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NOVEMBER 9, 1978
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the Vice-Chairman, John Asmus.
Roll call was taken. Present: Johnson, Antolik, Asmus, Lutgens, Enright and
Jensvold. Absent: .Hazel..
Also present: Patrick McGarvey, City Administrator/Clerk; Roger Knutson, City
Attorney; Steve Ryan, Planning Consultant.
The public hearing was opened on the application of National Polymers for a ,
variance''in the side yard setback and the Clerk attested to the legality of
the hearing.
A representative of the company showed the plans for the installation of the:-
storage silos.
78.109 Motion was made by Enright, seconded by Lutgens to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Antolik, Asmus, Lutgens., Enright,
Jensvold and. Johnson..
78.110 Motion was made by Jensvold, seconded by-Enright to recommend to the City
• Council to grant a variance in the. side yard setback for the construction of
storage. silos on the west. side of .the National Polymer building as requested.
Ro11 call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Asmus, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold,
Johnson and Antolik.
At this time the continued public hearing on the. request of National Polymers
for a conditional use permit to build storage silos above 45 feet in height
was opened.
78.111 Motion was_made by Lutgens,; seconded by Antolk to close the public hearing.
Roll call was. taken on the motion.'` Ayes, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold, Johnson,
Antolik and Asmus.
78.112 Motian.iaas made by Lutgens,. seconded by Antolik to grant a conditional use
permit to silow National Polymers to construct storage silos to a height of
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Enright, Jensvold, Johnson, Antolik,
Asmus and Lutgens..
At this time the public hearing was opened by the Vice-Chairman on the pre-
liminary plat of Purcell's 1st Addition consisting. of 2.8 acres which would
be divided-into three single family lots. The Clerk attested to the legality
of the .hearing.
The Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary plat with the applicant.
78.113 Motion was made by Jensvold and seconded by Enright to close the public hear-
ing on the preliminary plat of Purcell's .1st Addition.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Jensvold, Johnson, Antolik, Asmus,
Lutgens and Enright.
78.114 Motion was made by Jensvold, seconded by Johnson to recommend that the City
Council. approve the preliminary plat. ,of Purcell's 1st Addition....
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Antolik, Asmus,.Lutgens,
Enright and Jensvold.
At this time the public hearing was opened on the application of A. Leonard
..and LaSalle Bentson for a variance in lot width for a proposed lot in a new.
preliminary plat. The Clerk attested to the legality of the hearing..
The Planning Commission and staff discussed the proposed plat. and the access
to Lots, particularly. the lot further to the north from 205th St. Future
needs for a City street extended`"north of 205th Street to potentially serve
property on the north side of the creek was discussed.:.. This-would be an ex-
NOVEMBER 9, 1978
tension of Holt Avenue. The staff suggested the City may want to acquire the
30 foot of right-of-way from the Benson property to provide flexibility in the
event this street extension was warranted in the future.
Mr. Bentson was not present to speak on behalf of his application and Mr. Jacob-
sonsaid he had not been authorized to speak for the applicant.
78.115 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded bq Enright to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ages, Antolik, Asmus, Lutgens, Enright,
Jensvold and Johnson..
78.11 6; Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Enright to table any action on the
variance request of Mr. Benison until the December 7 Planning Commission
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Asmus, Lutgens, Enright,. Jensvold,
Johnson and Antolik.
The public hearing on the application of A. Leonard and LaSalle Bentson for
a preliminary plat consisting of three single family building sites on pro-
perty in the vicinity of 205th Street .and Holyoke Avenue was opened. The
• Clerk attested to the legality of the hearing..
78.117 Motion was made by Jensvold, seconded by Antolik to .continue the public hear-
ing to`the December 7th meeting.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lutgens, Enright, Jensvold,. Johnson,
Antolik and Asmus.
The City Administrator advised the Planning Commission that the application
of Richard Hopper for a variance was determined to be unnecessary as the
setback was on the. side yard rather than the front and met ordinance require-
The public hearing on the request of 3oseph and Arlene Weck for a variance on
Lots 1, 2, and 3 of Block 17, Lyndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition to construct a
house within the 1,000 feet,vnder the Shoreland Ordinance was opened. .The
Clerk attested to the legality of the hearing.
Mr. Peterson is the owner of he property and Mr. and Mrs.. Weck appeared be-
fore.ahe Planning Commission to explain their request. They showed pictures
of the property and provided a Certificate of Survey and percolation tests.
The Certificate of Survey shows a proposed house which has the required
20 foot side :yard setbacks and the 30 foot front yard setback. It was pro-
posed that the house would be no closer than 50 feet to the Lakeshore which
would require a variance from the 75 foot requirement under the Shoreland
. Ordinance.
The Citq Administrator explained that these lots were platted in 1926, and
.that the percolation tests were satisfactory and indicated the soil is ac-
ceptable for an on-site .septic system.
78..11'8 Motion was made by Antoiik, seconded by Lutgens to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,-Enright,. Jensvold, Johnson,. Antolik,
Asmus. and Lutgens.
78.119 Motion was made bq Antolik, seconded by Zutgens to recommend the Council grant
a variance in the rear yard setback for a new home on Lots 1, 2, and 3 of
Block 17, Lgndale Lakes Club 2nd Addition to within 50 feet of the Lakeshore,
and-grant a conditional use permit for an on-site. septic system.
• Roll call was. taken. on the motion. Ayes, Jensvold, Johnson, Antolik, Asmus.,
Lutgens and Enright.
At this time Mr. John Stupero appeared before. the Planning Commission with his
request-for a variance and a conditional use permit. to construct a house with.
an on-site. septic system on Lot 10, Block 3 of Lfbertq Heights Addition. Mr.
Stupero presented his plan and percolation test results. The percolation tests
weresatisfactory per the City Engineer.
• NovEMBER 9, 1978.
The staff explained that the lot met all requirements of ordinances with the ex-
ception of the house being within ten feet of the side yard as compared to the
20 foot requirement under the Shoreland Ordinance. Mr. Stupero explained that
if they move the house further to the west it would require eliminating the few
.good oak trees on the lot which he would like to save. It was explained that
thin lot is some 26 feet above the lake level.
78.10 Motion was made by Jensvold, seconded by Enright to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Johnson, Antolik, Asmus., Lutgens,
Enright and Jensvold.
78.121 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Enright to recommend the Council grant
a side yard variance for Lot 10, Block 3, Liberty Heights Addition and allow
.the house to be within 10 feet of the side yard line, and to permit an on-site
septic system bg conditional use.
Roll call was taken on the. motion. Ayes, Antolik, Asmus, Lutgens, Enright,
Jensvold and Johnson.
At this time Mr. Philip Popehn, Vice President of Total Tree, Inc. discussed
the request of Total Tree for a conditional use permit to allow outside sales
and forage at the Lumber Jack Shack ~ocated at 16345 Buck Hill Road. The
recommendation of the City Engineer/a berm would be necessary to control and
confine the wood chips was reviewed. The potential fora fire was also dis-
cussed. The staff advised the Planning Commission that the City Engineer had
investigated the potential for the self-igniting capabilities of the wood
chips and found. there were none. The problem of vandals starting the chips
on fire was discussed and it was determined that there is no feasible way that
could be prevented if someone were determined to commit arson.
Members of the Planning Commission discussed the aesthetic and environmental
impact of this type of storage in this particular area of Lakeville. Mr. Jens-
vold stated he didn't believe the storage of wood chips should be permitted,
berm or no berm in this close vicinity to a lake. Mr. Lutgens stated he did
not feel that the outside storage of wood. chips should be permitted as this
is the main highway into the' City of Lakeville and detracts from. the appear-
once of the City.
78.12`2 Motion was made`by Jensvold, seconded by Lutgens to recommend to the City
Council to deny the conditional use permit for outside storage of wood chips
due to the location being next to a City lake classified recreational develop-
ment and because of the visual effects to detract from the City in this area
of the City,-as has-been Planning Commission policy in the past.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Asmus, Lutgens, Jensvold, and Antolik.
Nays, Enright and Johnson..
Mrs. Enright sbated she voted nay because she felt the City Engineer's recommen-
datons could be implemented and the Natural Resource Committee had recommended
approval with conditions.
78.123 Motion was made by Asmus, seconded by Antolik to adjourn the Planning. Commission
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Lutgens, Jensvold, Enright, Johnson,
Asmus and Antolik.
Respectfully submitted,
l J~;. _
Nancy Enri t, Se etary
John Asmus, Vice-Chairman