THURSDAY 8:00 PM 5 MAY 1977
The meeting began at 8:00 FM when Chairman Campbell called the meeting to order.
swering roll weres Campbell, Antolik, Lutgens, Spande and Asmus. Hazel and°Jojade were
nt. Also in attendance were: Attorney R. Knutson, Planner D. Licht, Finance Director
is Feller, and Councilwoman M. Curry, and a suableaudience.
77.50 Motion by Asmus,_2nd by Spande to approve the minutes of the April 21st meeting.
Voting."aye" were: Campbell,' Antolik,- Lutgens, Spande, and Asmus. Motion carried.
R. Knutson attested to the fact that the proper notification and publication had
been done to assure the legality of the public hearing of applicant Mike Gannon. He was
applying for a conditional use permit to enlarge his business dealing in'used-cars on the
corner of Holyoke Av. and 210th St. Mr. Gannon had recently purchased the lot.lying directly
east of his property, facing Holt Av. The eastern part of this-property includes a 2-story
house. However, the zoning here is B-~F, or general business district..
Mr. Gannon was present. He stated that he felt D. Licht had done a good job-in
preparing the papers.` He said, "I tried to erea~ some off-street parking. There has always
been a problem with traffic here." He felt that his .plans would make the corner more"beneficial
to his business and the flow of traffic, as well. He felt there should be more than 37 car
sites alloted to this property, because the national trend is toward. smaller sized cars.
On the subject of "lighting"--there are two light standards. Mr. Gannon states. he has had no
complaints because of glare. "The lights are used very sparingly", Mr. Gannon spoke, "business
hours close at dark, never later than nine in the evening". B. Campbell wished to know where
the lights were located on the lot. "Right on the line where the new lot and the old one come
together", but he intends to move them. The "island" is also coming out of there. He said he
would like. to go with the existing lighting, at least until there is a complaint. Also`he
proposed to install a two-rail split-rail fence--is waiting until the`blaektop is completed.
" t" and "enter" signs are proposed by Mr. Gannon. The screening fence has been altered.
Asmus spoke "I do not think the Planning Board can make any deviations from the ordinance
as far as lighting goes". Mr. Gannon was advised that he can not put back a light that has
been taken down.
Ira the audience were Mrs. Moes and Mrs. Slette. Mrs. Moes wished to know how many
houses would be built? Answerer none. Mr. Lutgens asked, "if granted, could he park cars
.right up to the back of the house?" Planner Licht-replied,,"he .can park only a limited
number of cars", and that he could not park any in the driveway. Asmus felt that customers
parking in the street might become a nuisance: to the neighbors. Licht did not see that there
would be that many. at any one..time..
Lutgens felt-that the concerns of those present might be with the build-up in traffic
and access problem in getting to the street. Licht said,."I do not see that it is going to be
that much of a problem--and it is going to be used in the purpose it is zoned."' The B-~+
zoning has existed here since 1967. Mrs. Moes asked, "how long would thatpermit be good?"
"Indefinitely", was theanswer.
Spande asked, "how much further are you going into the residential area?" "Actually,
75 .feet," was the reply. Lutgens: . "what happens if he, sells the house?" Licht: "can not
subdivide the property". Licht also felt "from a general perspective, I feel that the light.
would lac better from the side of the lot, rather than from the middle". Lutgens asked about
77.51 Asmus motioned to close the Gannon Public hearing for a conditional use permit on
property at the corner of Holt Av. and 210th St., to sell used cars. Antolik seconded.
Voting "aye" werez Antolik, Lutgens, Spande, Asmus, and Campbell. Motion carried.
Lutgens asked if there had been any objections from either. of the churches, There
hasbeen none.
77.52 Campbell motioned, Antolik seconded, .."approve the application of Mike Gannon for a
conditional-,use permit to sell used cars at address stated in his application, based.
on the conditions in Midwest Planning letter dated April 28th,. and addmentum of
May ~th, where fence replaces the curbing". Voting to recommend approval, were:
Lutgens, Asmus, Campbell, .and Antolik. Spflnde voted "nay". He felt that a conditional
use permit shou~,d not be permitted on a piece of property that is non-conforming.
Motion carried. Mr. Gannon was told that this would be an agenda item for Council at
their meeting of May 16th.
Items 3 and ~ of the agenda, preliminary policy plan for new comprehensive plan, and
r~wal of Metropolitan Systems Statement, will be discussed at next meeting-~+tay 19th---a
j meeting of Council .and Planning.Commssion.
Finance Director Dennis Feller began ..his discussion of City finances. :First of all
was an explanation of general fund and receipts. Minnesota Financing Laws were distributed
and §paken of. .There was a period of questions and answers..
The Cedar Highlands Development Contract was shown the members .and discussed by
R. Knutson. Basically, there will be 8 stages. The developer will "bond" as he goes,
all utilities are to be put in by the developer, and testing is to be done of the lines.
7.53 Motion made and seconded by Spande and Lutgens to reeomrcnend "approval of the Cedar
~~iighlands Development Contract, s~b,ject to the necessary signatures and surety bond
~ established." Voting "aye" were: Asmus, Campbell, Antolik, Lutgens, and Spande.
Motion carried.
J. Asrnus had been the Planning Commission's representative at the Council meeting
of May 2nd. He reported that the Council had passed all the Planning Commission's recommen-
dations presented that evening.. K. Lutgens had attended the special Council meeting on May
3rd. Representative at the May 16th Council meeting will be (~rald Spande.
7'1.5+ Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Antolik and the second was by Spande.
Times 1o:3Q PM. Motion. carried.
Respectfully submitted,
L. Hazel, Secretary mek
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