HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-20-78 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting • Minutes July 20, 1978 Thursday Municipal Building 7:30 P.M. The meeting began when Vice-Chairman J. Asmus called the meeting to order.. .Answering roll call were Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Jensvold'. (Pierceall, Enright, and hazel had each notified the City Clerk that each would be .unable to attend tonight's meeting.) Also present at this meeting ~~iere Attorney R. Knutson, Engineer F. Burg, Planner S. Ryan, and Building Inspector D. Goodermont.) 78.14:2 Motion was made to approve the minutes of the meeting held July 6, 1978. Motion was made by Antolik and seconded by Jensvold. Voting aye--Antolik, Lutgens, Jensvold, and Asmus. A continuation of the public hearing of Ken Larson and L. Bjorland was begun. This was the public hearing regarding the application to re-zone property located north of 205th Street and east of Iberia Avenue. A member of the audience, R. t,Thittier, presented a petition signed by twenty-nine residents of the 205th Street and Ib era Avenue area, stating that they are opposed to this area being zoned anything but R-1C, • Mr. Whittier asked questions about possible extension of 205th Street and also the possibility of a church locating in the area. No one could answer his question about 205th Street,. but ~1r. Whittier was told that the matter of a church locating here would be an agenda item for the August 3rd meeting. Material from the Planner on request of Lidco, Inc. for re-zoning had just been received by the Planning Commission today. (Four area residents are asking that copies of this material be sent to them. The names. and addresses are on the reverse side of the "file" copy of memo to the Planning Commission from Dave Licht dated 19 July 1978.) 78.143 The motion was made to continue the public hearing of L idco, Inc. application for re-zoning of property north of 205th Street and east of Iberia Avenue until ne xt meeting, August 3, 1973, because recommendations of planner had only just been received this evening. The developer, Ken Larson, is asked to be sent a copy of the planners 19 July 1978 memo. (He was not present at this time. He did come at 8 P.M., and then received a copy. of the memo.) The motion was made by Asmus and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Jensvold. 78.144 The .motion was made to continue the public hearing of applicant Lidco, Inc. for preliminary plat approval of property outlined in Motion No. 143. also until next meeting, August 3, 1978, for the same reason as given in that motion. Antolik made the motion, seconded by Lutgens. • Voting aye--Antolik, Lutgens, Jensvold, and Asmus. Farmers Union Co-op application for a conditional-use permit to construct an underground fuel storage tank at 9290 202nd Street W. was the next public hearing. R. Knutson attested to the fact that this did constitute a legally correct public hearing. Representatives of Farmers Union Co-op stated that the tank would be a 10,000- gallon capacity fuel oil tank.. They also desire to install a pump with the brand name of "Keytrol". Such a pump would dispense "regular".gasoline only,. on a contract-basis, with key-owning patrons. A letter has been written by the State of Mn Fire Marshall that such a tank as Farmers Union Co-op wishes to install has their approval. • 78.145 A motion to close the public hearing of the Farmers Union Co-op to install an underground storage. tank at 9290 202nd Street W was made by Antolik and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Lutgens, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. (1) PLANiJING COMMISSION 20 JULY 1978 (2) PLANrIIPdG COTMY~1~OPd 20 JULY 1978 78.146 A motion was made to recommend approval of the Farmers Union Co-op request for conditional-use permit to install an underground tank on their property . at 9290 202nd Street I^T, subject to the correct placement of the tank in relationship to the final .relocation plans of CoRd 64, known as 202nd Street at this location. The motion was made by Jensvold and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, and Lutgens. R. Knutson attested to the fact that the Timothy and Anita Claire application for a variance in frontyard setback at 18788 Jordan Trail constituted a legally published and documented public hearing. D. Goodermont said the applicants could not be present this evening because they were in'Canada. He explained the problem they have been having with their home in Lakeridge Addition. There is a buckling problem, due to frost heaves, at this address. In addition to this, there is a 1 of of ground water. The Claires feel an answer could be the heating of their garage. 73.147 A motion to close the Claire public hearing was made by Antolik and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Jensvold. 7$.148 A motion to recommend to Council that the application of the Claires for a variance for frontyard setback for extension of gara ge at 18788 Jordan Trail be approved was made by Lutgens and seconded by Jensvold. Voting aye--Antolik, Lutgens, Jensvold, and Asmus. It was the suggestion of Planner Ryan to the Chairman at this time that the audience be advised what action had been taken on Items 3 and 4 of tonight's a gnda. (The audience had been steadily increasing the past half hour, since 8 PM.) The audience, with the exception of R. T~hittier, had been unaware of the 7:30 PM starting time--also Ken Larson and Len Bjorkland. When asked if there would be a possibility of re-opening the hearing this evening--Mr. Roger Kraft, spoke of having traveled 250 miles, one way, to be present this evening and had said at the last continuation of this hearing that this is what he would have to do--the Chairman said the Commission decision to continue the hearing until August 3rd would stand, in order for all concerned to study the new materials which had been presented to them this evening. ,Then asked, Mr. Kraft said that he felt his neighbors would be able to voice his opinion, with theirs, on August 3, 1978. Mr. Larson expressed concern that his letter with a different plan of locating buildings on the property, had not been given a neighbor aware- ness. A reviewal of mobile home ordinance proposal began. Jensvold asked for clari- fication of several items relating to storage- area.. and responsibility for maintainance. 78.149 Motion was made t chedule a pub lic hearing to consider the mobile home park ordinance as amen~~~ the evening of August 17, 1978. The wording "screened and secured" is to be added to the storage area. Recommendations from staff to repeal prior mobile home ordinance requirements that have become outdated are asked to be included in the mobile home park ordinance proposal. Motion was made by Jensvold and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Lutgens, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. It is asked that the continued Lidco, Inc. public hearings be items X63 and X64 of the August 3rd agenda. Future items were read by Planning Commission. It is the request of the Planning Commission that the members receive copies of Council meeting minutes each time they are available. 78.150 Motion to adjorn the meeting was made by Antolik and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, and Lutgens. . Respectfully submitted, N ncy Enright, S eta ry mek (2) PLANNIPdG COMMISSION 20 JULY 1978 • • ~'une 12, 197 We, the un rie~na~d, Irish to advise the Lakeville ~l ping Commission and the Z~alcevlle pity Counoilj pity A nistrator that we are oppo$ed to the. ohanging of that property owned by Kenneth .Larson and Len B~orkland locatod at 2t?Sth and rlberia Streets in Lakeville, Minnesota to anything but a one residential elling. Ede are concerned d. to tra:~fic proble , density of ~opu].ation, and devaluation o~ bur personal property, and real estate. ate do not wish to see it rezoned to be a co rcial or mulitipl.e dwelling a. Thank you ~'aar sincerely evaluating the situation, Respectfully submitted, A.d~ a nt property n~rs $ and surrounding property owners ; . and ctan rned res~.d®nts ~ ~f~ ? , f ~ ~ ~ .H w ~ ; ~ ? ^S q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - °"...,w.,.. ~ ~ d J f~ ~ ~.a' ,r ~~a ~f~'