HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-03-78 CITY OF IAK~.'VILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 7:30 PM Thursday August 3, 1978 • Municipal Bldg Answering roll call were Vice-Chairman J. Asmus and Members Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. Those absent were L. Hazel, who has a leave of absence, and J. Pierceall. R. Knutson, F. Burg, and Steve Ryan also attended. The continued public hearing of Ken Larson and Len Bjorkland to rezone property located north of 205th Street-and east of Iberia Avenue was the first agenda item. Ken Larson was present, and Mrs. Larson, also Ken Bjorkland. .Property owners in this area, Mr. and Mrs. R. Whittier, Nlrs. J. Emond, and Bob Mahowald'were also present. Mr. Whittier asked about the letter written June 9th, by Ken Larson, asking for a continuance of the public hearing. The letter was read to him by V-Ch. Asmus. Mr. Whittier asked about the traffic count. (The count was taken between July 25th and 28th.) The report was read., (A copy is attached to these minutes.) Mr. Whittier stated he wished the .traffic problems could be straightened out before .anything was done that would.. add to what already. existed. Engineer Burg talked of the traffic count. The figures showed that two and one- half times more people than live in the neighborhood are using the Unit A exit. He believes the-figure indicates that a number of people have formed the habit of using this: exit as a means of getting onto Hwy 50. • Planner. Ryan spoke saying that none of the problems here are related to either housing or density. Mrs. Whittier asked. what the traffic count might be in ®ther residential. neighborhoods. S. Ryan said you have to know what a neighborhood is, in order to give an estimate. There are about ten-trips per day in single-family areas. 78.51 Motion was made to close the public hearing of Larson-Bjorkland to rezone from R-1C to R-~ property north. of 205th Street and east of Iberia Avenue. Voting aye--Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. There was further discussion regarding zoning. K. Lutgens asked what would happen to the zoning if the builder decided not to build? The answer was that the .zoning would remain as it had been re-zoned. Spot zoning was discussed. R. Knutson said that spot zoning is thought of as taking a large area and making a small part of it a different zoning, but that. this case is not representative of that type of situation. 78.52 Motion was made that Lot l of the property indicated in Motion No. 78.51 be .recommended to be rezoned from R-1C to R-2 , and .the balance of the lots be rezoned from R-1C to R-3A. .The motion was made by Asmus and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, and Asmus. • Item No. ~F of the agenda for the evening, the continued public hearing of Larson- Bjorlland for preliminary platting of property located north of 205th Street and east of Iberia began. This is a parcel containing five lots. Mrs. Whittier asked if she could now rezone .her home to R-3. The answer given was that she could sign an application form. B. Mahowald asked as each lot is sold, can another type of building be built? He was answered that the same type of bungs- . low would. be buiht. Mr. Mahowald then asked if something could be done about the flashing of headlights into his home, with: the new construction, as it is a problem presently? The planner answered that there are screening requirements and that Mr. Larson would be required to erect screening between his property and single-family residences. 78.53 Motion was made to close the public hearing of Larson-Bjorkland for a preliminary plat of a parcel of land containing five lots, located north of 205th Street and east of Iberia Avenue. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright.. Voting aye--Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. 78.5+ .Motion. was made to recommend approval of application of Larson-Bjorkland for preliminary plat of parcel of land containing five lots, located north of 205th Street and East of Iberia Avenue. Motion was made by Lutgens, 2nd by Antolik. (l) PLANNING. COMMISSION 3 AUGUST 1978 (2) P ING COMMISSION 3 AUGUST 1978 Voting aye--Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, and utgens. 78.55 Motion was made to ask Council that parking problems in the, area of 205th Street and Iberia Avenue be investigated and solutions attempted. Motion was made by . Enright and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye--Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Enright.. Consideration of the application of Bethelehem Ev. Lutheran Church for rezoning of property located on the SE corner of Iberia Avenue and 202nd Street W almost was continued when the planner stated that there was no plat on record of this. property. Then it was proposed to hear Gene Jacobsen this evening, as a concep- tual plan. However, F. Burg gave the information that he has documents which show this area to be a plat. The planner stated the reason for this matter being brought as a public hearing-- city ordinances state that the erection of churches can only be done in resider- zoning. The zoning we are speaking of here is B Mr. Jacobsen stated the land content they are interested is three acres and is almost surrounded by B zoning, although there is some residential nearby. They would like to have the parking located on the side of Hwy 50, with an access to Hwy 50 a two accesses onto Iberia Ave. The square footage of the church would possibly;000, with a seating capacity of 300/~F00. In the future, to the south, of the church, educational facilities are planned. When asked, Mr. Jacobsen said. the property measured approximately 2~F0-some feet wide and 500 feet north to south. Mr. Burg said that Hwy 50 is a main arterial highway and that curb cuts would be discouraged. . It was at this point that Mr. Knutson stated that this could constitute a legal public hearing and the Vice-Ch. opened the public hearing on the Bethelem Church application for rezoning property located on the SE corner of intersection of 202nd Street W and Iberia Avenue. No one in the audience spoke when the Vice-Chairman asked if they .would like. After further explanation from the planner, Mrs. Whittier asked if this did not constitute spot-zoning? Mr. Ryan does not believe the area is completely B B ~ exists about halfway from the area, east, between Iberia Av and Holyoke Av, between 202nd St (Hwy 50 at this point), and 205th Street. Mrs. Whittier further asked about the combined uses of church and school, if that could be considered church use only? The planner replied that that matter would have to be looked at when, and if, the applicant applied for a building permit for a school. The planner indicated several concerns. Among theca were access to Hwy 50, size of the church building, its seating capacity, would there be school useage, and the location of the building on the site. The engineer stated he had no quarrel with the rezoning, but felt more consideration should be given the application in order for him to give an opinion. A member of the congregation of Bethlehem Church spoke saying they are on a limited • budget,.a mission church-, and need to return with information that further expen- ditures would be in order. They were advised that they could attend a staff meeting. Ken Larson asked what could be allowed on this particular corner., if the zoning remained B-4? A B-4 zoning, he was told, is a general business definition, with almost unlimited number of businesses being able to locate. 78.56 Motion was made to continue the application of Bethlehem Church to rezone property on the SE corner of the intersection of Iberia Avenue and 202nd Street from B-4, commercial, to R-1C, single-family housing, until next meeting, August 17, 1978. This is for the purpose of the applicant and staff to have a reviewal of certain questions. Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Jensvold. Voting aye--Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. 78.57 The public hearing of Bett~ehem Church for a conditional use permit to build a school,. church, and parsonage at the intersection of Iberia Avenue and 202nd St. was continued until August 17th, for reasons outlined in Motion No. 78.56, upon motion by Lutgens and seconded by Jensvold. Voting aye--Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, and Asmus. (2) PLANNING COMMISSION 3 AUGUST 1978 (3) PLANNING C~sSION 3 AUGUST 1978 Harry Schelmeske was the applicant at a public hearing for a variance in the front yard setback for the purpose of adding a garage at 9955 176th Circle. This lot is ~cated in Dakota Heights. R. Knutson said that the proper legal notices had been given so that this constituted a legal public hearing.. • Mr. Schelmeske was present, as well as Mr. Jerry Lejchar. Vice Chairman asked Mr. Schelmeske if he would explain where the hardship exists in this situation. Mr. Lejchar explained that there is a builders' covenant in Dakota Heights that a builder cannot erect an addition to their property, at least a garage, unless it is an attached garage. This particular lot is on a cul-de-sac with the rear lot line towards 175th Street. With the projected widening of 175th Street, it is a probability that a variance would also be in order for that situation; also, the grade to the rear of the lot is steep. Mr. Schelmeske said he does have a garage at the present time, but the family's needs for storage have grown and he wishes to use the present garage for storage purposes, only,, and construct a new garage. Under these circumstances, Mr. Knutson said he would not need a con- - ditional use permit--he would have but one garage, in the final outcome. 26' x 27' are the measurements of the garage NIr. Schelmeske would. like to build. 78.58 Motion was made to close the public hearing on the H. Schelmeske application for variance in front yard setback for the purpose of adding a garage at 9955 176th Circle. Motion was made by Jensvold and seconded by Enright.. Voting aye--Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. 78.59 Motion was made to recommend denial of the H. Schelmeske application for variance described in Motion No. 78.58, because a hardship is not proven and concern about setting a precedent. The motion was made by Jensvold and seconded by Enright. Voting aye--Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, and Lutgens. Daniel Harris was the applicant at a public hearing asking a conditional use permit in order to place a mobile home on a farm operated by his father, in partnership with him, at 17995 Pilot Knob Road. R. Knutson stated that proper legal notices had been given to make this a legal public hearing. Mr. Harris stated that at one time there had been a trailer on this land. He said he did not know the amount of acres in the parcel. 78.60 Motion was made to continue the public hearing of Daniel Harris, situating trailer on 80 acres of land, until the applicant can submit proof of the size of the farm. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye--Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Enright. 78.61 Motion was made to recoTrunend approval of the final plat of Sanasha Kno31s. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Antolik. Voting aye--Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. r 78.62 Motion was made to recorrmiend approval of the final plat of Highview Estates. Motion was made by Enright and seconded by Jensvold. Voting aye--Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, and Asmus. 78.63 Motion was made to approve the minutes of the meeting held July 20, 1978, Motion was made by Jensvold and seconded by Antolik. Voting aye--Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. God's Family Church is resubmitting a site plan because of an error in the topogra- phy map of the location, which they were using. It becomes necessary to move the building further to the east. 78.6+ Motion was made to accept the modified site plan of God's Family Church and so • recommend it to Council. Motion. was made by Lutgens and seconded by Jensvold. Voting aye--Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, and Lutgens. 78.65 Motion to adjourn the meeting came at 10:15 PM. I~.otion was made by Enright and seconded by Antolik. Unanimous aye. Respectfully submitted, mek ~"enrctj~ PT.flTT~TTTTf1 r`l1MTtITCCTn*T z nrrnTrom ~ nno