• NOVEMBER 1b, 1978
Th® meeting was called to order at 7:40 P,M. by the Vice-Chairman, John Asmus.
Roll cail,was taken. Present: Jahnson; Lutgans; Jansvold; Asmus. Absent: Enright;
Antolik; .Hazel.
A{so Present: Patrick Mc Garvey, City Administrator~Clerk; Frank Berg,' City Engineer;
David Gaodermont, City Building Official; David Licht, City Planner.:
The public hearing was opened an the Consumer Realty Preliminary Plat and the clerk
attested to the legality of the hearing based upon publication and mailed notices.
Mr, Gene Jacobson, representing the applicant, described the preliminary. plat
for the Commission and audience.
Mr: Asmus questioned sewer availability to the site. Mr, Berg responded that the
plat would not require service until August or September 1479, The extension
of trunk service would, however, depend upon overall demand in the area. This
matter is to be addressed by the City Council.
Mr. Larry Strand and Leonard Quist, land owners in the area, questioned surface
• water drainage from the site onto adjoing land. Mr. Barg responded that future
road construction would be designed to handle the problems.
Mr. Gary Charnstrom, a land owner to the south, questioned the determination
on who would be required to hook up to the sewer and how close the proposed
sewer would be to his house. Mr, McGarvay outlined the City's policies regarding
sewer connections and assessment procedures.
Mr, Asmus reported that he had a letter from the Natural Resources Committee.
indicating genera! approval of the preliminary plat and that the Park and Recreation
Committee has recommended a cash contribution of $4,$00 in lieu of {and dedication
for public park use. Mr, Asmus questioned if the planner had any comments on
the preliminary plat. Mr, Licht summarized Midwest Planning's reporfi of i3 November
and indicated that only the question of sewer availability was an issue.
7$,124 Motion was made by Jensvold, second by Lutgen to close the public hearing.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes; Johnson; Asmus; Lutgens; Jensvold,
7$.125 Motion by Lutgens, second by Johnson that the Panning Commission recommend
approval of the Consumer Realty Preliminary Plat to the City Council contingent
upon the financial feasibility and availability of sanitary sewer to the site.
• Roll'cail was. taken on the motion. A es; Jansvold; Asmus• Lut ens• Jahnson,
Y ~ 9 ,
Mr. Mc Garvey advised the applicant and citizens that the Consumer Realty Plat
would be on the City Council agenda an 4 December, 1478,
78.12b Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by Jansvold to correct the Planning
Commission minutes of 4 November, 147$ motion 7$.122 as follows:
"Mofiion made by Jensvold, seconded by Lutgans to recommend to the City Council
as hasbaen the Planning Commission policy in the past to deny the conditional use
permit of outside storage of wood chips due to the location being next to a City
lake classified recreational development and beca rs of the visas( effects detract
• from the City in this area of the City."
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes; Asmus; Johnson; Jensvold; Lutgens.
78,127 Motion was mode by Lutgens, seconded by Jensvold to approve the Planning
Commission minutes of 9 November,147$ as Corrected.
Rol''I call was taken on the motion. Ayes; Asmus; Johnson; Jensvold; t.utgens.
Mr, Licht reported on the progress of the comprehensive plan and related
ordinance revisions.. Mr, Asmus requested no special meetings an the plan
during December.
Mr, Mc Garvey reported Mr, Banks had filed application for rezoning which will be
addressed at the 7 December Planning Commission meeting, it is also anticipated
that a preliminary plat and rezoning of the Haase property will be on the agenda
on 21 December.
78, t28 Motion by Jensvold, seconded by Lutgens to adjourn the Planning Commission
meeting ,
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes; Johnson; lutgens; Asmus; Jensvold,
.Respectfully submitted,
John Asmus, Vice-Chairman