator ceases his operation, he has to
abide by slope requirements, and anything else that may be required by the City.
Lutgens asked if there was, presently, any dangerous, abandoned "hole", which had become
a swimming hole. Robinette replied that there are none in the City. Robinette then went
on to say that Ordinance No. 10~+ was only redone about a year ago; it was at the same time
as the new fee schedule was established. Pits and excavations are inspected on a twice a
year basis.
• Asmus would like to suggest to Council that pits that were in existence, considered
"grandfathered", be controlled. (This was in reference to the state they would remain
when operation might cease.)
Lutgens thought a bonding policy should also be agreed upon. He wondered if it would be
legal to interject, when they renew permits, no matter who they are, be insured? The
discussion then began to center around when such a procedure could go into effect. R.
Knutson would write such an amendment, but he wanted to know what is really being asked--
everything in the ordinance to be complied with, or contours only?
Lutgens also inquired about hours of operation and possible dust control--noise of rock
crusher operation particularly. It was stated that, in the past, when told to limit their
.hours of operation, operating was done between 7AM and early evening.
R. Knutson will have something back to the Commission next week, he said, and P. McGarvey
will have gravel ordinance amendment on the agenda for either the 19th of January meeting
or February 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Okeson had been present this evening, waiting to discuss their problems
with a three-part variance hearing concerning property they had purchased on Lake Marion--
Lot 18, Block 1, Marion Heights. Mr. McGarvey explained what their variance application
consisted of--location of septic system, setbacks, and size of lot--for those who had not
attended the December 15th meeting.
Planner Steve Ryan distributed material to the Commission of a number of areas in the City
which have "too small measurements" to be deemed buildable. It was his opinion, to avoid
future problems developing, that many platted, but unbuilt, roads could be vacated. In
this event, many of the smaller lots that exist could be combined, by re-platting, and
made buildable, beyond question, and thus avoid the distressing situation the Okeson's
now find themselves.
The Neil Okeson application for variances public hearing .will be an agenda item for next
meeting, January 19th.
78.12 Motion was made by Enright and Antolik to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Enright, Secretary mek