MARCH 2, 1978
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice-Ch, J. Asmus.
Roll call was taken. Those present were Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik,
Pierceall, and Jensvold; absent were Hazel and Enright,
Also present were Attorney R. Knutson, Planner S. Ryan, Engineer F. Burg,
and Dave Goodermont, Building Inspector.
78.32 Lutgens and Antolik made motion to approve the minutes of the meeting
held February 16, 1978. Motion carried.
Attorney Knutson stated that he found no record of neighboring landowners
being notified of the public hearing of Mr. Glenn Klotz to re-zone and re-
plat property located in Block 1 of Weisner's Lake Addition at Orchard Lake.
Mr. Klotz stated he had left a list at City Hall of all residents within
..350 feet of this property. Mr. Knutson said if the Commission wished to.
make a recommendation on the two hearings of Mr. Klotz' this e~zening, they
could do so, subject to the verification that proper notices had been sent.
Among the residents who live adjacent to Lois 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Weisner's
Lake addition, were Mr. and Mrs. I. McClsh, Mrs. Jack Gralow, Mrs. Art
Galehutt, Mr. John Anderson, Mr. McMiehaels, and Mr, H. Lau, who attended
this meeting.
• Reasons for objecting to the rezoning of this property were these (as given),
"because it would make smaller lots", "feels there would be more sewer
problems", and, "not clear what would become of the present cul de sac, with
the re-zoning".
H. Lau asked if planner would explain the problem with the sewer. Since
the engineer was in the audience, too, the planner turned the explanation
over to him. "It ie a complicated problem", said Mr. Burg, "and there will
have to be an answer found--no matter whether more buildings are. located here,
or not". Mr. Lau spoke of another developer that would likely be coming in
with the same problems to be addressed.
Mr. McClish was wondering about the different information he had received
about hooking up with City service. He said he had been told to wait until
19$O to do this--and now approximately five more houses are going to be allowed
to hook onto the sewer line. Wouldn't it be better to solve the problem first,
and then build the houses? S. Ryan addressed this question by saying that
Metro Waste Commission had placed a limitation on how many homes. could be
hooked up to public service about a year ago.. People whose systems are
working adequately are asked to defer a changeover until the new waste dis-
posal plant is finished. D. Goodermont said the new sewer pipe would be in "
operation in June 1979, according to information he had received.
S. Ryan gave the following statements when asked for his recommendations.
"There is a problem on the .area's character. We have yet to arrive at a
derision of the neighborhood's character. It would appear to below-density.
The rim of the lake has some high density housing, in comparison to the size
of .the lots. Away from the lake, the opposite is true. The hill does provide
Mr. Asmus asked to have shorel~:ne contemplated changes explained. S. Ryan
said these lots we are considering tonight are not substandard lots. There
is .now a question of whether Upper 167th Street can be extended. It was his
suggestion to "delay action until the topography is known." Pierceall asked
about how a lot zoned R-1B compared with a lot zoned R-lC, in size? S. Ryan
thought that the lots that rim the lake vary from B,000 to 20,(1QQ sq feet--
lots across the street, from 12,000 to 13,000 sq feet. Pierceall went on to
ask the neighbors of the lots in question'if the proposed lots were smaller
than theirs? Mrs. Gralow agreed her home was on a small lot, but asked if
that made it right? She says she knows their homes are too close together.
• Jensvold asked if these lots,.(the ones belonging to nearby residents), were
purchased by you, a.nd then developed, or were they developed by a contractor?
The answer was that they had been developed by a contractor.
Mr. J. Anderson stated that there are two lots next to his home that he is
guessing to be 120 feet wide. F. Burg said that the original plat (of Weisner's)
had dedicated the right-of-way for a cul-de-sac; also, there is going to have
to be maintained a turnaround of some sort for the sake of safety. Mr. McClish
wished to know whcAe obligation it was to upgrade this road? Mr. Burg said we
would have to look back and see what was the developer's agreement at the time
• ( 2 ) PLAP~TING CO~SION 2 MARCH 1978
of platting. Mr. Knutson said there is about X7,000 set aside for the
development of this road.
Mr. Lutgens questioned why the planner had made his recommendations based
on four lots. S. Ryan said that the original plat that he had, had indicated
"four". In order to keep the lot size up, we are recommending "four". They
had not recognized that the cul-de-sae might be gone, however.
A~smu.s questioned the advisability of re-zoning a small area to R-1C zoning
when the entire immediate area is R-1B. Jensvold wished to know when infor-
oration would be available, regarding topography, etc., from the planner,
and possible extension of Upper 167th St. Mr. Ryan thought it would be
possibly a month and a half before such information would be available from
Midwest Planners. ~dhen asked his further opinions, Mr. Ryan said he does
not see the proposed re-zoning as "spot zoning", it is the topography of the
area that he is uncomfortable about; the extension of Upper 167th Street is a
key element.
When asked if he would agree to a continuation of the public hearing con-
cerning re-zoning of Lot 3, Block 1, of Weisner's Lake Addition until April
6, 1978, Mr. Klotz said he did agree.
78.33 Pierceall-Jensvold motioned to continue the public hearing of applicant Mr.
Glenn Klotz to re-zone Lot 3 of Block 1, Weisner's Lake Addition, from R-1B
to R-1C, until April 6, 1978.
• Roll call was taken on the motion. Voting 'aye' were Asrnus, Lutgens, Antolik,
Pierceall, Jensvold.
When asked if he would agree to a continuation of the public hearing con-
cerning replatting of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1 of Weisner's Lake Addition
until April 6 , 1978, Mr. Klotz said he did agree.
78.3+ Antolik-Lutgens motioned to continue the public hearing of applicant Ntr.
Glenn Klotz to replat Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1 of Weisner's Lake Addition
until April 6, 1978.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Voting 'aye' were Lutgens, Antolik,
Pierceall, Jensvold, and Asmus.
A continuation of public hearing of Mr. Donald R. Hall repealing the require-
ment of 10 acres to build in unsewered area was the next item on the agenda.
Mr. Don Hall was present and handed the Commissioners copies of the percula-
tion test made on the property, which he said he had only just received.
It gave a favorable recommendation to handle the useage.
When asked his opinion, Mr. Ryan said there were a number of issuer involved.
Besides private water and sewer there was the question of road improvements,
the industrial development policy that Lakeville has adopted which encourages
development in sewered Airlake Industrial Park, and area compatibility--there
are a number of things that might be encouraged at this location, other than
• pre-cast step manufacture that is being proposed.
Mr. Hall said they don't need a 9-ton road for their operation and that he does
not feel they will create more traffic than business already there.
Attorney Jerome Blatz, retained by Mr. Hall, stated that the Hall business
would be an ideal use of the property. Mr. Gnerer had sold neighboring
property to Waconia Homes. The Hall-Wieser business necessitated them
driving across people's lawns too, and this would indicate their lack of
needing a 9-ton road; plus, the zoning was industrial. He passed affidavits
concerning their business-use at LaCresent.
Planner Ryan spoke saying that the road useage has .been a most critical policy
in Lakeville since 1976. The question about 'precedent' is certainly a key
Mr. Tony Haek, 21219 Keokuk Av., spoke in favor of allowing the business.
K. Lutgens asked the applicants why they didn't go into the industrial park
with their business? Mr. Wieser said they have to have exposure to the public
and he thought the cost would be prohibitive for them.
78.35 Pierceall-Jensvold motion to close the public hearing of Mr. Don Hall
to build in unsewered area.
Roll call was taken. Voting 'aye' were Antolik, Pierceall, Jensvold, Asmus,
and Lutgens.
.7$.36 Pierceall-Lutgens motioned to recommend denial of NLr. Hall's application
to build in an una~wered area.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Voting to recommend denial were Pierceall,
Jensvold, Asmus, Lutgens, and Antolik. (Based on planner's findings of Feb 24,78
78.37 Lutgens-Antolik motioned to open public hearing on Mr. Don Hall's application
for a conditional use permit to build in an unsewered area.
Roll call was taken. Voting 'aye'`-.were Jensvold, Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik,
and Pierceall.
78.38 Lutgens-Pierceall motioned to recommend denial of Mr. Don Hall's application
for conditional-use permit on an unsewered area.
Roll call was taken. Voting to deny were Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Pierceall,
and Jensvold.
Mr. Tim Meaning was present as representative of Dodd Park proposal. They
are proposing park dedication be cash. Flood plain level was determined to
• be 934.5 feet; housing they are proposing will have basements above a 940-ft.
elevation. They will submit their figures to Barr Engineering as to how
much they are encroaching flood level. As they see it, they have three
alternatives to meet the cost of storm sewer: (1) developer to complete it
at his cost, (2) ask landowaers further north to help with the cost, or
(3) ask the benefitted lots be assessed.- The 'flood fringe'
is asked to be the same as has been discussed. 1t the developer wishes that
line to be changed, he will have to request the City to do it.
Mr. Henning said what they would like tonight would be a recommendation of
approval of concept. When individually asked, each Commissioner verbally
gave his approval.
The next agenda item considered was the request of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Haglund to build a metal pole type building on their property at 19874
Holyoke Av., for storage purposes.
Hrs. Haglund stated that when they purchased their 42 acres in 1965 it
was agriculturally zoned. They were unaware that the zoning had changed,
they had never received any notice about it. They ordered and made a pay-
went on a metal pole type building last October and it is soon to be
delivered. Their neighbors have been allowed to build such buildings, in the
78.39 Antolik-Lutgens motioned that the resolution regarding metal type pole
buildings be restricted to ag~°icultural zoning, should be maintained.
• Roll call on the motion, voting 'aye' were Lutgens, Antolik, and Asmus,
Voting 'nay' were Jensvold and Pierceall. Motion carried on a split vote.
Reasons for voting negative cadre: Jensvold, "ordinance should allow flexi-
bility", and Pierceall,"ordinance denies, in this ease, reasonable equity
to the people involved".
78.40 Lutgens-Antolik motioned to set the date of public hearing for an ordinance
prohibiting filling, excavating, digging, and grading of earth and the
opening of pits or excavated areas without first obtaining a permit therefore,
and providing for the issuance of permits and penalties for violation thereof
--to be .~gril 6, 1978.
Voting 'aye' were Antolik, Pierceall, Jensvold, Asmus, and Lutgens.
• Mr. Bob Peterson was not present so Commission did not review his concept
for proposed development of Outlot B, Dakota Heights 7th Addition. Hr.
Knutson reported that Mr. Peterson is talking to staff about developing
this property.
Mr. Ryan reviewed the revised System Statement which had been received from
Metro Council. It contains the most recent adoption of the airports chapter,
general rural use policies, and population figures, employment figures, and
household figures. These last two have been figured "down" from the last
report. The mayor has written a letter to Mr. Boland at Metro Council,
concerning their report. It is not believed to be a fair representation
• of actualities.
78.x+1 Lutgens-kntolik motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully subm' ed,
Nancy 'ght, Se retary mek
r~d~cted for l~r~h r
• ~
ake s stem.
By Dennis Kienlen 4,824,500 gallons were handled. funding may be necessary since the
This was computed down to an .original line was not constructed
The City Council was presented average residental usage of 20,500 properly.
recently,with a report on_the Orchard gallons. The report'suggests thatthe city ap-
Lake sewage district prepared by ply. for, federal. and state. funding for ;
Consulting Engineers Diversified, and Copies of the report were in short ~ three projects which total
the end conclusion is that a great.deal supply, but the report indicates that $1,270,000 ($?90-,000 $113,000
of work should be done. On January the Sys#ern is far from perfect with and $367.0001.
fourth, the lift station on Jersey .Way possible engineering mistakes. Con- One project calls for a subtruck being
backed up when. it was unable to suiting Engineers suggest that extended along the extension of
handle the increased..flow from the another subtruck be installed to the ..172nd Street to-the.East side of 35 at
larger ..station to the west. The Connelly Mobile Home Park and a Cost of $36?,000. Several alter-
engineering •report states that unless Acorn` Motel area since "the area natives are presented in the report,
constructive measures. are taken; "cannot be properly served by the but each,one involves a large invest-'
similiar spills.. will occur regularly lines already constructed." meet of capital: Teh report.. does
every 3-6 months. point out that the present system is
The enginering report states, inadequate and "cons#ructive
The district handles a great deal of , however, that the area has already measures" must be taken in the near
sewage as during the .fall quarter of~ . been assessed for the sewer line, and future to avoid further. breakdowns in
19??, the report states hat ~ points out that alternative sources of the system.
Above article appeared in the 1i.`~'~~'VILLE TIMES which was published the
same week as the Planning Commission meeting on March 2, 1978. It is the
article referred to by Nlrs. Gralow and which Mr. Frank i3~.irg answered, aptly,
paragraph of these minutes, Page 1, middle of the page, beginning "H. Lau
asked", etc.