HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-06-78 CITY' OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes • .Thursday. 7:30 PM July 6, 1978 Council Chambers Answering roll call when Vice-Chairman Asmus called the meeting to order were: J. Asmus, J. ~ntolik, N. Enright, and J. Pierceall. Absent from this meeting were L. Hazel, K. Lutgens, and N. Jensvold. Also present. at this meeting were R. Knutson, Attorney, D. Licht, Planner, F. Burg, Engineer, and P. McGarvey, Administrator. 78.129 Motion was made to approve the minutes of the meeting held June 22, 1978, by Antolik and Pierceall. Voting aye--Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, and Asmus. Mr. McGarvey stated that a building plan review of National Electronic Card Co. building plans would not be an agenda item this evening. Mr. Ray Brandt was present to answer questions, if any, concerning final plat approval of Dodd Park. F. Burg stated he has-reviewed all the questions concerning Dodd Park and there are just a few details, primarily concerning costs, that will be taken care of in the developers'. agreement. 8.130 A motion to approve final plat plans of Dodd Park was made by Pierceall-Enright. Voting aye--Enright, Pierceall, Asmus, and Antolik. There are questions concerning property lines of Wildwood Ponds North and South. The attorney stated that these need not necessarily hold up preliminary plat approval, but would have to be taken care of before final plat approval could be given. There are drainage problems in the plat of Wildwood Ponds North and South. The plat has been sent back to Natural Resources Committee for re-consideration. Their next meeting is July l0, 1978. 78.131 A motion was made to table/continue the public hearing on the preliminary plat of Lucerne Trail Partners Wildwood Ponds North and South until such time as all the requirements of the Planning Commission for .plat reviewal have been met. Voting aye--Pierceall, Asmus, Antolik, and Enright. Mr. McGarvey testified that the .proper notices and publication had been given. to make the variance application of Jerome Clay a legal public hearing. The variance was asked of sideyard setback at 2081+ Iran Avenue in Dodd Terrace Addn. Mr. Clay said the owner of the lot had a "dream" house that he .wished to locate on the lot. When asked if the house could be made to fit on the property if it were turned somewhat, he answered that the owner wanted the kitchen to face east. .132 A motion was made to close the hearing of the J. Clay application for sideyard setback variance at 2081~F Trap Avenue was made by Pierceall-Enright.. Voting aye--Asmtzs, Antolik, Enright, and Pierceall. 78.133 A motion. was made to recommend denial of the Jerome Glay application for variance (set forth above motion) was made by Enright-Asmus. The reasons given. were: (l) the owner had created his own hardship in this instance, and (2) there was a concern about setting a precedent. Voting to deny: Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, and Asmus. This will be a Council agenda item on July 17th. K. V. Olson application consideration for a conditional use permit on the former • NW Bituminous property, south of 196th Street and east of I-35W was the next public hearing. It is desired to have open sales and storage space of heavy equipment. , Mr. McGarvey stated he had an affidavit of publication and it did constitute a legal public hearing. Mr. Olson stated that 7 acres belongs to NW bituminous and Mr. Sens. Caspersen owns the area surrounding the acreage. He is going to rent the acreage from NW, ge .wishes to install a chainlink fence about the proper~t~rvar~d e~e8t a sign. (2) PLANNING SSION JULY 6, 1978 a It is the belief of planner that there are two le als on this iece of ro ert g P P A y and it seems to be a sub-divided parcel.. The attorney gave the opinion that. he did not think the legal description is an obstruction. It can be written under the heading "in ease the property is sold". 78.13 Motion .was made to close. the K. V. Olson of Tract II public hearing for conditional use permit on the former NW Bitumion4us property. Voting aye---Enright, Pierceall, Asmus, and Antoiik. 78.135 Motion was made to recommend approval of the application of K. V. Olson of Tract II for a conditional use permit for open sales and storage space of heavy equipment on property located south of 196th Street and east of I-35, with these stipulations: (1) measures of dust control to be made, (2) comply with sub-division .ordinances, and (3)-if a sale of any portion of this property should be made, the matter must. come back to Planning Commission for reviewal. Voting aye--Pierceall, Asmus, Antolik, and Enright. Mr. Don Hesse was the representative showing l~+ lay-out plans for the proposed development of-Minnreg Acres, to be located north.: of Minnreg Road and west of I-35W. This was a matter of planning and discussion at this time. It is approximately 160 acres. The diagrams dealt with site analysis, tree cover,: noise impact, and the remainder with lay-outs. The planner said that the only justification for development of less than ten-acre plots would be if it could be determined there would be no danger from polution. Mr. Burg said that even if the surface was granular, the water table may well .still be high. He had questions. about their planned lots. one and. eight are close to .waterway. Mr. Asmus said the board would be concerned about contamination. Staff and developers will now meet and see what can be done to eliminate .these problems. Mr. Ray Brandt was present to discuss the Fenne proposal .plan for development of property located in the N2 of SW~ of Section 5, R20W. This area is approximately 80 acres in size. It is located east of Ipava Avenue and south of 165th Street, south of Crystal Lake. There would possibly be 179 lots, with development on every other lot, or every third lot, possibly, at this time, until sewer service is available. City water is now available nearby, within ~ mile. The planner would. like to address the problem of ,just one access. This is on Ipava Avenue. .The engineer had .questions on drainage and road services. Here, too, Staff and developers will meet and attempt-to eliminate problems. Mr. Ray Skelton was present to discuss his site plan and building plan for Nordic Square location--NE4 of .Section 1, R20W. The State of Minnesota has told him to obtain a differenet scale from the one he is using, by July 21, 1978. 78.136 A motion to recommend approval of the Ray Skelton application for site and building • plans in Nordic Square was made by Antolik and Enright. Voting aye--Asmus, Antolik, Enright,.and Pierceall. The final plat approval of Airlake Industrial Park 2nd Addition was the next agenda item. A combination of lots was suggested to eliminate. problem of a builder wishing to build on several smaller ones. planner's memo dated June 1~+, 1978 asked for identification of property owners within 350 feet and asked that a defination of w/s easements be shown, particularly on the west side of block and the east side of block 1. 7$.137 Motion was made to recommend approval of Airlake Industrial Park 2nd.Addition final plat, subject to easements being established on the west side of Block and the east side of Block 1. Also, Lots 1-2-3 will become a larger Lot i, and • the rest of the lots will be re-numbered. Motion was made by Enright-Antolik. Voting aye--Antolik, Enright, Pierceall, and Asmus. Edney Building and site plans were reviewed. This building will be located in Airlake Industrial Park 2nd Addition. The building will be of metal exterior. (2) PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 6, 1978 (3} PLANNING ~SSION JULY 6, 1978 78.138 Motion was made to recommend approval of the Edney building and site plan, with driveway access to be shown on plans on Heywood Avenue in the future. A larger gravel area and storage area is recommended, than the ones that are presently shown. Motion. was made by Enright-Antolik. Voting aye--Enright, Pierceall, Asmus, and Antolik. 7$.139 Motion was made to recommend approval of the Supreme Total Co. building and site plans for location in Airlake Industrial Park, Lot 1, Block. 3, 2nd Addition.. This motion was subject to an extension being made of the bituminous driveway onto 120th Street. Motion was made by Antolik-Enright.. Voting aye--Pierceall, Asmus, Antolik, and Enright. Provisions for a pr©posed ordinance to regulate the development of mobile. home parks and their operation were discussed. Most of the suggestions had to do with providing a large enough lot for double-wide trailers, concrete curbing, and width of streets. The attorney and planner will now draft an ordinance to regulate mobile home park development and regulation.. Scheduling of meetings with planner and Council and Planning Commission will be for July 12th, 19th, and 26th--a11 Wednesdays--7:30 PM to 9:30 PM---to review the preliminary draft of the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Lakeville.. Cards are to be sent members to remind them of the. meetings. 78.1+0 A resolution setting rules. and regulations. for conducting Planning Commission meetings was adopted, as revised. .Notification shall be given City Clerk • when a member is not able to attend a meeting. Motion was made by Enright- Pierceall. Voting aye--Asmus, Antolk, Enright, and Pierceall. 78.1+1 Motion to adjourn,.Enright-Antolik. Unanimous "aye". Sincerely submitted, /JN'~. Enright, Secretary mek r • (3) PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 6, 1978 r~,r • ! CITY OF La~tEVZLLE RESOLU TI(7~fi Dates 6 July, 1978 Resolution 78-i Motion by Enright Searor+de:d by Pierceall LUTIOR~ E~TABLISIiING RULES AND PRACEDURE k'GR THE CONDUCT. Off` THE LAKEVTLL~ PLA'dNZNG SSION MEETINGS/HEt1RSNG ICI 5, it is deed to be important and beneficial foa• the Lak~svill® Pla»ri«~g Commis~ior~ to have ~rritt~ rules ~+d procedures for tha cxmduct of busi*+ess. T3Qkt, THERr"~`ORE, BE IT RE50LVED that the fallowing rules and procedure is heroby adopted for the Lakeville PlanningCo ssion. 1. Immediately following roll call a•+d approval of the preceding meeting r s z~inutes, the ag~m+da for the eve~'+ing wi11 be accepted, wlth, or without,. modifications. • 2. The meeting shall be s~nducted in a structured mantser, using forma3. proaee~dirgs. All comtaen+ts froze the mezzzbers, staff, and gersons press-!t shall be d3.recteti to the G'hairma*r, one per speaking at a tizae. 3. Applicants,. and others wishing tca speak® should give the9.r naze,es, ar presar+t their cards, before their prese~ntatior. 4. Staff and. applicant preserntations to the Planning Co ssion shall bs eompletely visible and audible •to both the Planning Commission and the audi er? ce. 5• There ~i.11 be an open period for it~ns not on the agenda, at the ernd of the meeting, it tizn® permits. 6. A combination of all available. pertinent staff recommendations and. Committee reeazaznendations connected with the agenda items shall be given to the Planning Co ssion members as early as possible. If sozae item is missing, a note shall be in the packet saying what the exception is and wham th® z~aterial w~11 be supplied. the mata?rial.s shall be as cozxpl~rte as possible and contain all possible i'nfox~aationR It is important for the Chairnzan to note at the begin*ing of a publie haari~g that there shall. be ~ lizaited time p+~r speeeh. Leh person may speak at least once, on a. at a time, iri tum, before an~ce again bed.ng cognized. by the Chairman. so long as the material is not repetitive. the starting tine .for Planning Commission zaeet3.nga will lbe at 7s 3D P.M b nning ~'u~r ly7$® ~tse ad~ournmea'?t a will be 1030 P.M. A, motion to ex d the z~eeting beyond the ad,~o ent a must b+a made and approval by the ma~arity of the members present, to induct busine~as b nd 1430 P.M. 9. motions of the C3ctmza~.ssion whall b® vo upon try a mall Ball of them barn preset. 10. Tha Commi-ssion will consider the fozzrzatian of a sub..cso tt to view contz~ovsrsial, or r~a,~or, sites azzd locations. • 11. For the purpose of assuring a quo at zaeetings, if a m ber is not able to attend a meeting, notification should be given this City Clerk. ADOPTED by the Lakeville Planning Co ssion f~th day of July, z9Js. --t-e--~ Sohn C.. Asmus, ce "Chairmana v an'cy ~ri. ~it,~ Sec°~ r