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City of Lakeville ~ianning Commission Meeting Mis October 5, 1978 7:30 P.M. Municipal Building Airlake Answering roll call were Enright, Antolik, Lutgens, and Johnson. Notice had been given that Jensvold would have to work this evening and that Hazel and Asmus would be out of town. ~3.so attending tonight's meeting were Planner Martha Greenwald,.Attorney R. Knutson, Engineer F. Burg, Administrator P. McGarvey, Grantsmen Intern P. Kern_ kamp. 7$.85 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Johnson, to nominate J. Antolik as temporary chairman for this evening's. meeting. Voting aye were Lutgens, Johnson, Enright. (Antolik did not wish to_vote for' ;himself.} 78,86; Motion wasmade that nominations be closed. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Johnson. A11 aye. 78.87 Motion was made to approve the minutes of the meeting held September 21, 1978. Motion was made by Enright and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye were Lutgens., Johnson, Enright, and Antolik. Total Tree waa the applicant at a public hearing for a conditional use permit for outside sales and storage at i63~+5 Buck Hi11 Road. The owner of the business was here this evening. He stated that the pile of chips was not expected to be left-for a long period of time.. He said the .temperature, today, in the pile of chips, feet above the ground, was 6#°. F. Burg wished to know if all the waste materials are removed? Planner spoke saying the land"where the pile of chips is located was a wetland and land usage within a 1,000. feet of a shoreline requires a conditional use per?nit. The engineer said that the site plan you develop "ali yc3ur drainage should be diverted to one area, and a retention pond used, so the soils can absorb the free nutrients that are there". The planner suggested that now. was the time to ask that some of the zoning .conditions should now be met,as~ll, such as paved parking area. The land content here, that is vwned,is ane acre. Additional land is rented. J. Antolik asked if the fireehief has been out there? Answer was "yes". 78.88 Motion. was made to continue the Total Tree public hearing for two weeks, until the October lgth meeting, Motion wasmade by IIlright and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye .were Johnson, Eazright, Antolik, and Lutgens. P. McGarvey explained that National Polymers, in addition to the conditional use permit to build silos, also needed a variance as to setbacks. That matter will be coming to public hearing next meeting.. It was suggested that both hearings take place the same evening, for the convenience of the applicant, primarily. 78.89 Motion was made 'to continue the public hearing on the r-equest of National Polymers for a conditional use permit to build. storage silos until October 19th. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Enright, Antolik,..Lutgens, and Johnson. ~.94 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Johnson, to recommend approval of the .public hearing application of Wendy Wagner for a special home oecsupation permit renewal at 16366 Flagstaff for a beauty shop. (Renewal will run for a time of 3 years.} Voting aye were Antolik, Lutgens, Johnson, and Enright. (1 } PLANNII~IG COMMISSION 1o/SIB (2) PLANNING OMMISSION OCTOBER 5, 1978 78.91 The date set for pu lie hearing to consider the application of Bar-Clay properties for subdivision of 5.81 acres into 13 lots was November 2, 197$. The motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Lutgens, Johnson, Enright, and Antolik. 78.92 The date set for public hearing to consider the application for subdivision of 2.8 acres into 3 lots, of Carol Purcell, was October 19, 1978. The motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Johnson, Enright, Antolik, and Lutgens. Mr. Bailey Seida was present to answer any questions concerning Wildwood Ponds South, and the continued public hearing of the same. This was a preliminary plat hearing of property located south of CoRd 6~ and west of 35W, near the western boundary of Lakeville. The proposal is for 13 lots of 5acre land content, each. There were two main issues that had been asked concerning the Wildwood Ponds South preliminary. plat, (1) boundary question, which had been resolved when WW Ponds South decided not to plat the strip of land in controversy, and (2) on site sewer system to use, as there is no proposal for public service anywhere near this area before Year 2000, at the very earliest date. The question of sewer system arises, primarily, because of the high water table that exists. Enright asked if the City had received a letter from PCA concerning mound-type septic systems? No, the letter has not been received. Mr. Seida said such a letter had been read to him over the telephone, but it has ,not been received. Engineer Burg stated two issues that are important---(1) the City is responsible for failure of the sewer system, if that should happen, and, (2) the problem • could be controlled by the placing of covenants on the property, tailing the prospective buyer of the situation. 78.93 Motion was made to close the public hearing on the application of developers. of preliminary plat proposal known as Wildwood Ponds South, located south of CoRd 6~ and west of 35W. Motion was made by Enright and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye were Enright, Antolik, Lutgens, and Johnson. 78.9+ Motion was made to recommend denial of the preliminary plat known as Wildwood Ponds South, mainly because there is not enough information available on the performance of systems known as "mound" systems, and the reasons set forth in the letter from F. Burg dated September 28th. Motion was. made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Antolik, Lutgens, Johnson, and Enright. The continued public hearing on the preliminary plat of Rolling Acres commenced. Rolling Acres is a 160-acre parcel of land which is located east of Ipava Avenue and south of 165th Street. Planner Greenwald expressed the concern that 167th Street may develop a traffic flow so it should be treated as a collector. Also, there is one lot-size needing correcting because it is too close to Ipava Avenue. Antoiik asked if there was a problem on only the one entrance onto Tpava Av.? • F. Burg is of the belief that another development will be begun east of Rolling Acres, eventually, and the traffic will. then flow,. also, to Highview Avenue. 78.95 Motion was made to close the public hearing of Rolling Acres. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Lutgens, Johnson, Enright, and Antolik. Enright asked if the cash donation that was suggested could be put in a separate fund that would be used only for the benefit of residents in the Rolling Acres area? The answer was that this would be difficult. 78.96 The motion was made to recommend approval of the preliminary plat known as Rolling Acres, with park dedication to be 8 acres of land and $10,000 cash dedication, to • be used as park development. Also, it is recommended that the Park Director and the Council study the plat for suitable land with these concerns: (1) central location, (2) trail system, and (3) study the needs of the community as regards land development. A redesigning of Lot 18, Block 1 is desired in order to bring the setbacks into accordance with city's zoning codes. Motion was made by Enright and seconded by Johnson. Voting aye were Johnson, Enright, and Antolik. Voting nay was Lutgens, who explained (2) PLANNING COMMISSIt~1' 1O/~/`78 PLANNING CC~'~Il+iISSION 30/3/78 he believes it woi~ be better to take the cash down, as has been recor~anended by the Park and Recreation Committee. 7$.97 Motion was made to close the public hearing of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church request for rezoning of a parcel of land at SE corner of Iberia Avenue and Hwy 5© Pram B-4 to R-IC. Motion was made by Ia~tgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Enright, Aritolik, Lutgens, and Johnson. 78.9$ Motion was made to recommend approval of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church request for rezoning, as outlined in Motion 78.g7. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Antolik, Lutgens, Johnson, and Enright. 7$.99 Motion was made to close the public hearing on Bethlehem Lutheran Church for a conditional use permit for a new church, parsonage, and school on a parcel of land located at the SE corner of Iberia Avenue and Hwy 50. M,ption was made by Lutgens and seconded by Johnson. Voting aye were Lutgens, Johnson, Enright, and Antolik. 78.100 A. motion was made to reeo~end approval of the Bethlehem Lutheran Church request for a conditional use permit, as outlined in Motion 7$.gg, subject to the approval of site and building plans for church, parsonage, and school, when they are submitted. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Johnson. Voting aye were Johnson, Enright, Antoiik, and Lutgens. 78.141 A motion was made to recommend approval of the resolution approving division of . Lot 11, Bioek 1, overland 1st Addition. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Johnson. Voting aye were Enright, Antolik, Lutgens, and Johnson NOTICES October 16, 197$ (Monday evening), there will be a meeting. between Council and officials of PCA, Waste Control, and Metro Council--and PC Commission, in Council Chambers. The meeting is to discuss why Lakeville is not allowed to move ! ahead on sewer construction. This will be part of the regular Council meeting,. October 25, 1878 (Wednesday evening), there is a meeting, with everyone, in Council Chambers at 7:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting is a finalization of ' comprehensive plan. 78.102 Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. Motion was made by Enright and seconded by Lutgens. Everyone voted .ayes. J Q.i ~r A M \ ~ Vvv Nancy^E~x'i'ght, Secretary mek (3) PLANNING comMZSSION 1©/5!7$