HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-01-78 OF LAI~VI LLE CITY Planning Commission Meeting June 3, 1978 . Municipal Building 8:0o PM In the absence of L. Hazel, Vice-Chairman J. Asmus called the meeting to order. Answering roll call were Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. (Pierceall and Hazel were absent.) In addition to Planning Commission members, Engineer F. Barg, Attorney R. Knutson, and Councilman G. Spande were present. (Planner S. Ryan came later in the evening.) In the 4th paragraph from the bottom of the page, Page 2, minutes of the meeting held May 18, 1978, the second sentence is to be deleted. In its place in to be written, "this could be done". 78.109 With the above correction, the minutes. of the meeting held May 18, 1978 were approved .upon motion by Enright-Lutgens. Voting "aye" to approve the minutes, were, Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. Upon the attorney's statement that the first public hearing, preliminary plat approval of Sanasha Knolls, had been given proper notice and publication, it proceeded. Mr. Peterson said the differences in opinion concerning width of access had been now resolved. Other questions which arose, Mr. Purg stated the agreements would be put • in the developer's contract, if the plat was approved. Upon being asked if he might change the name, Sanasha Knolls, Mr. Peterson stated that fire Balls, etc., would be directed toward an address, rather than a name. 7$.110 Lutgens-Enright motioned that the preliminary plat hearing; of Sanasha Knolls be closed. Voting "aye" were Antolik, Lutgens, Enright,. Jensvold, and Asmus. 78.111 Lutgens-Antolik`motioned that the request of Robert Peterson for approval of preliminary plat of Sanasha Knolls, be recommended far approval by Council, with. the recommendations of the engineer. and planner being adopted, as to drainage, et¢. Voting "aye" were Lutgens, Esaright, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. The next publiQ hearing was the application of Hitchcock Industries for a conditional use permit to erect a building 75 feet in height. R. Knutson stated that proper notice and publication had been given to make this a legal public hearing. Mr. Bernie Grubish was the representative for Hitchcock Industries. He said the company that would be occupying the building makes plastic bags and sheets. J. Antolik asked about the height of the silos? 56' was found to be printed an the building plan. Lutgens asked what was stored in the silos? Plastics preparations, was the reply. Lutgens also asked about regulations concerning heights, as regards airplanes? Mr. Grubish said the center of the runway must stay under a 7 to 1 slope. a 78.112 Enright-Antalik motioned that the Hitchcock Industries' application far variance as to height of building at Airlake Industrial Park, public hearing, be closed, Voting"aye" were Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, and Lutgens. 78.113 Jensvold-Antolik motioned to reccxr~aend approval of the variance as to height of building for application of Hitchcock Industries, subject to the concurrence of the Fire Chief.. (Mr. Spande said the company representatives had met with Council and there was. no chemiealhazard whatsoever.) Voting "aye" were Jensvold, Asmus, Antalik, Lutgens, and Enright. 78.114 Lutgens-~'ntolik motioned to r®eommend approval of the b~.iilding plan. (This would depend, of course, upon the approval of the application of variance as to height of • building, being approved.} Voting "aye" were Asmus, Anta~lc, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. Mr. Grubish stated he vrould also like Planning Cac-ranission's reconanendaticm for approval for another building at this time. The National Electronic Card building,. if anpraved, would be located on the SE corner of 210th Street and Hamburg Av. It would be 12,.000 square feet, in s~° ~ r 1~L.rr~r~: c~t~rrss~e~~' 1 .TttNE 1978 (2) PLANNING~SSION 1 JUNE 1978 The advice van Mr. ~rubish was that he should make a lication for the matter gi PP to be on the Planning Agenda for June 15th evening--and on Council agenda for their meeting on June lath. There would be no time."loss" to Mr. Grubish if this was done. • The next public hearing was the application of Richard Lewis far a variance to construct a garage approximately 3 feet below grade, at 11180 16~+th Street W, in Lakeville Hills. Mr. Knutson stated the proper notices and publication had been made so this constituted a legal public hearing. Mr. Lewis was questioned about 'drainage'? He said it flows away from the garage site. The Building Inspector's notation to Planning Cor:anission was read by the members. 7$..115 Antolik-Lutgens motioned to close the Lewis application for variance public hearing. Voting "aye" were Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, and Asrnus. recommend approval of 78.116 Antoiik-Jensvold motioned to/ the Lewis variance application to construct a garage approximately 3 feet below grade on Lot Block Lakeville Hills, sub~eet to the Building Inspector's approval and satisfaction, also, Voting "aye" were Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Asmua, and Antolik. A public hearing for approval of Highview Estates preliminary plat was begun after Mr. Knutson stated the proper notices had been sent and publication made. Mr. Mike Peterson of J P Development was present. ~'he location of Highview Estates is irrgnediate south of Woodbury 1st Addition. He stated it is i©' to 14' higher than the present Woodbury 1st. Addition. The location of the property is 173rd Street and Hemlock Court and Hemlock Path. Mr. Burg said there is a small problem of drainage at this site. The .lots. are all satisfactory in size. Mr. Richard Caxton was present. He is the owner of 13 acres of property to the south of the Highview Estates proposal« He was concerned .about proper accesses to his property, and how they would relate to plans he has for his property, Planner Ryan said the Highview Estates plan is well-integrated. A small holding pond is planned to the south and east of the Lexton property. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson were also present. They also have property adjoining Highview Estates. continue 78.117 Enright-Antolik motioned to / the Highview Estates preliminary plat hearing, until June i5, 1978. Voting "aye" were Enright, Jensvold, Asrnus, Antolik, and Lutgens. * There will be further discussion on the proposed mobile home park ordinance as an agenda. item for the evening of June 15, 1978. A discussion on rules, ate., for the conduct of Planning Commission meetings, was quite lengthy. Suggested rules/changes are noted on the third sheet of these minutes. It was agreed to plan on having the Planning Commission meeting begin at 7:3© PM on June 15, 1978• 78.118 Antolik-Enright motioned to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, . Enright, S etary mek • (2) PLANNING COP~iISSICN 1 JtTNE 1978