HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-07-78 CITY OF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting Minutes December 7, 1978 Municipal.Bldg. 7:30 P.M. • Vice-Ch. Asmus called the meeting to order. Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Johnson answered roll call. (Jensvold came fifteen minutes later.). Hazel is out of state. Present, also, were Planner Steve Ryan, Atty R. Knutson, Engineer F Burg. 78.129 Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Antolik, to approve the minutes of the meeting held. November 16th. Votingaye: Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, and Asmus. Public hearing to consider the application of Barbara A. for a special .dome occupation permit to operate a beauty shop in her home at x+05 Upper 206th St. W. began. .The applicant was represented by her husband, Mr. Terry L. Herring. Questions were asked to determine that satisfactory safety inspections, ample parking, would be meta Mr. Herring asked about a sign. Atty Knutson read. from the ordinance that neither outside, or inside (visible to the outside), signs would be permitted. 78.130 Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Antolik, to close the Herring public hearing. Voting aye: Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, and Antolik, and Asmus. '8.131 Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Enright, to recommend approval of the Barbara A. Herring application for a special home occupation permit to operate a beauty shop in her home at 8+05 Upper 206th St. W.--Lot 3, $loek 1, Park, for time period of one year. Voting aye: Enright, Johnson, Antolik, and Lutgens, and Asmus. Public hearing to consider the application of F.lmPr N Olson for a conditional use permit for open sales lot and outdoor storage area for boats and related items in a B-~+ zone, at location of 2000 Kendrick Avenue--property content is ten acres--began. Three representatives of Elmer N. Olson Co. were present. R. ..Knutson testified that all proper notifications had been made. Engineer had concerns that the company locate its sanitary service were it would not be over-taxed, as the City of Lakeville has no plans to extend public service to this area, at least for another ten years. The soil is a heavy-type in this area. The Planner had no issues with the proposal.. 78.132 Motion was made by Antolik, seconded by Jensvold, to close the public hearing. Voting aye: Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, and Johnson. Upon disucssion, matter of chainlink-barb wire fencing was a topic. The fence • desingn must meet the approval of the building inspector. The septic system must meet the specifications of the engineer. The applicant will make a separate application for a sign permit. Applicant spoke of future building to be erected to the rear of the present one, which will be used for storage. The caution was again given about the washing of boats, so that the septic system would be adequate. The parking surface should be hard surface. There. is no requirement for screening. (11 PLANNING C~IMISSION 12/7/78 (2) PLANNING COMMISSION 12/7/78 78.133 Motion was made by ~ight and seconded by Lutgens ~ecommend approval of the request. of Elmer N. Olson for a conditional use ermit for open sales lot and outdoor storage area for boats and related items in a B- zone, at 20600 Ken~'ick Avenue, upon satis- .factory percolation test, septic system which meets the engineer's specifications, and hard-surfacing the parking area, and approval of the fence design by the building inspector. Voting aye: Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, and Jensvold. A discussion of the Jos. J. Schweich matter of a division of Lot 30, Block 12, Antlers Park, resulted in the following motion: 78.134 Motion was made by Lutgens and seconded by Antolik, that "if it is agreeable to both parties, the Planning Commission is favorably inclined to recommend approval of the concept of the division of Lot 30, Block 12, Antlers Park into two lots, each lot being occupied by only one house. Voting aye: Antolik, Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, Jensvold, and Asmus. Planner Ryan commented, regarding Eureka and Empire Townships' comprehensive plans, that "does not look like either plan will have any impact on Lakeville". Norm Jensvold informed the Commission that he will be leaving, effective the 1st of the year, to accept employment in Washington, D.C. The engineer made the Planning Commission aware of a very decisive meeting with Metro planning people, and the City of Burnsville, as well as Lakeville, on Thurs., December h+th, in Metro Square, St. Paul, to consider Lakeville's using both the Seneca and Vermillion disposal facilities for sewage. If denied the use of the .Seneca system, .development in the City of Lakeville in the Crystal Lake area cannot help but be severely curtailed, if not dealt a fatal blow. 78.135 .Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Antolik, seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye: Lutgens, Enright, Johnson, Jensvold, Asmus, and Antolik. Respectfully submitted, Nanc~ri , eere r'Y Chairm~ or Vice-Chairman mek (2) PLANNING COMNBSSION 12/7/78