HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-04-78 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Thursday $:00 PM ~F May 1978 • Municipal Building Airlake Park In the absence of the ehairmany the ~~.ce-Chairman, Mr. John Asmus, called the meeting to order. Answering roll call were: A.smus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, and Jensvold. Mr. J. Fierceall came within a few minutes and Mr. L. .:Hazel was absent. Also attending this meeting were B1ddlnsp Goodermont, Attorney Knutson, Engineer Burg, Planner Ryan, and Councilman Spand®. 78.86 Antolik-Enright motioned to approve the minutes of the meeting held April 2D, 1978. Voting "aye" were Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Jensvold, and Asmus. The continuation of the.. public hearing on God's Family Church request for a variance and conditional use permit to construct a church. in Section 6, at .the east end of Upper 161st Street and Jacquara Avenue was begun. Mr. John Antolik excused him-. self from this hearing as he is amember of this church. Planner Ryan said several site plans of this building have been offered. They are not in agreement at this time--they are trying to obtain additional property. Engineer Burg gave a report on drainage situation. The back edge will have tc be filled significantly. A preferable access would be on a road that will be developed east side of the church property at some future time. The "east" parking lot will fit the site well. • The architect, Mr. Burrow, pro~eets sod to be laid where there is excavationjaround the building. Suggestions to screen out the site from passing ears were berms, plantings--or some- thing else of the same nature. The possibility of the extension of Upper 161st Street was..remote--the engineer deeming such an extension to be of little value. In addition to the architect, Pastor Albertson, and Mr. Lee Christopherson, a representative from the Synod., were present. In Phase I, all the drainage is directed to Co. Rd ~6. The engineer would like the drainage to go NE of the parking lot, to another road. Additional property has been acquired since the first conditional use permit was issued. Mr. Asmus asked if there were any problems in acquiring necessary land for the parking lot? Mr Len Ne3sc>n, present in the audience, said there would not be any problem. 'Mr. Loken, property owner, is agreeable," Mr. Nelson stated. N. Enright asked about the engineer's opinion of problem of drainage that exists with the west parking lot? Mr. Burg said there would be approximately three feet between parking levels. Planner Ryan said he was concerned both for :the City and the church in five areas. N. Enright expressed the opinion that she would like to see Staff and architect get together and. try to resolve the problems Mr. Virgil Koentopf, member of the audience, asked, "who is going to make the decision as to what is right or wrong"? The answer was that it is the concern of the planning board. 78.87 Lutgens-Enright maved and seconded a motion to continue .the hearing of God's Family Church until May 18, 1978. Voting "aye" were.. Enright, Jensvold, Piereeall, and Asmus, and Lutgens. A request was made that this be the first item on the agenda for the evening of May 18th. A public hearing on the request of Thomas and Carol Smith for a variance in the sideyard setback for a new garage at 18977 Junelle Path was the next item on the agenda. 78.88 Lutgens-Enright motioned to recommend approval of the Smith application for variaxace described in preceding paragraph. (1) P CANNING CcMMrssICN MAY 197$ (2 ) PLANNING CoMMI~ION MAY 197 Voting "aye" were Enright, Jensvold, Pisrceall, Asmus, Lutgens, and Antol.k. R. Knutson declared that Item of the .agenda constituted a legal public hearing. • A public hearing on the .request of Gregory and Dons Hagluid for a metal pole garage, that with the existing garage will provide over 1,(3Q0 square feet of garage space, at 19874 Holyoke Avenue, was begun. J. Asmus asked if the building was going to be used by them P®r their own private use? The answer was affirmative. Mr. Haglund said the combined garage space would be about 8o/~~et over and above. the 1,©00 square feet allowable without variance. 78.89 Antolik-Jensvold motioned to close the hearing on tte Haglund application for ex- tensive garage spaee~. Voting "aye" were Jensvold, Piereseall, Asmus, Lutgens, .dntolik, and Enright.. 78.9Q Jensvold-Pisrceall motioned to recommend approval of the .Haglund request re garage space and construction with the proviso that it be u~i~~.i.zed for general use only, usedfor horses' equipment, with no commercial purposes at all--and that it should be kept neat. Voting "aye" were Pisrceall, Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, and Jensvold. A public hearing on an amendment to ordinax~ee No. 42, which would provide for the use of a mobile home through the issuance of a conditional use permit, outside of a mobile home park, undereertain conditions, was begun. Mr. Jensvold said he wti3uld like to see the State ordinance on the above matter, before voting. Ms N. Enright asked if the City doesn't have the right to be more S restrictive than the State? 1+~. Knutson said the City has the right to regulate them. Mr. Jensvold restated that he "would like to have additional informaticm. I would like to look at all the conditions". Mr. Knutson .stated he would be happy to supply all the members with current decisions, and he would give ~ummaritzation~of them. 78.91 Enright-Lutgens motioned to continue the hearing on an amendment to Ordinance No. 42, use of a mobile home outside of a mobile home park, under certain conditions, until May 18, 1978. Voting "aye" were Asmus, Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Jensvold, and Pisrceall. Item #7 of the agenda, was a continued public hearing on the consideration of an Qrdinance No. 42 relating to shoreland regulations. Planner Ryan said DNR has reviewed Lakeville'a shoreland regulations and outlined their suggestions. He has responded to their suggestions. Some of these conditions can be made later, when the new comprehensive plan goes into .effect. E3e plans to meet with Engineer erg to find a workable solution where the 1,04o feet limitation. .should really not apply. There may be a utilization of the existing 7Q~ coverage of property that can be applied. There is a descrepaney between the I~tR and the City in the way it is interpreted. Mr. Wally Potter, in the audience, asked about "stream" property dev~2opment--where there is an existing stream, but it does not drain two square miles? Mr. Ryan said this would be categorisized "unclassified". Mr. ~Talter Sternberg's letter was read and examined fore his requests. Mr. Ryan suggested that the double-classification of Lake Marion be dropped. I~IR has made this one of their suggestions. 78.92 Lutgens-Jensvold motioned to close the public hearing on amended ordinance re ahoreland regulations. Voting "aye" were Lutgens, Antolik, Enright, Jensvold, Pisrceall, and Asmus. 78.93. Antolik-Lutgens motioned to recc~nnend to Council that they approve the shoreland regulations' amendments to Ordinance No. 42. . Voting "aye" were Antolik, Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, and Lutgens. P~eroeall vatsd "nay", with the explanation that he believed the classification of Lake Kingsley is arbitrary and inequitable. ~ A continued review of City policy concerning garage and/or driveway requirements for new dwelling units resultefl in the recommendations of the planner being read and the thought voiced that this matter could be written into the developer's contract. No change in present policy is recommended. (2) PLAP~NING COMMISSION MAY 1978 (3) PLANNING fISSICN MAY 4, 3978 The comprehensive plan status and schedule was discussed with Planner Ryan. N. Enright. asked if she could have a work sheet, or schedule, or the work program sheet--of the cc?mprehensive plan.. Mr. Dick Br~ndes was present with plans for building a hangar on 22Cth Sheet in Airlake, between LeJeune's and Dagnon. 'I'he building would have infs~rred heating. 78.9 Antolik-Enright motioned to recoamaend approval of the Brander building plan for a hangar to be located at Arlake. Voting "aye" were Enright, Jensvoid, Asmas, and Antolik, and Pierceall. (Lutgena abstained.) 78.85 Lutgene-Pierceall motioned to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Enright, Secretary mek i • (3) PLA,NNIAiG C(~MISSIC}N MAY 1978