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. CITY CF LAKEVILLE Planning Commission Meeting .Minutes December 21, 1978 ,7:30 PM Municipal Building Airlake Answering roll call when J. Antolik called the. meeting to order were Antolik, Lutgens, Johnson, and Jensvold. (Asmus came after the first motion was voted approval.) Also attending this meeting were Attorney Knutson, Engineer Burg, Planner Ryan, and Building Inspector D. Goodermont. 78.136 Motion was made to approve the m~.nutes of the meeting .held December 7th. Motion. was made by Lutgens and seconded by Jensvold. Voting aye were Lutgens, Johnson,. Jensvold, and Antolik. Upon being asked if the public hearing of A. M. Banks had been legally advertised, R. Knutson said that it had been. Mr. Banks would not be .able to attend this meeting until later in the evening, however, Mr. Vern Loken, Mr. Ed Sande, and Mr. Jerry Sande, were present to discuss .with Planning Commission plans that were being made for property in the northernmost ~eetion 1, Tll~+, R21W, known as the Haase Bros. property, to be known as Qak Shores 6th Addition, if-and when it is developed. Part of Oak Shores 6th Addition, in the City of Burnsville, is now being developed in multiple housing. This is on 158th Street and adjoins the former. Haase. Bros. property. There is no corporate line going through the lots. No one on the Planning Commission expressed the thought of any problems. with the plans as they were presented this evening. Mr. A. M~ Banks was nom present. The public hearin .regarding rezoning of land located south of Hwy 5D and wes of Holyoke Avenue began. This location is west of Iberia Avenue.. Mr. Banks said he wished"something that will allow him to procede in an orderly fashion", which direction he is asking through the public hearing. Que .tions arose as to whether the PC could recommend one part of the property .for approval of the rezoning, and table making a recommendation on the re- mainder of the .request. R. Knutson was asked to look up pertinent information. 78.137 The motion was made to continue the hearing until the applicant furn hes - more information. Motion .was made by Lutgens and seconded by An~colik. Voting aye were Johnson, Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, and Lutgens, 78.138 Motion. was. made to set the date for public hearing for change of minimum lot size__development in a rural serva.ce area to January 18th. Motion was made"by Lutgens and seconded by An.tolik. Voting aye were Jensvold, Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Johnson. J. Antolik presented a letter which he had received from the Mn Dept of Trans in regard to a proposed plat, T.H. 50 and Iberia Avenue 1©cation. The letter is to be forwarded to Mr. McGarvey. A recorrunendation to C©uncil that John mss, whose term of office is expiring,. (1) PLANNII~TG C©MMISSION 12/21/78 (2) PLANNING ISSION 12/21/78 be reappointed to the Planning Commission,. was asked by K. Lutgens, and agreed by all members present.. • Regarding the vacancies and appointments to Planning .Commission, a letter will be written to Council at the direction of J. Asmus, and at his discretion. Norm Jensvold wished the minutes to reflect his thanks to all members of the Planning Commission and .City Staff for an interesting year, which he also considered educational. 78.139 Motion was made to thank Norm Jensvold for having served on Planning Commission Motion was made by Asmus and seconded by Lutgens. Voting aye were Asmus, Antolik, Lutgens, and Johnson. The planner spoke of his steps in scheduling the update of the Comprehensive Plan in 1979• 78.1+0 Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. .Motion was made by Antolik and seconded by Lutgens. Voting. aye were Antolik, Lutgens, Johnson, Jensvold, and A.smus. Respectfully submitted, Vice-Chairman Secretary (2) PLANNING COMMISSION 12/21/78