HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-22-78 t CITY OF LAKE;VILLE Planning Commission Meeting .Minutes Special Meeting June 22, 1978 .Council Chambers Airlake Ind. Pk • $:OD PM .The meeting began at 8:0o PM with five members present--Asmas, Antolk, Jensvold, Pierceall, and hazel.. Lutgens is on vacation and Eazright is recovering from surgery. Planner S. Ryan arrived later in the evening. Councilman G. Spande was present. 78.119 .Approval of the minutes of the meeting held June 1, 1978 was a motion made_by Asmus-Jensvold. Aye voting: Hazel, Asmus, Antolik, Jensvold, Pierceall. Items No. 3 and # on the agenda, applications of Ken Larson and Len B3orland to rezone and preliminary plat for property located north of-205th Street and east of Iberia Avenue have been continued until July 20, 1978, upon request. of the developers. P J Development application for preliminary plat approval of Highview Estates, located south of Woodbury lst Addition and east of Highview Avenue, was the. next public hearing. 78.120 Motion to close the Highview Estates public hearing was made by Asmus-Ant©lk. • Voting aye: Asmus, Antolik, Jsnsvold, Pierceall, and Hazel. 78.121 Motion to approve the P J Development application for plat approval of Highview Estates, subject to the conditions outlined in engineer's report, and also the Natural Resources Co~miittee recommendation to control erosion from the minutes of their meeting held June 20, 197$. Recommendation now goes to Council Voting aye: Antolik, Jensvold, Pierceall, Hazel, and Asmus. Public hearing to consider the application request of Raymond and Matt Fischer for a variance in plat width for certain lots in Dodd Park preliminary plat, located south of Dodd Road and west of Flagstaff Avenue was begun. Mr. Tim Henning was present to represent Fisehers. The Planner has no problem with a recommendation to allow the variance in plat width. There is a plan to amend the ordinance to accommodate. this problem in the future. 78.122 Motion to close the public hearing outlined above was made by Jensvold-Pierceall. Voting aye: .Jensvold, Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, and Antoiik. 78.123 Motion to approve the variance in plat width for certain Lots in Dodd Park, namely Lots 3, and 5 of Block 6 and Lot 26 of Block 3, and Lots 2, .and 5 of Block was made by Jensvold-Pierceall. Voting aye: Pierceall, Hazel, Asmus, Antnlik, and Jensvold.. 78.12# Motion was made to table recommendation on final plat approval of Dodd Park until all items are.. completed, principaly engineer's items that are required for a developer's agreement. (Developer has changed engineer firms.) .Motion was made by Asmus-Pierceall. Voting aye: Hazel, Asmus, Antolik, Jensvold, and Pierceall. The public hearing on the request of Gerald Toberman/Edison Howes, for a conditional use permit to operate a mobile home sales lot and office at the intersection of I-35 and CoRd 5 was begun. Information has been received from the Building Inspector that there has been no recent problem with this condition- al use permit. 78.125 Motion was made to elose_the public hearing outlined above by Jensvold-Pierceall. Voting aye: Asmus, Antolik, Jensvold, Pierceall and Hazel. 78.126 Motion was made to recommend approval of the request of Gerald Toberman for a conditional use permit to operate a mobile home sales lot and office at the .intersection of I-35 and CoRd 5, by Asmus-Antolik. Voting aye: Antolik, Jensvold, Pierceall, I~azel, and Asmus. (1) PiANNTidG CO~SSTnN .7i1NF. 79_ 1o7R s ~ (z) PLANNING co~IS~,~rr June zz, 1978 • ~ Since tonight's meeting was a special meeting, the site plan and kauilding plan review and approval for National Electronic Cord Co. building in Airlaka Indus- trial Park will. be an agenda item for the meeting on July 6> 1978. Mr. Ba3.ley Sieda was present to discuss preliminary plat of Lucerne Trail Partners for ~6.l.dwood Ponds North and South. This was a continued public hearing. There is an area of disagreement between the proposed developers and the lando~ers owning property on the eastern line of Wildwood Ponds South-- Dennis Bungert and John Raplinger. The county has moved the center of Section 26, T114, R21W. The land dispute is a matter of 16 feet. It does not involve any property owner to the west of Yd.ldwood Ponds proposal. Mr. Siada informed the Commission that soil borings have.shown the water table in the G~6.ldwbod Ponds proposal to be very high. (lArost content in the ~raund made soil borings impossible earlier.} The developer is now proposing the "mound" on site disposal system, together with a holding tank, to be used in emergency situations. Mr. Bungert, neighbor to the east of Wildwood Ponds South, spoke saying he had been advis~i to gat a lawyer for the re-drawing and re-registering of deeds, if it is daettnacl .necessary. Mr. Raplinger, lanchner on the southeast of i~i.ldwood Ponds South, was concerned about the reduction in lot size from ten acres to Five acres, concerning lot size in .relationship to water and sewer systems. 78.127 Motion was made to continue the public hearing on preliminary plat of ~If.ldwood Ponds North and South, with an appeal for the approval of a five-.acre lot size, located west of Interstate 3~W and east of Judicial Road, on CoRd 64, and the • plat referred back to staff because of problesas w~.th environment and back to Natural Resources Committee for study because oP findings of soil borings, then brought back to Planning Commission wham answers to these questions Nava bean determined. This motion was made by As~nus-Pierceall. Voting ayes Jensvold, Pierceall, Hazel, Anto],i.1c, and Asmus. Rules and procedures for conduct of meetings ware rev3.ewed and rev3.sad tro be put in resolution forma. ~ copy is attached to these minutes. J. ~ntolik asked that Planning Commission accept a letter w!rS.tten by Lawrence ~ia~zel dated June 22, 1978, requesting a leave of absence, for business reasons, anal asking that such leave be granted and. approved. Planner bran said a schedule for reviewing ttae comprehensive plan will ba sent to members. The proposal is for Wednesday evenings beginning July 12, 1978 with tentative conclusion on September 13,.197$• 78.128 Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Antol.ik-Jensvold. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted,. Nancy ffiarlght, cretary rock • ~ ' • SPECIAL MEETINQ (2) PLANNTNQ~ COMMTSSTON JUNE 22, 1978