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• FEBRUARY 16, 1978
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman Larry Hazel.
Roll call was taken. Present:, Lutgens, Antolik, EYiright,
and Jensvold. J. Asmus was absent.
Also present: Roger Knutson, Attorney; Steve Ryan, Planner; Darrell Schneider,
Consulting City Engineer; Dave Goodermont, Building Inspector
78.28 Motion was made by Antolik and seconded by Enright, to approve the minutes of the
February 2, 1978 Planning Commission meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. fires: Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Jensvold, and
Mr. Bob Roblin, Surveyor, enumerated the changes which had been made in "The
Meadows" plat--deletion of the 3-acre park, and changed th,e alignment of the
street at the SE corner of the former park dedication. Instead of 171 lots,
the proposed development now contains 180 lots.
Steve Ryan's comments were the railroad would present some safety hazards (as
concerned the former park dedication),--there were some liability concerns. The
railroad track may~e abandoned, but the information is sketchy at this time.
Park service area will certainly extend to the west of this area. We can properly
focus on the western area. What Lakeville is going to need is a much larger park
• (than the 3-acre park of the original proposal).
Engineer Schneider took part in the discussion on parks by explaining that although
park consideration may or may not be finally located in the 100-year floodway,
locating in such a floodway would not be all that disadvantageous as water would
not reasonably be found there except once in every 99 years.
78.29 Motion was made by Jensvold and seconded by Enright to close the public hearing
of the applicant, Mr. John Tseho~, for preliminary plat approv~.l of proposal
known as "The Meadows", located north of Clay's Acres, between Jacquard Av. and
Dodd Blvd.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Members who voted aye: Antolik, Enright,
Jensvold, Hazel, and Lutgens.
Further discussion centered an the 'flow procedure' by which an applicant brought
materials before the three committees, justification of numerous parks and their
maintenance, and how easily park dedication monies seem to be lost sight of,
through no one's fault.
78.30 Motion was made by Hazel and seconded by Lutgens to recommend acceptance of the
Meadows preliminary plat the way it was presented to the Commission tonite, the
J 180-lot-size. We also recommend that the City Council requests money to acquire
a park sufficient in size to service the entire area, but take no park land at this
Roll ell was taken on the motion. Ayes: Jensvold, Hazel, Lutgens, Antolik.
Nay: Enright. Motion carried.
N. Enright stated she voted "nay" because "I see the need for park land and I am
concerned about future development."
A discussion began with Mr. Bob Peterson concerning his plan for building four-
plexes on"Outlot B'n Dakota Heights 7th Addition. This outlot is bounded on the
north. by a future 175th Street, and by Outlot A on the west. Zoning here is R-3C,
which is more than sufficient. He would like to build six fourplex units. 'Water
and sewer service is on two sides of the outlot, and there are three stubs on it.
S. Ryan asked about the maintenance of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Peterson stated this
• would be the concern of the owners of the buildings.
D. Schneider outlined costs of road construction at present time,as being X13 per
foot for. residential areas. State Aid, roughly, picks up about 1/3 of the cost.
R. Knutson repeated the conditions by which an applicant might apply for a vari-
ance. Chief of these is that an applicant must prove that a hardship exists.
S. Ryan asked Mr. Peterson if he had considered building some other type of units--
townhouses? Or some other arrangement to tuck them in closer? Mr. Peterson does
not wish to be in competition with townhouses that exist further north, and he does
not wish to change the style of his planned buildings.
Mr, Peterson was informed of a Staff meeting that would occur on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd,
1:30 PM or 2:00 PM, in the Johnson Building, where he might want to bring .his
materials. He was asked to call Administrator McGarvey on the matter, when he
is in his office on Tuesday.
A reviewal of proposed amendment to Ordinance No, 10~+ commenced. There were four
changes that were suggested, dealing primarily with measurement to be used to
determine the need for a permit, and a simplified language. Mr. Knutson made
note of the suggestions..
78.31 Motion was made by Antolik and Enright to adjourn the meeting. .Unanimous decision.
Respectfully submi d,
,9 _
Nancy En~'ght, Se retary mek