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• ! CITY OF LAKEV'.LLLE Plannin Commission Meetin Minutes g g Thursday ..'March 16, 1978. $:00 PM Municipal Bldg. Chairman L. Hazel called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM. Answering'rdll call were Hazel, Lutgens,-Antolik, Asmus, Enright, and Jensvold. The member absent was Piereeall. Present also at this meeting were: Attorney R, Knutson, Planner D. Licht, Engineer F. Burg,.Councilman G. Spande. 78.x+2 Antolik-Lutgens motioned to approve the minutes of the meeting held March 2, 1978. Voting..'aye' were Lutgensf Antolik, Asmus, Enright, Jensvold, and Hazel. Architect with Constructive Designs, Francis Sehuck, and Mr. Pat Murphy. of lst Lakeville State Bank discussed plans for constructing a new building on the south, side of 207th Street, between Holyoke Avenue and Howland Avenue. The plan will accommodate thirty-three cars in the lot and there will be cireulaton.space .through the area in two directions. The building will be brick. on all four sides with a minumum of window space, thus saving energy--the building will be solid as much as is possible.. • J. Asmas questioned whether or not this. traffic would necessitate the installation of another stop sign on Holyoke Av.? Neither the planner nor the engineer could forsee a problem in this connection. 78.x+3 Lutgens-Asmus motioned to recommend. approval of the building plans of -lst Lakeville State Bank. Voting 'aye' were Antolik, Asmus, Enright,. Jensvold, Hazel, and Lutgens. Mr. Bernie Grt~besh of Airlake Industrial Park was present this evenng._ He stated the developer would like the hearing of Airlake Industrial Park 2nd Addition pre- liminary plat be continued. 78.~~+ Asmus-Antolik motioned to continue-the public hearing on Airlake Industrial Park 2nd Addition. until such time as material is submitted to them by the developer. Roll call on the motion resulted in Asmus, Enright, Jensvold,. Hazel, Lutgens, and Antolik voting 'aye'. -Mr. Bernie Grubesh wished .approval recommendation for an addition to the present J and E building in Airlake Park. The planner has looked at the plans for this. addition. Mr. Grubesh had not realized that the plan, as submitted, exceeded .the rear yard-setback by 22 feet. He stated that they wished to correct the overage rather than ask for a variance, so that the plans would conform with the ordinance. K. Lutgens asked ifthe planner had no objections to the building plan, if the 22 foot problem were taken care of? "No", was the answer. L. Hazel wished to know if the addition would be consistent with the rest of the building. "Yes", was the answer. 78.x+5 Lutgens-Antolik motioned to recommend approval of the J & E Addition plans, subject (1) PLANNING COM~SSION 16 MARCH.1978 . (2) PLANNING COON 16 MARCH ..1978 to correcting the rear yard setback problem of 22 feet. Roll call was taken on the motion.. Voting 'aye' were Enright, Jensvold, Hazel, Lutgens Antolk, and Asmus. Attorney Knutson spoke on the proposed Shoreline Ordinance by saying that at a recent meeting with DNR people, they have an objection to the double classification of Lake Marion:. The planner felt that this would be allowed, after being considered further. There will be a letter `from them, sent to City Hall, before next meeting, apparently. On the strength of .this,. it was their advice to continue this hearing until next meeting. Mr. Asmus believed consideration should be given to a moratorium on.~allse~rg within 1,00 feet of a lake. There could be a problem, he felt, if applications for building. started coming before the shoreline ordinance was enacted.. 78.x+6 Asmus-Hazel motioned to recommend to Council that a moratorium be declared which would restrict the development of the area surrounding a lake within 1,0~~ feet for re-zoning and platting for a period. of 12~ days, or until the shoreline ordinance is enacted. C ~~~e ~ Roll call on the vote--voting 'aye' were Jensvold, Hazel, Lutgens, Antolik, Asmus and Enright.. 78.x+7 Asmus-Enright motioned to continue the public hearing of the shoreline ordinance untl.April 6, 1978. Roll call. on the motion resulted-in Hazel, Lutgens, Antolik, Asmus, Enright, and Jensvold voting 'aye'. Mr. Wally Potter, present in the audience, wished to present p3~anning members with copies of a letter listing his suggestions on a shoreline ordinance. 78.x+8 Antolik-Lutgens motioned to accept the .letter written by Mr. W. Potter re shoreline suggestions.. Roll call on the motion resulted in Lutgens, Antolik, Asmus, Enright, Jensvold, and Hazel voting 'aye'. Planner stated he would develop a response to Mr. Potter's letter.. Mr. Tim Meaning, representative for developers of Dodd Park, was present asking for approval of this preliminary plat in order to facilitate their going to Barr, Engineering for approval of their plans for area in .their proposal that is in flood way. Bc3th the planner and. the engineer stated that any problems they may have had on Dodd Park originally, have now been answered. 78.x+9 Asmus-Antolik motioned to recommend approval of Dodd Park preliminary plat, as it has. now been presented, subject to Barr Engineering report on the flood. plain. (The developer stated he agrees to waiving the sixty-day period of time limitation.) Roll call on the vote resulted in Antolik, Asmus, Enright, Jensvold, Hazel, .and Lutgens voting 'aye'. Mr. Bob .Peterson distributed plans for, his proposal to develop Outlot B, .Dakota Heights 7th Addition with multiple housing units. (2) PLANNING CCMt~ssION 16 MARCH 1978 • (3) PLANNING COMMIS 16 MARCH 1g78 Planner. said that Mr. Peterson's plans had gone through a lot of time by staff. The zoning here is R-3C, but the intensity would rate a R-3A rating. All ©f the lots do conform to ordinance.. It is a concept plan which we are looking at tonight... The planner did recommend this plan as an acceptable situation. Mr. Peterson se~id that all floor plans are basically the same, but he will be .changing the outside appearances. The Planner said "this is a lower density than what is allowed". 78.50 Jenseold-Asmus motioned to .approve the concept plan of Bob Peterson's for develop- ment of Outlot B in Dakota Heights 7th Addition. Roll call vote resulted in Asmus, Enright, Jensvold, Hazel, Lutgens, and Antolik .voting 'aye'. The next item on the agenda was the concept plan of an addition to Country View .Mobile Home Park. Mr. Larry Frank was the representative of the Park, of Gustafson Associates.. They .are seeking approval of an additional 108 lots. At the present time they have 365, all occupied, and with a waiting list. Mr. Asmus wished to know what are the safety records here? Mr. Frank said a 10 MPH speed law exists. Planner Licht said the cul-de-sac and the dead-end street would be a problem in their plan. The Country View Mobile Home Park expansion plan. may be a possible agenda item for April 20th. Mr. Jerry Clay was present and wished to discuss with Planning Commission his.. concept plan for Dodd. Terrace--an area, small in size, east of Clay's Acres. Presently, he would like to developll lots and the rest of the 15 acres after the Pirst 11 lots are sold. These 11 lots are on an area of 3.96 acres. Mr. Clay said the area had sewer and water connections. He would wish to make the park dedication a cash donation. Dodd Preliminary plat hearing .for/Terrace is scheduled for April-6, 1978. 78.51 Antolik-Jensvold motioned to approve .the. concept plan of Dodd Terrace. Roll call vote resulted in Enright, Jensvald, Hazel, Lutgens, Antolik, and Asmus voting 'aye'. The ,Planning Commission wished Mr. Wally Potter's letter response to be an agenda item for next meeting, April 6th. Excavation amendment public hearing is scheduled for April 6th. Mr. Jerry Spande asked, because of Mayor Lekson's; interest, that Planning Commission investigate the possibilities of allowing trailers on farms, if the occupants of the trailer are children of the farm operator. This will be an agenda item for meeting of April .20th. Sewer problems--why they exist--were explained by Frank Burg and G. Spande. 78.52 xazel-Lutgens motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. GR~~pectfully suhm' d, ' `~'Y`~ N. Enri~h'6„ Secre rv ~~1 UT.ARTitTTAT['! n;~m~eTnr,r.... _._RRARF'LT ,n~€z ,~e~