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MINtJTES OF N~ETING OF LAKEVIL~LANNING CC)MNBSSION 17 ~BRUARY 1977 8:00 PM THURSDAY . MtTNICIPAL BUILDING ATR7.AKF. INDUSTRIAL PARK i i e meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Campbell. Answering roll call: ~pbe11, Antolik, Jojade, Asmus, Spared, Lutgens, and, absent, was L. Hazel. fff I .77.1$ Upon motion by Asmus-Spande the minutes of the meeting held February, 3rd were 1 i accepted. Mation carried. B. Campbell gave a report of the February 7th Council meeting which he had attended and explained the reasons why the B. 3ohnson apartment building complex was given a variance and streetaceess. _ _ y _ R. Knutson said the Phas II development agreement of Valley Park $th Addition has not been resolved. Acquisition of Outlot A for`park purposes is necessary. Regarding the Woodbridge proposal, Pat McGarvey said there would be'a resolution supporting the Waste Control Commission before the Gity Council at their next meeting. Mr. Gene Jacobson was also present at this meeting. Planner stated that "question is to on-site drainage--and it has to be resolved". All these problems have been outlined in a letter and ent to Commissioners and to Mr. Geo. Grohoski. A discussion on PUD ordinance proposal ensued. "Special uses within districts", was explained by Planner Licht. 77.19 Lutgens-Jojade motioned and 2nd that amendment to PUD Ordinance, as recommended by planning consultant, be set for public hearing on March 17, 1977.`' ~hairman Campbell told of "Land IIse Workshop" that will be held over a period. of ime from March 8th through April. 25th,. at the Holiday Inn. South, Bloomington, 35W ..and 9~+th Street. He directed that'capies of the registration blank be sent to all .members and they are to contact him if they wish to .attend.. 77.2© Motion to adjourn .came at g:~+5 PT4--Lutgens and Jojade. Motion carried. Respectively submittyd., Larry Hazel, Secretary. mek MINUTES OF THE LAKEVI PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING THURSDAY 8:OU PM 17 MARCH .1977 MUNICIPAL BUILDING AIRLAKE INDUSTRIAL PARK • Planning members answering roll call when Chairman Bill Campbell called the meeting to order were Campbell, Jojade, Asmus, Spande. The meeting began at 8:3D PM. Lutgens, Antolik, were absent, and Hazel came later in the evening. Councilmembers Zaun and Curry were present; P. McGarvey, R. Knutson, and D. Goodermont also present. 77.21 Minutes of the meeting held February 17th were. approved upon motion of Spande and Asmus. Motion carried. (There had not been a meeting held March 3rd because of inclement weather.) B. Campbell asked if it would be possible for P. McGarvey and M. Klot2 to notify Planning Member .designated to attend Council meeting when there was nothing from the Planning Commission on its agenda--so giving him the option of whether to attend or not. It will be done in the future. Woodbridge Plat--Mr. P. McGarvey said that he had talked both to George Grohoski and to Steve.. There is no way at the present time to approve a preliminary plat, because of the present non-completion of the treatment plant, primarily. It had been thought that the Woodbridge Plat should be perhaps denied at this time, because of the time element, then brought back at some future time. However, Steve Grohoski prefers to withdraw the Plat at this time. He has. said that he will put this determination in a letter to the City. 77.22 Motion to close the public hearing of Woodbridge Plat preliminary, was made by Jojade and Spande. Voting "aye", were: Jojade, Asmus,-Spande, and Campbell. Motion carried. Valley Park $th Addition, Phase II development status--R. Knutson reported that there. had been nothing new at this time, but "they are close to settling the outlot" question of ownership. New building in Airlake--Mr. R. Grubbish presented building plans for a new, proposed building in Airlake Industrial Park, east of Sports Plastic, on Hwy 70. This building will be owned by City Club Distributors. There was a question about size of tanks. raised by B. Campbell and Dave Goodermont, also the radius of the turn-around. Mr. Grubbish explained the "why's" satisfactorily. .The building will be 3D00+ square feet. There will be a canopy over the corner-area, and brick under that. D. Goodermont said that he had looked at the plans last week. 77.23 Motion to approve the building plans of City Club Distributors was made by Spande and Hazel. Voting "aye" were Asmus, Spande, Campbell, Jojade, and Hazel. Motion carried. Garage of more than 1,000 square feet--was discussed with the P1a2aning Commission by Mr. Howard Anderson, who lives in a multiple-housing unit in Dak~~a Heights 7th`Addn. He proposes a garage of 1,300 sq. ft. There are two single garages on this property now, but there is not enough room to store several cars, a boat, and miscellaneous other things. (This was in answer to G. Spande's question of what the proposed building would be used.) The zoning here is R 2. There is a problem here, anticipated, in having the exit onto a busy street. Mr. Anderson said it would be possible to'locate the garage on the other side of the property. Mr. Anderson was advised to proceed with the normal procedure (public hearing) to obtain a conditional-use permit.. Cross Nurseries--Mr. Don Cross was present and stated he would like to construct a x 70-foot machinery storage building north of the green building that is presently located on the property on Hwy 50 (Kenwood Trail). This. property is zoned R-1C--but Cross Nurseries was here many years, at .this location, before the zoning went into effect. R. Knutson stated that in R-1C zoning "needs a conditional-use permit on the new building". Mr. Cross also said he needs a remodeling permit because he is planning to remodel his garden center. Preliminary Policy Plan- Mr. Dave Licht had not arrived at this meeting. P. McGarvey will see about a special meeting with him to receive and review the Midwest Plan, possibly Thursday, March 2~Fth, or Thursday, March 31st. The blic hearin of l ~ Pu _ g ~e~~~for a variance from the side yard setback requirement on Plat 66500, Parcel 060-01, Lot 6, Block 1, was begun. . 77.2+ Motion to close the J. Schweich public. hearing was made by Hazel and Spande. (Mr. Schweich had withdrawn his application.) Voting "aye" were Spande, Campbell, Jojade, Hazel, and Asmus. Motion carried. M. Curry notified the Members that the Minn. Planning Commission will be meeting from 31st of March-lst of April, and that three members are Lakeville's slot, although more could come. The meeting will be at the Sheraton Inn NW, located in Brooklyn Park. J. Asmus asked if members would be receiving copies of the agenda. Answer, "yes". 77.25 Motion to adjourn--Jojade and Asmus. Mgt; nn Tarr; cd i u~.,e,