THURSDAY 8:00 PM 2~F MARCH: 1977
. Answering roll when Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order were Campbell,
Antolik, Lutgens, Spande, and Asmus. (Jojade came a few minutes later...} Administrator-
McGarvey, Planning Consultant D. Licht, and Councilmember M. Curry were also in atten-
The: minutes of the: meeting held 17th of March were to be corrected, in the name of
.applicant at Motion No. 77.2~F, to Mr. Harbert Heinzt. (This public hearing had been
withdrawn by the applicant because of his neighbors' objections--he had decided he no
Zonger wanted it.)
77.26 Motion to approve the minutes of the 17th of March meeting, as corrected, was
made and seconded. Motion carried.
D. Licht began the discussion review of policy L3anning for the new comprehensive plan
with a short summary and-background of what is to be found on the first twenty-four
paged of the report dated February 1977.`. A Profile had been assembled last Fall,
` November 1976, which contained information and statistics about the City, which are to
-'be used, now, in this second stage of planning. Mr. Licht emphasized "what you have.
now is what Isee--they are my ideas" and what I want now_are-your reactions to theme
and what your ideas are on what should be planned, as you see the future City of Lakeville
"It is a basisto respond, not a dictate", explained Mr. Licht. Other ideas .are invited.
There will be three stages of the planning of the new Comprehensive Plan. The first
stage was the "Profile", then development of Policy Plan, followed by "Ordinance Up-date".
---Mr. Licht--urged-Planning-members "da not_ ook at it as asingle-item--there..are-probably
ten hat apply": "Balance land use allocation with land use demand" was another point
of advice, and "responsibility should fall on the developer, and not`on the City"--Mr.
Licht's ideas.
"The City of Lakeville must start to address low and moderate income housing; Law at~d
moderate income housing is not always subsidized .housing.- It does not need to have a
negative impact, "spoke Mr, ifi.cht, "but it has to be done well". Also--"of more concern.
is balancing out your overall picture".
Planning members all asked questions concerning. what determines amoderate-housing figure,
-deteroration cxmcerns, fixing up house benefits, removal of; substandard housing procedure,
subdivision zoning, PUD land use, encouragement of transit..
Moderate housing figures--maxima. is an income of $16,000 a year, and family-size of 6,
that can expect to have a subsidy.:
~'..~eteroration-- - cities have found several methods of dealing with deteri oration.
One method is to deal with the problem at the time. of sale--it has to be inspected.and
approved. Another; uses the `method of-dealing with it before the sale--there is, an
:inspection. A third way,-you can request an inspection, but it is not mandatory. In
some eases, .apartment licensing is.:.required.
Repair--it'was generally'coneeded that paint "uplift"and remodeling should `not be a basis
Por increased taxes. It is .asked that this be an agenda item for a future meeting..
B. Campbell asked if the brochure "Preliminary Policy Plan" is an outline of what cities
are required to have. The answer was "yes".
Substandard housing removal--was a concern of J. Asmus. Also how was it implemented,
once it-was determined. It had to be determined to be "hazardous"; not forcing people
'out without alternatives would. be another. guideline.
Councilman Zaun had attended the March 17th meeting with questions about "energy", but
had been unable to return toriite. He would like to know where energy problems have been
addressed in the preliminary policy plan. Councilmember Curry asked that plat potential
at Airlake be considered, anda possible medical.. center.
The special meeting was concluded with agreement to have a 'o~int meeting with .Natural.
~esources;Committee on their next meeting night, Tuesday, rile- th, when DNR will be
present to explain and answer questions and stateme~-
Flood Plain, Flood Fringe, and Flood Insurance were matters discussed following the
• special meeting. Preliminary maps have reached Lakeville City Hall. Mr. McGarvey
explained the l0O-year flood boundary: line.
Respectfully submitted,
Larry Hazel,: Secretary mek