HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-06-78 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
Thursday April 6, 1978
• 8:00 PM
The meeting began at 8 PM, with the Viee-Ch. John Asmus calling the meeting to
order until the Chairman, L. Hazel, would be present.
Members answering roll were John Asmus, Karl Lutgens, John Antolik, Nancy Enright,
John Pierceall. (Larry Hazel arrived at 8:10 PM.) Norm Jensvold was absent.
Also present for this meeting were Planner Steve Ryan, Attorney Roger Knutson,
Engineer Frank Burg, Administrator Pat McGarvey, Building Inspector Dave Goodermont,
and Councilmember Jerry Spande.
78.53 Motion was made by Asmus and Lutgens to approve the minutes of the meeting held
March 16th, with the change and correction asked by J. Asmus on Page 2, "sub-
division development" is the wording to be used instead of "any building" in the
first sentence of Paragraph 3, and "that this could be a problem if any sub-
division development occurred" is to be added to Motion No. 78.x+6.
Roll call on the motion resulted in Linens, Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, and
Asmus voting 'aye'.
Items #3 and of the agenda, continued hearings of Glenn Klotz, were deferred
until the Chairman, Larry Hazel, would be present.
Mr. McGarvey attested to the fact that the public hearing of Dodd Terrace was a
• legally published and notified surrounding property owners' hearing, and could be
Mr. Jerry Clay, developer of Dodd Terrace, was present, showed the plat plan,
location, and was ready to answer any questions.
Mr. Bill Martin asked for an explanation of what the use would be of the
property located "behind" the 11 lots that were proposed for development at this
time. Mr. Clay stated there. would be another 33 lots developed at a later date.
This would include an extension of 20$th Street, and another street, which would
procede north.
Mrs. Barb Strommer wished to know more about the development of property located
behind Norgaard's and to 208th Street. Mr. Hazel spoke saying that this hearing
was to discuss the plans of the eleven lots located on the preliminary plan.
78.5+ Motion was made by Antolik and Asmus to close the Dodd Terrace preliminary plat
Roll call on the motion resulted in Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus,
and Lutgens voting 'aye'.
78.55 Motion was made by Antolik anal Lutgens to recommend approval of the Dodd Terrace
preliminary plat, subject to planner's recommendations of street lighting in their
letter of March 27, 1978 and recommendations of engineer. re back-grading in his
letter of April 1978.
..Roll call on the motion resulted in Enright, Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens,
and Antolik voting 'aye'.
Mr. Clay was told that the matter would be on the Council agenda for their meeting
on April 17th.
The continued hearing of Glenn Klotz began on his request to rezone Lots 1, 2, and
3 of Block 1, of Weisner's Lake Addition from BBB to R-1C. Mr. Klotz was present
and had brought his maps of how the property was nor and also of his proposal to
change the area. He did not wish to procede with a cul-de-sae. Engineer Burg
pointed out why he felt the cul-de-sac should remain, so Upper 167th St. residents
could be turning at this point. Planner Ryan spoke "five lots will not fit, if
the cul-de-sac stays".
a Mr. Jack Gralow, in the audience, asked to speak. He said he had been a former
chairman of a planning body that had originally planned to have this area developed
in larger lots because of the rolling hills, etc. There has been some lot develop-
ment in the area that has led to a higher density than what was planned.
Mr. Asmus suggested that no changes be made in zoning at this time, because of the
dangers of 'spot zoning', but wait "until we can do all the area".
A discussion arose between the differences between a lot located in R-1B zoning
and in R-1C zoning. In R-1C, 11,000 square feet are a qualification minimum--
and in R-1B, the area is 20,000 square feet.
Mr. Art Galehutt said the lots which adjoin him, he lives across the street from
the rezoning proposal,--are all larger than 12,000 square feet--and that all the
homes are this size in this area.
Mr. Don Wood asked about required size of homes. Building Inspector D. Goodermont
said Lakeville requires a two-bedroom home to be a minimum of 960 square feet--
a three-bedroom dwelling a minimum of 1,0+0 square feet.
78.56 A motion was made by Lutgens and Piereeall to close the rezoning request of
Mr. Glenn Klotz, Weisner's Lake Addition location.
8011 call voting resulted in Piereeall, Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens, and Antolik and
Enright voting 'aye'.
78.57 A motion was made by Asmus and Lutgens to recommend a denial of the Klotz
application to rezone Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 1, Weisner's Lake Addition, from
R-1B to R-1C, on the basis it would be contrary to the comprehensive plan and
would tend to be spot-zoning.
Roll call voting resulted in all members voting to deny--Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens,
Antolik, Enright, and Piereeall.
Mr. Klotz was told that his request would be a Council meeting agenda item for
the date of April 17th.
• Mr. Klotz stated he is not asking for a decision on Item of tonight's agenda
at this time.
78.58 A motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright, to continue Item
request of Mr. Glenn Klotz for approval of replatting of Lots 1, 2, and 3, of
Block I, Weisner's Lake Addition, until April 20, 197$.
Voting 'aye' were Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Piereeall, and Hazel.
Mr. McGarvey said Item ~#6, public hearing of an appeal of Hitchcock Industries
to build on a lot without sanitary sewer service under Resolution 77-71, for
Lot 1, Block , Airlake Park 1st Addition, constituted a public hearing.
Mr. B. Grubbesh said the property,above, is located right across the water way
and it is v~tually impossible to serve these lots with sewer at this time.
In the future, the service will be provided, but no time 'yardstick' can be
applied right now. The company of Pro Am Parts will be using this building.,
They are now located in the shopping center on 210th Street, just west of Arlake.
Mr. Asmus asked about the different; tests proposed for this property by F. Burg..
Mr. Burg replied that "it is the most up-to-date test for polution at the present
time". However, he is asking that a pereulation test be made here, prior to the
issuing of a building permit. This would indicate what method of sewage disposal
should be used.
78.59 A motion was made by Enright and Piereeall to close the public hearing of the
appeal of Hitchcock Industries to build on an unsewered lot in Airlake Park.
R0I1 call resulted in Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Piereeall, Hazel, and Asmus
voting. 'aye'.
78.60 A motion was made by Asmus and Enright to recommend approval of the Hitchcock
Industries (Pro Am Parts) appeal to build on a lot without sanitary sewer service,
on Lot 1, Block. 1, Airlake Park 1st Addition, subject to the factors set forth by
the City Engineer, regarding perculation tests particularly, in his letter dated
April ~F, 1978. It is to be noted, that in the near future, City sewer service
will make this an improved 10t.
Roll call resulted in Antolik, Enright, Piereeall, Hazel, Asmus, and Lutgens
voting 'aye'.
Item #7 of the agenda dealt with public hearing of Hitchcock Industries' request
for a conditional use permit to build on Lot 1, Block 1, Airlake Park let Addition.
In discussion of the Hitchcock Industries appeal, Motion 78.59, the matter of
two or one acceses to the property had been given a deal of time and thought.
Mr. Grubbesh said they had spoken t0 highway officials about the matter 0f favoring
two accesses onto Highway 5O, (Lakeville Blvd.), because of the nature of
ProAm Parts business--it is a Napa dealer and semi-truckers are a large share
of their patrons. Mr. Grubbesh said they had had a verification of their request
. today, via a phone call, but written verification had not reached them.
The planner had not known of the semi's when he recomYnended only one access.
78.61 Motion was made by Pierceall and Enright to close the conditional use request
application hearing of Hitchcock Industries to build on Lot 1, Block 1, Make
1st Addition.
Roll call voting resulted in Enright, Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens, and Antolik
voting 'aye'.
Planner Ryan thought it more advisable to redesign the parking lot than to have
more than one access. He would compromise on the curb cut and flares, if the
access could be kept to one driveway. Mr. Burg did not think it advisable to
have dual traffic for a single business. Mr. Ryan thought when you double the
accesses, you also double the accident possibilities.
Lutgens made a motion, which he later withdrew,
7$.62 Motion was made by Hazel and Antolik to recommend approval of conditional use
permit request of Hitchcock Industries to build vn Lvt 1, Block 1, Airlake
1st Addition, as presented this evening, with the exception that the Highway 50
access be mutually resolved by highway officials, City staff, and Hitchcock
Industries. Also, the results of the perculation test should have the approval
of the City Engineer.
• Roll call voting resulted in Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, and
Enright voting 'aye'.
Mr. Grubbesh asked for a continuance of the hearing vn preliminary plat of
Airlake Park 2nd Addition, stating that they are nearly ready, but not quite
ready, with their materials.
78.63 A motion was made by Lutgens and Pierceall tv continue the preliminary p~,t
hearing of Airlake Park 2nd Addition until April 20th.
.Roll call voting resulted in Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, and
Pierceall voting 'aye'.
Mr. John Tschohl was present to answer questions regarding the hearing of
the final plat of The Meadows development proposal. (The Meadows is located
north of Clay's Acres, north of 208th Street.)
Mr. Burg, engineer, wished the drainageway right-of-way extended in the eastern
part of the proposal. Mr. Tschohl agreed.
78.6+ A motion was made by Lutgens and Asmus to approve and recommend the final
plat of The Meadows, subject to drainage way right-of-way, Outlot B, to
the east property line of The Meadows.
Roll call voting resulted in Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Pierceall,
and Hazel voting 'aye'.
A public hearing on an ordinance to amend Ordinance ~F2, and repeal Ordinance
10~+, pertaining to excavation, was begun.
Mr. Chuck Stemig was in the audience. He asked why the restriction of l00 feet
of land, bordering a pit, had tv remain unexcavated. He objected tv the width,
asking why not ~+0 feet, or 50 feet? It was explained that moving of .large
equipment, etc., generally required the large width, and it was the intent to
leave a Bused' pit in as good condition as possible. Mr. Stemig felt this put
a financial burden on the excavator, i.e. not being able to develop up to 4O feet,
or so, of the perimiter of the pit. Mr. Knutson explained about variance appeal.
78.65 A motion was made by Lutgens and Asmus to close the public hearing, known as
the amendment to Ordinance ~2, an excavation ordinance.
Roll call voting resulted in Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, Hazel,
and Asmus voting 'aye'.
78.66 A motion was made by Asmus and Lutgens to recommend approval of an ordinance
to amend Ordinance ~+2, and repeal Ordinance 10~F, pertaining to prohibiting
filling, excavating, digging and grading of earth, and the opening of puts on
excavated areas without first obtaining a permit therefore.
Roll call voting resulted in Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, and
Lutgens voting 'aye'.
• The continued hearing on an ordinance to amend Ordinance ~2, relating to
Shoreline regulations was begun.
Mr. Ryan, planner, told of a meeting that had taken place with DNR. They
had not quite approved, at that time, of the split zoning proposed for Lake
Marion. (The main body of water is proposed to be recreational of Lake
Marion, but the small, northern part, that is located west of xwy 35W, is
proposed to be 'natural environment'. The delay on this ordinance has been
in expectancy of getting a final recommendation from DNR.
Mr. Walter Sternberg presented his written requests concerning the shoreline
Mr. Wally Potter asked about discussion that had taken place with DNR. What
were the specific questions asked?
Attorney Knutson said that regulations had been established by I~1R before they
even came to us. The Staff then prepared a draft (of an ordinance), which they
have. They can veto it, but not change it.
Mr. Potter wondered about hardship eases. Planner Ryan replied in that the
shoreline ordinance is an amendment to the City's .zoning ordinance, and so
all means of variance do apply. Mr. Potter would like changes in "lots that are
already built on"--same owner not allowed to build on neighboring lot.
78.67 Motion was made by Lutgens and Asmus to continue the hearing relating to
. Shoreline regulations until May 1.978. (Notice is to be made that Planning Commis-
sion accepts letter written by Mr. Sternberg and .presented to them this evening.)
Roll call voting resulted in Enright, Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens, and.
Antolik voting 'aye'.
School Superintendent Don McGuire, Grounds Supervisor LeRoy Zweber, and Mr.
Waldo Larson were present, representing the Lakeville School District, in
their request to construct a metal pole building at the senior high school,
west of the west athletic field.
Mr. McGuire said they need storage facilities for athletic equipment, primarily--
hurdles, porits, archery equipment, etc., and lawn equipment. The building
will have a concrete floor as the equipment is of such a nature it must be kept
dry--there will be no heat, no storage of fuel at any time, and no repair work
done here. The building will measure ~+O feet by 80 feet and cost approximately
~1~+, 000 .
Chairman Hazel said such a building is not in violation of our intent when we
wrote regulations regarding pole buildings.
78.68 Motion was made by Hazel to recommend approval to Lakeville School District to
construct the building they propose at the senior highsehool, with concrete slab
and supported by concrete pad below the frostline. The factors used in the
determination of this recommendation were: the size of the area where it is to
be located, being nearly 80 acres, the construction type, the flooring, the
• concrete slab, the possibilities that future tenants might abuse the use of the
building is absent in this case, its specific location within the site plan, and
benefit to the community, on the whole. Enright seconded the motion.
Roll call voting resulted in Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, and
Enright voting 'aye'.
78.68 Motion was made by Lutgens and Hazel to continue a consideration to amend
Ordinance ~F2 pertaining to the use of mobile homes through the issuance of a
conditional use permit until April 2O, 1978.
Roll call vote resulted in Hazel, Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, and Pierceall
voting 'aye'.
A public hearing on the request for a variance from Mike Giles for a variance to
. build on below grade lots in Clay's Acres was begun. These lots are 13 and 1~F,
Block which are located on Isle Avenue.
78.70 Motion was made by Asmus and Lutgens to close the public hearing on Mike Giles'
request for variance on Lots 13 and 1~+, Block in Clay's Acres.
Roll call vote resulted in Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, and Hazel
voting 'aye'.
78.71 Motion was made by Hazel and Lutgens to recommend approval of the Mike Giles'
variance request to build on below grade lots 13 and 1~+, Clay's Acres, per
. recommendations in planner's letter dated April 3, 1978,
A letter written by Mr. James F. Sweeney, of Despatch Industries, Inc.,, dated
March 31, 1978, was accepted by the Planning Commission. Mr. Richard Piper,.
Plant Manager of Despatch Industries, and Mr. Felix Tillges, Contractor, were
present to discuss their variance request for a new building to be located
on 208th .Street., just across the street from their present building. They wish
to expand their facilities in Lakeville.
Mr. John Antolik discussed God's Family Church request for a variance and
conditional use permit to construct their building in Crystal Lake area.
It will be an agenda item for the meeting to be held April 20, 1978.
No one was present to discuss Steve Johnson's request for a conditional use permit
to construct a garage over 1,000 square feet. This will be an agenda item for
April 20, 1978.
78.72 Motion was .made by Antolik and Lutgens to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Lhright, Secre mek