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CITY 4F LAKEV • TLLE Planning .Commission Meeting.Minutes of • November 2, 1978 Thursday Answering roll call were members Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold,. {Hazel and Johnson were absent.) Attending this meeting, also, were Attorney Knutson, Planner Ryan, and Engineer Burg, and Councilman Spande. 78.1x3 Motion. was. made to approve minutes of the meeting .held October 5th. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Asmus, Antolk, Lutgens, Enright, and Jensvold. A continued public hearing for Total Tree,.Ltd., Inc. for a conditional, use permit. for outside sales and storage at 1631+5 Buck Hill Road, began. The applicant was uggesting that he might use a berm to control any .drainage problem. He stated than the. sale of wood chips is a year around-thing. J. Asmus asked if there had been any. further report from the fire chief? The fire department is re-organizing at the. moment,. and such a report has not been received. Mr. Asmus thought, also, the Natural Resources C©mmittee should consider this application. Mr. Antolik questioned concerns of parkingand signs. ~8.14~F Motion was made to close the public hearing of Total Tree, Ltd., Tnc. for a conditional use permit. Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright. Voting aye were Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold,. and Asmus. J. Asmus stated there were four things lacking, in his opinion, that would enable the Planning Commission to make a recommendation--(1) report from the fire depart- meet, (2) review by the Natural. Resources Committee, (3).building inspector's report. regarding parking, .and (4) zoning... Applicant. of ..Total Tree was asked to attend the NR Committee meeting on the 6th., and come back to Planning Committee on the 9th of November, when they would be able to make a determination. R. Knutson attested to the fact that the public hearing on preliminary plat of Dodd Terrace, 2nd Addition, was, indeed, a legal. public hearing. Representing Bar-Clay Properties was Mr. Jerry Clay. The 2nd Addition is a 19- .aere parcel of land, consisting of l3 lots, lying east and north of Dodd Terrace ist Addition. There were two interested Clay's Acres' residents in attendance. 'Questions they asked dealt with "what is the park dedication?", "worried .over blind exit on 214th St, from Iran Ave--and the. over-use of the street". It was.. the belief of the engineer that traffic. would use 248th Street as`ther main.. • access, proceed to Jacquard Avenue, then either north or south. The natural drainage problem arose. The second resident thought. that this problem should be addressed and solved before 248th St. "does come through". 78.105 Motion was made to close the public hearing held on preliminary plat of Dodd Terrace 2nd Addition. Motion was made by Antolik and Enright. Voting aye were Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. 78.106 Motion was made to recommend approval of the preliminary plat of Dodd Terrace 2nd Addition. Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye were Fright, Jensvold, Asmus, hntolik, and Zutgens. R. Krauts©n said that the proper advertising and proper notices had been mailed to make the public hearing of John R. Stupero request for a variance in lot area at 17101 Judicial Road a legal hearing. Mr. Stupero stated he had received results of a perculation test today. Tn~hen asked to summarize :his report, Planner Ryan spoke about 1~+,04Q square feet useable lot area being the minimum requirement for a building permit, without a variance, This being Lakeshore propertyrmade neeessary~ thinking about the (1) PLANNING C4MMISSI4N 11/2/78 (2) PLANNING CSSION 11/2/78 Lakeshore impact plan. The applicant should furnish a topographical survey of the lot, and show slope of the land and tree vegetation. 8.107 Motion was .made to continue the public hearing of application of J. Stupero for variance in lot area until a future meeting, Motion was made by Jensvold and seconded Enright... Voting aye: were Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Enright. ..(The implication was that this would be an agenda item for either November 9th... or November 16th meeting--whichever one. when the appiieant had 'the desired materials..) N. Enright asked the minutes to reflect that she will not be able to attend the meeting to be held N©vember 16th.. 78.108 Motion. was made to adjourn the meeting. Mation was made by Enright and seconded by Lutgens. All aye. Respectfully submitted,. Nancy Enright, Secr ry mek Y~~ • • (2) PLANNING COMMLSSION 1/2/78