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CITY OF hAKEVTLLE .Planning Coiarnission Meeting.Minutes • September 21, 1978 7:30 P.M. N~inieipal Bldg. Airlake The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M, by Vice-Chairman J. Asmus. Answering roll were Asmus, Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, Jensvold. Absent this evening were Antoiik and Hazel. Also attending the meeting were R. Knutson, P. McGarvey, F, Burg, and a representative of Midwest Planners, M, , and Councilmember Curry. 78.80 .Motion was made to approve the minutes of the meeting held September 7, 1978. Motion was made by Jensvald-Lutgens. Voting aye were Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, Jensvold, and Aamus. Administrator McGarvey said the proper notices had been given to make the request of Oreat Spande for rezoning from B-4, commercial, to R-3C multiple housing, property on the east fide of Dodd Blvd. and north of 204th Street W., to make it a legal public hearing. Architect Don Baker explained what it was that Mr. Spends wished to do with this land. Mr. Roger Waldo, a property manager for Mr. Spande else- where, described the proposed buildings as three-stories, 27' to 28' out of the ground. Mr. Clayness, homeowner in the audience, spoke saying there .was a 33' road platted here. What happens when a street is vacated? Mr. Knutson said if the Iand was vacated, it would return to the property owners. Mr. Bob Roehl asked about the zoning--he believed it was residential. The planner replied that it had been B-4 {commercial), since 1967. Mr. Fred Almon asked if there was going to be a fence? Mr. Baker replied that a lands®aping of trees was planned and that a fence would not be any more attractive than the back of a garage would be. Mr. Roehl stated he would rather have a shopping center than another apart- merit. Planner spoke said there were three reasons why Midwest Planners were. .recommending the rezoning be approved: 1. the rezoning agrees with the comprehensive plan, 2. it is their belief that apartments would form a buffer-zone, and 3. the owner, at this time, has the right to allow any business in this area which would riot require a public hearing.. Asmus wondered .about the handling of traffic? There are four proposed accesses onto Dodd Blvd. Mr. Clayness had other questions about zoning. M. Curry asked that the • different zonings be explained to the audience. F. Burg was of the belief that the multiple zoning would reduce the potential traffic problem by as moan as three times aver ccxrnnereal-use, on Dadd Blvd. 78.$1 Motion was made to close the 0. Spande public hearing. Motion was made by Lutgens-Eazright. Voting aye were Enright, Johnson, Jensvoid, Asmus, and Lutgens. Under discussion, K. Lutgens wondered about parking,. saying "parking is one of the problems we have"'. Mr. Knutson said that two spaces per rental unit is what the ordinance states. Mr. Waldo was asked about the garages being rented, then other things stored in the garages, and the ears still parked in the street. It was decided that i parking agreements could be ineiuded in the developers agreement. M, Curry asked about other storage space being available to renters? Mr. Baker said '"we anticipate having interior space in the building". 78.82 Motion was made to recommend approval of the rezoning from B-4, commercial, to R-~, multiple housing, of the application of Orest Spande, for property east side of Dodd Blvd. and north of 204th Street W. Motion was made by Jensvold- Enright. Voting aye were Johnson, Jensvold, Asmus, Lutgens, and Enright. {1) PI{ATVNING COMMTSSTON 9/21/78 (2) PLANNING SSION 9/21/78 Mr. Brandt, representing Design Builders, was asked to come to the next • Planning Com~ni.ssion meeting, October 5th, when further consideration of Rolling Acres proposal would be made. The reason given him was that all information concerning this proposal had not been received by the Planning Commission. Mr. Brandt .agreed. 78.83 Motion was made to table the public hearing on approval of Roiling Acres preliminary plat, until October 5, 1978, because the Planning Commission has not received the necessary information for arriving at a decision. Motion was made by Asmus-Enright. Voting aye were Jensvold, Asmus, Lutgens, Ea3right, Johnson. The reviewal of a sketch plan of Dick Feerck for a subdivision located north of Minnreg Road. and west of I-35, was begun. The architect explained that thirty lot sites were planned.. Ile used various .overlays to show septic system locations, house locations. He explained that twenty-nine lots would lend themselves to a neighborhood-oriented plat.. F. Burg explained about the limitations of .land to drainfielda--it is necessary. to build two dranfields when the house is built on a slope that exceeds 12~. The planner believed there would be some noise problems on the lots near 35~• M. Curry expresaed the. belief that PUD should be used and have higher density. on lots not including wetlands. Mr. McGarvey wished to make the developer aware that sewer development was proposed for area on south side of Orchard Lake. Mr. Perry Latham, of Mutual Development, was present to discuss the selling of revenue bonds to finance construction of fourplex units in Cedar Highlands Addition. Mr. Asmus said he believed in seeing more development in Lakeville. N. Enright asked if the zoning had already been decided? She would like to hear more pro and con. Johnson said it was necessary for people to have someplace to live. Jensvold agreed to the putting of homes in that area. Mr. McGarvey explained the Plat "Flow" Chart which had been prepared this summer. One will be available at City Hall and the other in Council Chambers, to explain the scheduling of a hearing through the various'com¢nttees to Council for their decision. Future items were reviewed by P. McGarvey. They were Condit©nal use permit for Total Tree, conditional use permit to build storage silos by National Polymers, Continued public hearing of Wildwood Ponds and Rolling Acres., and renewal of special home oceuplation permit for a beauty shop ..owner in Valley Park, etc. Mr. Asmus said he would not be able to attend the meetings in October. 78.8+ Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jensvold-Enright. Unanimous agreed. Respectfully submitte Z_s U Nancy ht, Secretary mek • {2) PLANNING COMMISSION 9/21/78