HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-02-78 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE • Planning Commission Meeting. Minutes • 2 February 1978 8 PM Thursday Municipal Building Airlake Chairman L. Hazel called the meeting to order. Answering roll were Hazel, Antolik, Asmus, Enright, and Jensvold. K. Lutgens was absent. 7$.18 Motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held the 19th of January was made by Asmus and Enright. Motion carried. Mr. Gary Parker's application for a home occupation permit to operate a TV repair service at 8710 210th St :d was the first public hearing of the evening. Administrator McGarvey attested to the proper publication and notices having been sent, to consti- tote a hearing. Objecting to the issuance of such a permit was Mr. R. Streefland, Sr., who occupies the home immediately west of the Parkers. He believes such a permit might create a problem with traffic on 210th St. Mr. Parker said he can not handle more than two people at a time. He is the only employee, and his wife helps him. When asked his opinion, Steve Ryan, planner, said "only thing changed from last time, several years ago, is the new home occupation ordinance. Merchandise will not be stored on the premises; it is not advertised; parking would not require more than three spaces. Assuming these things can be satisfied, we have no objections." Mr. Parker said his garage would accommodate one car and he has made arrangements to park his truck off the premises before and felt sure he could do this again. • L. Hazel asked what is average number of people who come per day? Mr. Parker said that he could service between six and eight sets per day, so there would be about eight to ten people per day calling at his shop, at the most. 78.19 Motion to close the public hearing of Mr. Gary Parker for a special home occupation permit to operate a TV repair service at 8710 210th St W, was made by Asmus-Antolik. Voting "aye" were Hazel, Antolik, Asmus, Enright, and Jensvold. Motion carried. 78.20 Motion was made to approve application of Mr. Parker, described at Motion No. 7$.19, with the conditions listed by the planner being met, and also that only one Parker vehicle be parked on the premises during business hours, 8 AM to 7 PM. Motion was made by Asmus-Antolik. Voting "aye" were Antolk, Asmus, Enright, Jensvold, and Hazel. Motion carried. Mr. Parker was advised this matter would be a Council agenda item on the 21st of February. Public hearing of Mr. John Tschohl's preliminary plat, known as "The Meadows", was the next agenda item. "The Meadows" is a development proposed for 70 acres immediately north of Clay's Acres. It would be bounded by Jacquard Av. on the west, 208th St. on the south, and Chi., Mlwk, & StP RR on the north--roughly 205th St W. Mr. McGarvey said the proper publication and notices to landowners had been sent, to make "The Meadows" a legal public hearing. Mr. Bob Rohlirl, surveyor, spoke of the plat to the Commission. Planner Steve Ryan reviewed their findings. The lots facing 208th St. are smaller than usually planned because the utility service was installed here previously. A traffic problem on 210th St may be a possibility, he felt. Also, the street SE of park proposal is a little bit narrow. The developer might turn the proposed park land into lots, would be better, he felt, because of the proximity to the railroad of the park land and the hazard of ehil- dren crossing here to get to Lake Marion. The width of Jacquard Av. should be considered. 78.21 Motion to continue the above hearing, "The Meadows" preliminary plat, until Feb. 16th, was made by Asmus-Jensvold. Voting "aye" were Asrnus, Fhzright, Jensvold, Hazel, and Antolik. Motion carried. Mr. McGarvey attested that information had been properly published and sent to make the public .hearing of Don Hall and Dick Wieaer a legal one. With this information, the • public hearing was opened. The applicants are appealing the requirement for 10 acres and also request a variance to construct a building below grade on a five-acre parcel on Keokuk Av., north of Waconia Homes. The applicants have a precast step business. The building they wish to construct would be of precast concrete. Mr. Hall also said there would be no more than twenty vehicles, even at a peak time, per day. J. Asmus asked, "does the process raise dust?" The answer was "no". It is completely dustfree. The finished product comes out of the building, only. There is no waste . Mainly two employees would be working, but no more than five. (1) PLAI`fitING COMMISSION 2 .FEBRUARY 1978 (2) PLANK COMMISSION 2 FEBRUARY 1978 • Mr. Asmus inquired about the line running down the center of the five acres. Might this be sub-divided in the future? Answer was "no". Mr. Wieser said natural gas line does go through the property and they wish to keep construction away from it. You have more of an exposure if the building is located where they propose, on the property. Mr. S. Ryan said most of the items concerning possible requirements here, had been covered in Mr. McGarvey's memo. He did have a question about street situation. Keokuk Av. is a gravel thoroughfare, with mostly farmland frontage. It is doubtful these owners would wish to improve the road. Mr. McGarvey asked if there would be outside storage here. Mr. Wieser said there would be an outside display area. Storage of gravel would be kept minimal and cement would be in a silo. J. Asmus asked if the planner was proposing the road be improved? S. Ryan replied,."no. I would prefer not to see that. Farm land is here. The City does not wish to entice development here.'" Asmus said he would not like to see a road improvement 'bit by bit'. 78.22 A motion to continue Hall-Wieser public hearing until March 2nd meeting was made by Asmus-Jensvold. Septic tank study is desired here. Voting "aye" were Enright, Jensvold, Hazel, Antolik, and Asmus. Motion carried. A continuation of the Dodd Park preliminary plat hearing was the next agenda item. No one was present to represent the developers. • 78.23 Motion was made to close the Dodd Park preliminary plat hearing. Voting "aye" were Jensvold, Hazel, Antolik, Asmus, and Enright. Motion carried. (Motion had been made by Antolik, seconded by Enright.) 78.24 Motion was made to table the Commission's making a recommendation until March 2nd, and to instruct Staff that if further materials are not available at that time, that the recommendation will be one of denial. Motion was made by Antolik-Jensvold. Voting "aye" were Hazel, Antolik, Asmus, Enright, and Jensvold. Motion carried. Shoreland regulations amendment to the Zoning Ordinance public hearing was begun when P. McGarvey said he had varification of the publishing of the notice and this does constitute a public hearing. Mr. Wally Potter, Lake HIarion resident asked for a "run-down" of the situation. S. Ryan gave one by saying that in 1974 the State of Mn asked the Natural Resources Dept to draft a model shoreland ordinance. All cities are under a mandate to adopt such an ordinance. We have been working on one for Lakeville since 1975 and the DNR has issued changes and a number of drafts have been made. Mr. Potter asked about what time there was to approve such az~ ordinance. The State will officially notify each city about its lake classifications. Officially, we have not been notified. After the notification,. we would have sixty days. .Twelve months later, the City Council will have to act. An estimate of time would be sixteen to eighteen months frog tonight, and the regulations must be in effect. Mr. Sternberg, an Orchard Lake resident, also with land bordering on Lake Kingsley, express- . ed the thought that we can write what we want in it. Mr. Ryan said there was a question about how much flexibility there was.. One thing can not be changed--the standards themselves--but we can change the aPProach. Mr. Jack Pavlike, of Lake N~arion, spoke of wastes being drained into the lake from the gravel companies--and asked if this would be allowed to continue. Mr. Sternberg read approximately twenty to twenty-four changes/additions he wished to have made in the proposal. Ms Sandy Goetz statedshe approved of Mr. Sternberg's state- ments. L. Hazel spoke saying the amendment was in the nature of preserving resources that now exist. Mr. Earl Larson, as well as Mr. Potter, had more questions to ask. These were in regard to impact plans and highground water elevations. 78.25 Motion was made by Asmus-Enright to continue the public hearing on shoreland requirements. amendment until the 16th of March. Voting "aye" were Antolik, Hazel, Asmus, Enright, and Jensvold. Motion carried. Mr. cordon Lane, Lake Marion resident, was also interested in highwater mark. He asked, (2) PLANNING COMMISSION 2 FEBRUARY 1978- (3) ~~ING COMMISSION 2 FEB 1978 • "is it still not ascertained"? 78.26 Motion was made by Antolik-Asmus to c©ntinue the continue the Airlake Industrial Park 2nd Addition preliminary plat hearing until March 2nd. Voting "aye" were Antolik, Asmus, Enright, Jensvold, and .Hazel. Motion carried. A reviewal of future agenda items was made by P. McGarvey. 78.27 Motion by Enright-Antolik to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Nancy Enright, Secretary mek ~ ~ ~ • i (3) PLANNING CC~INRSSLON 2 FEB 1978