HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-07-77 CI, F L,~{NVZLLrr PLh i;I~Ii~G C0~" SION Ifi~ETII~G I~;II~UTF,S
TiiIJRSll,AY 6; oo PI~ ? 1{PRIL 1977 .
In the absence of £hairman W. Campbell, Vice-Chaizman G. Spande .called the.
meeting to order. Spandei ,Antolik, .Asnus, and Lutgens .answered roll call. also in
dance at this meeting were p. McGarvey, Administrator, R. Knutson, ,Attorney,
D. icht, Planner, and D. Goodermont and a. Langord from the Building Inspection
77.27.. motion 'to .approve the minutes`. of the special meeting held 24th of March,' to
consider preliminary policy plan, was made by Asmus and ,~ntolik, Motion carried'
-upon each member voting nave„.,
John Zimmer, of Lakeville, represented by Greg Klotz, because Mr. Zimmer was
out of tom, had his application before the Planning Commission, for their approval
of a truckstoragegarage to be located on 21Sth Street, west of Holyoke ,~v. This
location is zoned industrial. A colored picture of the proposed building was. shown
by Greg Klotz.
77.28 J. Asnus motioned to a rove and Mr. Zimmer be required to follow the plans.
and the pictures shown this evening, since sewer and water i s currently
available on the site. (-this motion is explained in the paragraph immediately
.above.) Lutgens 2nd. .voting nave„ were ~ntolik, Asmus, Lutgens, and Sande.
Motion carried.
~gttorney attested to the legality. of the public hearing of application of
Melvin C. and Marianne J. Erickson for rezoning from R 3C, multiple family dwelling,
to B-2 commercial, land on part o the. 2 of of of fiction 29, or 889 210th
at. W.
planner Licht gave a short synopsis of the material he had supplied the pomm-
i~n and the Erickson's, which included his recommendations. $e stated that a
beauty shop on these premises was anon-confozming use--does not conform in the teens
of conditional. use. Zb recom.*aend rezoning of this parcel would constitute rrstripn
zoning and would violate Lakeville's comprehensive plan. It was his opinion that the
beauty shop operation should be developed as a home occupation activity from now on,
rather than a conditional use permit.
G. Spande asked "if nothing was done, how long would it be .allowed?" --and,'
nis this unusual? n D. Licht responded that. it was "probably one of several. „ Mel
Erickson was present, stated that he had read D. Licht's commentary, and he very :much
objects to the wording. R. Knutson advised the Commission to give their reasons pro
.and con, when voting on a recommendation.
77..29: Iiotion by Lutgens and Antolik to .close .the Erickson public hearing. Voting
"ayes were Asmus, Lutgens, Spande, and ~ntolik. Motion carried.
77.30 Motion to rrdeny request for rezoning, because could see no advantage. to the
City, .and do see possibility of opening up the area to cor.~mercialrr and the
reasons set forth in D- Licht's recommendations on the possible rezoning--
was made dy ~lsmus and seconded by Lutgens. Voting to derby the rezoning
application were Lutgens, Spande, ,Antolik, and ,~saus. This was a unanimous
decision to recommend denial. of this rezoning ao~lication by Council. The
Erickson's were told that the matter of their application to rezone this
property would come before Council on the 18th of April.
. R. Knutson stated that proper notifications had been given in the matter of
the application of {ti.chard E. and Florence B. ss for conditional use ep rmit public
hearing for construction of a machinery storage ouilding on part of Lot G, Lenihan' s
hots, ,~*~tlers Park, Block j.
Dick Cross stated his reasons for wishing to build the storage building, nto
cover up the machinery and improve the looks of the property„. ge said it would be a
metal building and would be located to the rear of the. one. that has been built. D.
Licht said that the matter req~.i.red a public hearing because i.t was an accessory build-
ing over 1.000 square feet, and that it would be located directly behind the other one
that now .exists.
77.31 Motion by ~ntolik and ~lsmus to close the. public hearing of the Cross application
for conditional use permit to construct a storage building. .voting pave p were ~
;~aande, pntolik, ~?smus, and Lutgens. Motion carried.
77.32 notion by Spande to a rove the above ~ 'c~tion of
PP a pl.i a R Ts. Cross and F. B. Cross.
2nd bras by Lutgens. Voting to recommend a,~proval were ~ntolik, ,~s~us, Lutgens,
azd Sande. Motion carried. a Cross' were so told that their application
would come before G~ouncil on ,April 18th.
(1) PL w'?~ IP; s C0;•,
lI S.~IQN 7 APRIL 197?
P1.•~;;rIiru ~:~u~.ISSiot~ ~ (z) ~ 7 ,APr~2IL 1977
g. Knutson stated that proper notifications had been given for public hearing
application of Vincent and Betty Vaccaro for a conditional use permit for the construction
of a 24" x 24" ~ on Lot Block 3, pare Shores. 3rd addition.
Mr. McGarvey said that it was because of the size of the proposed garage that
s matter constituted a public hearing. Mr. Yaccaro said ~fundamental].y, the building
will be used to store automobiles--he has .several that he .uses only`in the summer .season
--plus he wishes to store other personal effects iri the building. He also said he "does
have what i s known as 'boat storage' under the existing garage D• Licht spolte saying
such a building could be for "private use of the owner ozily".
Taro members of the planning Commission are neighbors of Mr. Yaccaro ~ s. R.
Knutson advised, "i.f you feel that there is a conflict-=__-. I am not urging you to vote.
H1t the other two members can vote, then. send it to Council". Upon the question of
.whether or not a variance was needed here, it was stated that none was needed.
77.33 Motion was: made by Lutgens and ;Asaus to close the Yaccaro public hearing
.request for conditional u:e permit for large garage. Yoting "aye" were
,Asnus, Lutgens,.. Spande, and ,Antolik. Motion carried..
77.3 Motion was made by Lutgens to approve the Vaccaro application, with-the condi-
tion that this building be .used for his own per~nal use. Asnus seconded.
Voting "aye n, were Lutgens and ~smus. Spande and antoli.k abstained from voting
because of living neighbors to this property, and a possible confliction of
interests. Therefore, this application is being sent. to Council. to be on their
agenda ,~,pril 18th, with a split vote decision for recommendation..
R.. Knutson stated he had reviewed the notifications .for the Williams Pipeline
po. public hearing for an interface detector site on part of of Sec 22, conditional
• permit, and all is in order.
Mr. Don Barry, Williams Pipelines representative, was present. P. McGarvey ex-
plai.ned that the original perai,~t was granted three years ago, but the landscaping-type
screeninghas not .been done. It has been stated that it i.s their intent to do the
.landscaping. It was Mr. I,icht's recommendation that a performance bond be issued and
that it be posted. A time limit of six months i.s suggested..
77.35 Motion to close the W`i].lia'ns Pipelines public hearing was made by antolik and
seconded by Lutgens, Voting "aye" were Spande, ,Antoli.k, Asnus, and.. Lutgens.
Motion carried.
77.36 ,~snus made motion to recommend approval of the Williams Pipeline application
for a conditional use permit for an interface detector site on part of ~ of
gee 22, subject to all the considerations that Dave Licht has stipulated in
his report which i s dated 31st of March 1977.. (These include the posting of a
performance bond and a time limitation of six months.) Lutgens seconded.
Voting "aye" were antolik, Asnus, Lutgens, and Spande. Motion carried.
The attorney once again said he had reviewed the notices and the proper notices
had been given. This was for the public hearing to consider the application of John
LaFavor for special home occupation permit for cabinet making on land described as part
of the E~ of the Nt~ of the. Sic 18, or 9808 18Sth Street W.
D. Licht stated he "found that it is generally acceptable. loading -dock
~uld be constructed, and would make it in accordance with the ordinance. " There are
conditions, altogether, which would make the cabinet making special home oceupati.on
permit allowable. Dust contml and noise factor were. taken into consi.derati.on. ,~l.so,
there can be no .signs, under this type of permit. Mr. LaFavor stated that Mr. Iandel,
neighbor who. had previously objected, has since. withdrawn his objection, that .the dust
stays within. the building, and that he is agreeable to a crushed rock driveway.
77.37 Aiotion to close the public .hearing to consider the application of John LaFavor,
as written a'oove, was made by Lutgens and seconded by Mande. Voting "aye"
were Asaus, :Lutgens, ;~ande, and Antolik. Motion carried.
77.•38 Motion was made 'by Lutgens. seconded by Asmus, to recommend approval of the
application of John LaFavor fora esp vial home occupation pexinit for .cabinet
making at 9808 18Sth Street W., subject to the six conditions that are to be
found i.n Mr. Licht s report dated ,April S, 1977. Yoting aaye" were Lutgens,
. ;~pande, AntoliK, and ~smus. Motion carried. Mr. LaFavor was also told that
this matter would be an agenda item for Council at their meeting on 18th ,April.
Mr. Joseph y~hweich was present with his site plans for relocation of three
existing dwellings and private easements for access, for land, etc., located on the j
north shore of Lake Marion. The only access is from 19yth Street. Mr. Schweich does
have anon-conforming. use on the westsrlp lot, and has been making improvements here.
PdIL 1y77
(2) PLA:idINv Coi~~I~lIS5LON 7
P3r.A'+'tdING C02~tiI~SION (3) 7 A.z'RIL 1977
Mr. ;xhweich is locking for recognition. of the site plan and action that has been taken.
77.39 Motion by ,pntolik, seconded by Lutgens, to recommend to Council that they approve
proposed steplan as sutxaitted by Joseph _5chweich, this date. Voting nayen
were Spande, ~ntolik, Asaus, and Lutgens. Motion carried.
The 10th agenda:tem was consideration of .Valley Park 8th ,pdditon, Phase II.
Mr. Phil Jensen of ~.iburban Blgineering, was representing lst WS.sconsin State:3anx,
and Mr. pometier was also present. This matter had been reviewed at pprevious meetings.
The desire now is to go ahead with the development of 27 .lots. It will be called Phase
II of Valli Park 8th addition. They said "the=-uti#fies _ will be extended and storm
sewers built.
Mr. McGarvey-inforsaed the Commission that Outlot ~ 's ownership has not been
resolved. '-0ut~.o~-~ ~3-s 3sres~n~1.~' ~o~rne.~ - }iy.:~=ago Tit~.e Company..
7?.40 Antolik and Lutgens moved and seconded a motion to` ...approve plans of Val],ey parr
8th ,~Cidition Phase II, consisting of 27 lots, subject to the acquis2tion of
Outlot by the City and the :.signing ,.of a developerrs agree<~nent. Voting "aye"
were ,pti~hk, Asmus, Lutgens, and Sande. Motion carried.
With the continuation of the preliminary policy plan discussion, Mr. Licht .said
he had rewritten statements on energy conservation and encouragement of private enter-
. prises, etc.--a total of six items. The. ~rstems Statement has to be finalized before
any grants will be made. The Comprehensive plan will be an agenda item for next .meeting,
21 st of April.
F'.l.ood Plain, as it exists in Lakeville, was an item of discussion. F'l.ood
insurance is not mandatory, except where Federal monies are concerned.
There was a reviewa7. of an administrative di.vilion of eland for ,Art Leibfried
his shopping center.
41 Motion to .adjourn the meeting was made by ~ntolik and Lutgens. Motion carried.
Re ectfull submitted,
sp y
Larry Hazel, Secretary mek
7 nPiL1L 1977.