HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-19-78 s • CITY OF LAKEVILLE • Planning Commission-Meeting Minutes 19 January 1978 8 PM Thursday Municipal Building Airlake 4~eeting was called to order by Vice-Ch. J. Asmus. (Ch. L. Hazel came later in the .evening and then took over the chair.) Answering roll were Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold.. Also in attendance were Attorney Knutson, representatives from Midwest Plannere, Steve Ryan and Brad Nielsen, Councilman G. Spande, Building Inspector D. Goodermont, Plumbing Inspector G. Langord, Park Director S. Michaud, Engineers F. Burg and D. Schneider-- also about twenty to twenty-five others--either developers or interested citizens,. as well as public hearing applicants. 78..13 Lutgens-Antolik motioned that the minutes of the meeting held January 5th be approved. Motion carried. Dodd Park preliminary hearing continuation began. Representatives of the developers, T. Murphy and Dale Hanson, were here with a different idea for park consideration--their donation would consist of all cash--and the nine lots thought not to be buildable because of possible flood hazard, were to be withdrawn, or be grouped as an outlot, until such time as they might possibly be approved by HUD. Such action made the development area to be 50.2 acres, (developer's figure}. The developers stated they were asking preliminary approval, with the above "rider". tidith the idea, as outlined, there would no longer be a walkway built, approximately halfway through the nine lots, as had been before agreed. • F. Burg spoke "any lot that would be built under 934.5 feet would be an incrngement of the flood area and would nod be insurable". J. Asmus, "this has been before us several times now and still everything has not been clarified between all Committees and Staff, etc., as it should be, before coming to the Planning CoTTmiission". R. Knutson gave the opinion, "if the developer wanted to gamble on HUD allowing building on the nine lots in question, that it could not hurt the City", S. Ryan said that if it was the desire of Planning Commission to send Dodd Park proposal back to Park & Rec Comm. for reviewal, that could be done. The developers spoke about the amount of time required to do calculations, and th are behind in their timetable as it is and it is getting to the point where they are ues- ,tioning whether it is feasible to continue. Also, why back to P & R when P & R had stated they wanted cash in the beginning? S. Ryan answered their question by saying.. that P & R has not seen this particular plat that is here tonight. Both Lutgens and Jensvold asked questions about Engineer's concerns which had been voiced in letters the first week in Jana F. Berg replied that the matters had been resbl- ed to their satisfaction. When asked his opinion, Park Director asked would 50.2 acres be the land area he would be dealing with, or some other figure? At this point, he felt sure P & R would want to see it back. • 78.14 Lutgens-Antolik motioned to continue the Dodd Park preliminary plat hearing until next meeting, February 2nd. Voting "aye" were Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. Motion carried. B. Lane and J. Tscholl began a review and discussion of their plans for developing a 70- acre, 171 lot-size parcel of land, north of Clay's Acres and south of 205th St. (Hwy 64). The widths of lots facing 208th St. in proposed Block 1 are narrow because of existing service, already in. The proposal is called "`1'1iP MP,~~ws". F. Burg, when asked for his comments, said the developer has not shown any upgrading for Jacquard St. This street is the western boundary of both The meadows and Clay's Acres-- and the eastern. boundary of Sullivan's. Jacquard Av. also connects 205th St. with 210th-- the traffic will increase, most probably, and the street will be what is known as a "collector", rather than "residential"--necessitating a wider street than what is shown. S. Ryan commented that a park adjacent to a railroad track is not too advisable.. The. Meadows developers were asked to contact Administrator McGarvey as to their next step. The continued tra.ri anc±ca rPA_,_,_r;,;~ for Neil and Candace 9$,~S,S21~, began. They wish to build on Lot 18, Block 1, in Marion Heights. Mr. Jim Bergerson was present with the Okeson's and spoke for them. Mr. Bergeson is an architect. He spoke of two questions, as he saw it-- area of the lot and the placing of the septic system. R. Knutson said there was only one new thing from last time--Mrs. Inez Jensen said she was the owner of Lots adjacent to Okeson's and she is one of several owners in common ownership. 1 ~ PT.ATTAT'f'~T(1 !'ntvmn~rea-rnrT , ..-.n (2) PLANNING CONIl`~1ISSION 19 JANUARY 1978 It is necessary to have a square footage, in this case, of , 0 sq. ft. Engineer D. Schneider passed out descriptive plan of how Okeson's planned their septic system. He said the methods planned were acceptable with the tie of soil that is found there. The drainfield, as shown now, does meet requirements, and it is designed for a family of four. The location of the septic tank is more than 50 feet away from the well and the drainfield is at least 75 feet away. The concern is that everything is so "tight" --"in ease of troubles needing repairs, it would be most difficult ~o repair. With the steep slope it is possible that the sewage could come to a "boil". Another problem is the trees, with the likelihood of roots invading the drainfield. These same trees, however, protect from erosion. S. Ryan said his comments had not changed from last time--there really are four variances involved--not two. Final findings were summarized bt R. Knutson, with dates in .the history of these lots going back to 1$79 and 1910, 78.15 Lutgens-Asmus motioned to close. the hearing. Voting "aye"', were Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Hazel, and gsmus. Motion carried. 7$.16 Lutgens-Asmus motioned to follow the recommendations of Staff, and the findings of R. Knutson which had just been read to them, and recommend Council deny the Okeson request for variances to build an Lot 18, Bioek I, Marion Heights. Voting to deny weres Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Hazel, Asmus, and Antolik. Mention passed. An examination of the proposed '~1S,toL' ~'r ~3~ nanr~P wa3 begun.. K. Lutgens had found some material where some counties have a charge levied on cubic feet excavated. In Chapter 605 of Laws of Minnesota, Clay Co. in 1961, followed by Wilkens and Norman Co.'s, charged 5¢ for every cubic yard extracted. R, Knutson sad there might be some correlation between this charge and maintenance of roads, bridges, etc. Asmus had additions he thought advantageous to add regarding the state a "used" pit is left, and Lutgens was concerned with depth. R. Knutson noted both questions. Enright asked that wordage seggested by NR Committee in their minutes of Jan. 17th, Motion 78.$, be incorporated in the new ordinance. This is a method to control erosion. R. Knutson will bring a further revision of this ordinance to the February 2nd meeting. R. Ryan discussed.. the four hearings scheduled for the Feb. 2nd. meeting. To which may be added the eon;tinued preliminary plat hearing of Airlake Industrial Park 2nd Addition. N. Enright asked for some guidelines from S. Ryan. on combination of several "too small" lots in the future, before we have some additional problems of would-like-to-build owners. He will come with some materials on this subject next time. Meanwhile, he made the suggestion that an article in the "Newsletter" on this situation, would be helpful to the public. G. Spande spoke of the codification of City ordinances which may take place. 78.17 Asmus-Hazel motioned to adjourn. Motion. carried. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Enright, Secretary mek • (2( PLANNING COMMISSION 19 JANUARY 1978