HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-78 i CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Planning Commission Meeting
Thursday April 20, 197$
. 8:00 PM
Municipal Building-Airlake
Chairman Hazel called the meeting to order. Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens, Asmus, and
Enright answered roll call. Jensvold and Piereeall were absent--Pierceall had
called that he would not be able to attend the meeting.
Also present for this meeting were Administrator McGarvey, Attorney Knutson,
Planner Ryan, Engineer Burg,, and Councilmembers Spande and Curry.
78.73 Lutgens-Asmus moved and seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting
held April 6, 1978.
Voting "aye" on the above motion were Antolik, Lutgens, Asmus, Enright, and Hazel.
78.7+ Lutgens-Asmus moved and seconded a motion to close the public hearing for a request
to replat Lots 1, 2, and 3, of Block 1, Weisner's Lake Addition, of Glenn Klotz.
Voting "aye" on the above motion were Lutgens, Asmus, Enright, Hazel, and Antolik.
78.75 Lutgens-Asmus motioned and seconded to recommend a denial of G. Klotz' request to
replat Lots 1, 2, and,3, of Block 1, Weisner's Lake Addition because the lots are
sub-standard and not large enough for building upon.
• Voting to deny the request were Asmus, Enright, Hazel, Antolik, and Lutgens.
Mr. Roger Gilmer presented a or disapproval
petition in regard to approval/of final plat of
development to be known as "The Meadows". Mr. Gilmer is a resident of Clay's
Acres and he and the other petition signers are concerned with the size of the
lots and the size of houses, without garages, that may be placed in The Meadows,
which is adjacent to their property.
J. Antolik and K. Lutgens recommended that the Planning Commission accept the
petition, dated April 20, 1978.
Mr. Richard Piper and Mr. James Sweeney were present for Despatch Industries
application for a variance hearing, in order that an addition to their building
across the street from their present main office, 8860 207th St W, might be built.
Screening, k~idewalk, loading docks, and traffic flow were discussed. The building
is desired for long-term storage. A maximum of ten trucks per day was an estimate
of possible traffic.
L. Hazel wished to know about inter-plant traffic. The reply was that when that
would be necessary it would be by using a single truck, and go around the building
in the same way as is proposed for other Meek traffic. Despatch Industries has
asked for an easement from the railroad, and they have not heard the outcome as yet,
for ease in moving their forklift traffic.The materials that are proposed to be
stored are finished goods.
• Planner Ryan said he had a concern that if 55' semi is parked up to the side of the
building, how do we provide adcess for passenger cars? He was answered by the reply
that the ramp on the west side of the building is on the inside. There are three
points within forty feet where traffic can enter.
Variances being considered here are (1) frontyard setback, (2) rear yard setback, and
(3) 50~ lot coverage.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hanson were present this evening. They are adjoining property
owners to the northwest. They were concerned about the view of the rear of the build-
ing that would be presented to them and about the possibility of trucks and/or
trailers being parked on the premises, particularly during week-ends.
J. Asmus asked about requirements for variances? The conformation of the lot is
of a different and unique character, plus it is in the CBD area.
N. Enright was concerned about the street. Mr. Piper stated they would like a
paved surface.
F. Burg wanted to know where the surface drainage go in the back area?. Mr. Piper
was not sure--would have to look at a drainage map.
(2) PLANNING COM i N 20 APRIL 1978
78.76 Enright-Antolik motioned and seconded to close the hearing on Despatch Industries
request for variances.
• .Voting "aye" were Enright, Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens, and Asmus.
S. Ryan made the recommendation that one of the conditions to be imposed, if the
voting was for allowing the variances, would be that at such time that Hull Av. is
improves, that no curb cuts be permitted from the existing parking lot.
L. Hazel brought up the subject of "screening". S. Ryan suggested that they work
with staff for something acceptable.
78.77 Hazel motioned, Lutgens seconded, to recommend approval of the Despatch Industries
variance requests, subject to all the terms of the planner in his letter dated
April 16, 1978. This would allow the existing entrance in the SE area. The two
existing curb cuts are to be eliminated, and the landscaping plans resolved
mutually with staff. (This will be a Council agenda item on May 1st.)
Voting "aye" were Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens, Asmus, and Enright.
A public hearing on the request of God's Family Church for a variance and conditional
use permit was begun after the administrator stated tha t this is a legal hearing.
Meeting with the Commission were Archtect Bob Burrough, Pastor Bill Halverson, and
Mr. Len Nelson and Mr. Larry Blakeborough. This is a special church unit to be used
as a 1st unit church, and the variances are required in setbacks. Onsite utilities
are asked with anticipation of working up to public facilities in time.
The property is located on Co Rd ~+6, east of what would be a junction with Jacquara
Av. The entrance to the building will be on the east side. Parking of ears will be
• on the east side, as well, with room for 200 cars presently, with a later extension
to provide spaces for ~+00/~50 cars. The land content is between 7 and 8 acres.
The planner was concerned with what might be the outcome of the eventuality of ex-
tending 161st Street. He went on to say "~+6 might be upgraded and limited access is
something we would like to look at and this poses some problems with parking. There
is vacant land to the east, too, that must be taken into consideration. He asked
until next meeting to make a recommendation.
Mr. J. Spande, property owner to the west of the church consideration, asked three
considerations: (1) that the engineer look at the water runoff, (2) how would the
rear of the building be landscaped, and (3) how would the church be used in the future
--expressly for church purposes, or something in combination with a Montessorri school?
Engineer Burg said he would have some materials on the question by next meeting, May ~+th
78.78 Lutgens-Asmus motioned and seconded to continue the hearing of God's Family Church
requests for variance and .conditional use permit until May 1978.
Votin$ "aye" were Antolik, Lutgens, Asmus, Enright, and Hazel.
The next public hearing was a request of Mr. Steve Johnson for a conditional use permit
to construct a garage of more than 1,000 square feet. His property is located just
south of Hwy 6~+, 205th Street, and west of Keokuk Av., on 2Z acres of land.
•79 Lutgens-Asmus motioned and seconded to close the public hearing being held on the
Steve Johnson request to build and oversize garage.
Voting "aye" were Lutgens, Asmus, Enright, Hazel, and Antolik.
78.80 Asmus-Enright motioned and seconded to recommend approval of the Steve Johnson request
to build an oversize garage on 205th St W, subject to there being no work or repairs
done in the building for money--i.e., nothing other than personal or non-commercial
use, and the building must be maintained in an orderly fashion.. (Mr. Johnson was
told this would be a Council agenda item for the night of May 1, 1978.)
Voting "aye" were Asmus, Enright, Hazel, Antolik, and Lutgens.
Item No. 7 of the agenda, final plat approval of Dodd Park, was continued upon the
wish of the developer.
Mr. Pat Harvey, who had a petition signed by Clay"s Acres' homeowners, wished to
present the petition to the Commission. They seemed to be concerned with square
footage of homes to be built in proposed neighboring developments. It was their belief
that this consequently made for smaller lots in Dodd Terrace than in Clay's Acres.
Mr. Knutson said the City would not put the covenants asked into Dodd Terrac e
contract, but the developer might possibly do so.
78.76 Enright-Antolik motionecT-"and seconded to close the hearing on Despatch Industries
Voting "aye" were Enright, Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens, and Asmus.
. S. Ryan made the recommendation that mie of the conditions to be imposed, if the
voting was for allowing the variances, would be that at such time that Hull Av.
is improved, that no curb cuts be permitted.
L. Hazel brought up the subject of "screening" from le existing parking lot. S. Ryan
suggested that they. work with staff for something a c2ptable.
78.77 Hazel motioned, Lutgens seconded, to recommend a proval of the Despatch Industries"
variances requests, subject to all the terms of the planner in his letter dated April
16, 1978, allowing the existing entrance in th SE area and the two existing curb cuts
be eliminated and the landscaping be resolved tually with staff.. (This will be a
Council agenda item on .May 1st.)
Voting "aye" were ~azel, Antolik, Lutgens,. sinus, and Enright:
A public hearing o~i the request of God's amily Church for a variance and conditional
use permit-was ben after the administr for stated that this was a legal hearing.
Meeting with. the Cd~nnission were Arehit et Bob Burrough, Pastor Bill Halverson, and
Mr. L. Nelson and M~. L. Blakeborough. This is a special unit to be used as a 1st.
unit church and the ;variances are req fired in setbacks. Onsite utilities are asked
with anticipation of'~working up to lic facilities. in .time.
The propdrty is locate on Co Rd , east of what would be a junction with Jacquara
Av. The entrance to t e building 'll be on the east snide. Parking of ears will be
on the east side, as we 1, with r om for 200 ears at the present time,. to be extended
to spaces for ~+00/~+50. a land content is between 7 and 8 acres.
The planner was concerned ith hat might be the outcome of
an eventuality of ex-
tending 161st Street. He w nt on to say "~6 may be upgraded and limited access is
something we would like to 1 k at and this poses some problems with parking. There
is vacant land to the east, o, that must be taken into consideration. He asked
to be allowed until next me i to make a recommendation.
Mr. Spande, property owne to t e west of the church consideration, asked three
considerations: (1) that he eng Weer look at the water runoff, (2) how would the
rear of the building be andscape , and f3) how would the church be used in the future--
expressly for church pu poses, or omething in combination with a Montesorri school?
Engineer Burg said he ould have so a materials on the question by next meeting, May ~+th
78.78 Lutgens-Asmus motion d and seconded continue the hearing of God's Family Church
"requests for varian e and conditional se permit :until May 1978.
Voting "aye" werel~tolik, Lutgens, Asmu , Enright, and Hazel.
The next public hearing was a request of teve Johnson for a conditional use permit
to construct a garage of more than 1,000 s uare feet. He is located just south of
Hwy 6~, 205th Street, and .west of Keokuk Av , on 22 acres of land.
.78.79 Lutgens-Asmus motioned and seconded to close a public hearing being held on the
Steve Johnson request to build and .oversize gar ge.
Voting."aye" were Lutgens, Asmus, Enright, Hazel, 'and Antolik.
78.80 Asmus-Enright motioned and seconded to recommend approval of the Steve Johnson request
to build an oversize garage on 205th Street W, subject to no work or repairs done
there for money--nothing other than personal or non-commercial use, and the building
has to be maintained in an orderly fashion. (Mr. Johnson was told this would be a
Council agenda item for the night of May 1, 1978.)
Voting "aye" were Asmus, Enright, Hazel, Antolik, and Lutgens,
Item No. 7 of the agenda, final plat approval of .Dodd Park, was continued upon the.
wish of the developer.
Mr. Pat Harvey, who had a petition signed by Clay Acres' homeowners, wished to
present the petition to the Commission. They were concerned with s~zare footage,
of homes.- It was their belief that this consequently made for smaller. lots in
Dodd Terrace than in Clay's Acres.
Mr. Knutson said the City would not. put the covenants asked into Dodd Terrace
contract, but the developer might possibly do so.
In answer to another property owner's question, Mr. Knutson said there was no
requirement for an environmental study. Mr. Knutson abo explained why Green
• Acres could not be applied to Dodd Terrace.
Another lady unshed to know about park land here. She was told that Park & Ree
Committee had accepted a cash donation recommendation. The planner explained that
a major park, at some point in time, is to be desired.
Mr. Asmus recommended that those interested might wish to attend our meetings
on the comprehensive plan. Several landowners foresaw difficulties of further
development making a "battlefield out of the corner of Co. Rd 70 and Iran Av."
78.81 Asmus-Antolik motioned and seconded to recommend approval of the final plat of
Dodd Terrace, subject to working out a development contract with the developer.
Voting "aye" Enright, Hazel, Antolik, Lutgena, and Asmus.
A continuation of the public hearing of the preliminary plat of Airlake Industrial
Park 2nd Addition was. the next agenda item.
78.82 Asmus-Antolik moved and seconded that the hearing on the preliminary plat of Airlake
Industrial Park 2nd Addition be closed.
Voting "aye" were Hazel, Antolik, Lutgens, Asmus, and Enright.
.78.83 Lutgens-Asmus moved and seconded to recommend approval of the preliminary plat of
Airlake Industrial Park .2nd Addition, subject to the approval and satisfaction of
the engineer on the drainage question.
Voting "aye" were Antolik, Lutgens, Asmus, Enright, and Hazel.
Mr. Grubbesh, who was present for the above two motions, asked .for approval of a
building permit for OWOBOPTE who do assembly work. It would be located in Airlake
at the intersection of Hwy 50 and Hamburg Av.
78.8+ Asmus-Enright motioned and seconded to recommend approval of a building permit for
Voting "aye" were Lutgens, Asmus, Enright, Hazel, and Antolik.
* The need for an ordinanc'o with requirements pertaining. to garages and/or driveways
for new dwelling units was very briefly discussed with nothing decided at this time.
More materials from other cities ordinances is desired.
78.85 Asmus-Enright motioned and seconded to-adjourn this meeting. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
N. Enright, Secrets mek
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