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THURSDAX 8;00 PM 2 JUNE 1977
• Chairman Campbell called the .meeting to order at > PM. In attendance were
members Campbell, Antolik, Lutgens, Sande, Jo jade, Hazel, and Asmus. Also present at
this meeting were' Planner Licht,. attorney R. Knutson, Inspector D. :~oodermont, and
Natural: Resources Chairman, D. Tatge.
77.64 Motion to approve the minutes of .the May 19th meeting was made 'oy ~ntolik,
seconded by Asmus. Motion carried. aLl members .voting !+aye":
public hearing notice. of Thomas R. Peterson for variance so home can. be placed
ten feet closer to lake and/or road on Lot 2, Block 2, bveisner Addition, on 168th. St.
north shore Orchard. Lake, was read. R. Knutson said the proper legal notices had peen
sent. Mr. Peterson was present and said he would like to build a home on this property.
D. Licht said \'he had just learned that zoning here was R-1B. He recommended
a continuation of the hearing until June 16th meeting. He said Natural Resources Com-
mittee •aould like to review. the matter at their meeting on the 7th, also. There is a
drainage problem that. exists and. it does have to be .attended to. He recommended a
"time delay because of referral services in the City'+,
77.65 Motion was made by Lutgens, seconded by antolik, to continue the hearing of
Thomas R. Peterson for variance to build home :on property at Orchard Lake,
as legally described.. Voting "aye'+ were Antolik, Lutgens, Spande, Jo jade, Hazel,
and Asnus. Motion carried..
Notation i s to be made in these. minutes that commentary was made by J. Jo jade
that work go through Committees and Staff before coming to Plaxuzing Commission, thus
eliminating the loss of time and: embarrassnent to all concerned.
The keeping of a bear by John Greaves, who. lives on Jonquil Av., was the
next item on the .,agenda. According to news .article. in the Dakota. Co. Tribune, the
bear is traveling with a carnival for the next sixmonths...(Article attached to these
minutes. }
R.; Knutson stated that our ordinance pertaining to the keeping of such animals,.
is 'inadequate' and should be updated. The category definitions of -animals are arbitrary
and non-conclusive Dave Licht said "the state requires licenses for the keeping of
bears, and. other forms of wildlife. .Are non-domestic- animals:. accepted on the part of the
City? If so, there should be some means of controlling the situation". It was the
consensus of opinion that the owner of the bear should be notified that he can not bring
the bear back to Lakeville (to be kept here D. Licht will write a recommendation on
the bear and R. ifnutspn wil look it over-- hen it .will be brought to-the Planning`Commis-
:Attorney Xxiutson would like a letter to be written.. by Mr. McGarvey, Administrator,
that the matter of .the keeping of the bear. i s under study, and` that. Mr: - Ureave s should
not bring .the bear back to Lakeville--it is an ordinance violation and-the matter is under
aCtudy._ The matter of the bear will be an agenda item for next meeting, June 16th.
Chairman B. ' Campbell acknowledged the presence. of Natural Resources Chairman
D.' Tatge and said .that comments from .him would be welcomed later in the evening.
~ item: on the agenda was a discussion with representatives of L' Chap-m Human
Services to have a special treatment center in Airlake park, Two of their officials,
their attorney, and Mr. John Fi~iwe, head of Dakota Co. probation services, were present
to `tell of the need of a child shelter and treatment .center. Their concern .will be with
• boys and girls who have. problems in their homes, "small" offenses, called ''status offenses"
troubles of a first-time nature. The shelter would help" these children. It is the desire
of the courts and .the law not to place these children with hard-core. offenders--they would
like an interim facility,; where with proper diet, counseling, and programing,; an honest
attempt would- be made "to return. them to their homes, better. adjusted.
G. Spande asked, ++wny an industrial park'+? The answer was that at Home Away,
a -similar center located in a sma.11 industrial park in Golden Va17gr, 'fan isolated. situation
gets the best results". Antolik asked what the. ages of these children would bet "Between
13 years and 18 years, basically ~+--was the reply. Camp bell wished to .know if thi s' was a
private enterprise? ~swer--'+we' will be providing treatment services to Dakota` County., It
i s a private enterpri se, cooperating with and very clo rely regulated by, `the State ` of Minn.
Planner Licht asked,.-"could another such organization come in and compete with
you"? " Answer was affirmative. Hazel' wished to know *.Jhat the 'average stay .might be.
"Hopefully, no more than 16 days, where shelter was needed; treatment average stay might
• be as long as nine months'+. Hazel asked where the srource would be,, where these children
might be sent from to such a center? They would be coming from' court and welfare. referrals.
J. Rowe said, presently, Dakota Co. children have to be sent outside the county
.for this. type of shelter and treatment. It is necessary to have .some .type of facility
where an attempt will be made to return status offenders tb their families. This stage
is important--between this and 'chard-core kids"--we have no other croice. Spande wished
to know how many other counties within this seven-county area, have these facilities?
(1) PL~;~~dTNG ~:~GrL~SS~ON 2 JU.vB 1977
PL,~NNING COi%~II SSIGN • 2 JUNE 1977 P AGr~ 2
Also, are they successful? Three other. facilities were nam and he was told they were
successful. Antolik asked, ' ~~the se facilities, do you con cider them better. than a fo stet
home? He was told that there axe different types of youngsters--for some, a foster home
is the answer--for many others, a shelter "using a process of group therapy, not p~ychol-
ogical care,' experiencing therapy on a one-to-one basis, also--ar'~d counseling--produces
good results+~.
Sande wanted to know "does the County see. your programs and approve. them"?
"State, mainly, is concerned. There is State licensing, snd they see that your program
i s as you .said you were going to do. n
~ntolik wi shed to know "what i s the maximum nu.*aber of children you will have
at one ti.~ne'~7 It is .planned to have a maximum of twenty for shelter care and twenty for
treatment care. AAsmus asked about. expansion plats. planner wanted to know "will you
have contracts wit'" .other counties"? "Dakota, primarily", was the reply. How are. you
paid? nr~; are .paid per diem
Campbell asked, "how do you keep the children on the grounds? There Trill be
no fence.' "No locks, either. Tnle will have enough staff to know where the children are
at all times, and an active program. " Spande-- "what guarantee can you give that these
children. will not create problems here."Z "'mould children attend school in Lakeville'?
"That is apossibility--'but it is also .possible to provide educational. facilities within
the center.: ' about guarantees--sve can not.give guarantees that children will not walk
away,. sometimes. We do have a lot of experience (spea~ser has also been a foster parent),
.and with that experience comes the recognition that there are no guarantees.'` 'r~]hen asked
about staff,: the reply was that .the State requires at least one staff person for every
ten children.. An additional requirement is that you must have awake staff axound the clock.
R. -ifnutson, '7 believe what they are looking for is whether this body and Council.
is receptive to their application. treatment center and. child case shelter would require
a text= amendment to the ordinance and a-conditional `use permit".
,Each member was asked:. to comment: ~smus was not in favor of locating this
facility in an industrial park, but I do support the concept; Jo j ade does not approve
the industr.aZ park location,. but does support the concept; Lutgens does favor the indus-
trial park, because peopple would oe so against the facility in-another locaton1 Campbell
does. support the concept and WOUld oe in favor of a text amendment' and allowed in an
industrial park; Spande thought the facility. was necessary and should` belong in an indus-
trial area rather than a commercial, because it could be "policed" getter; r~ntoliK feels
largely' as John Asmus, but believes it would better be located in an industrial situation
than a commercial one . He .feels more .information is needed on the whole thing; and,
gazei is in favor of, the concept very much. He would be agreeable, if given an alternative.
Asnus asked how large an area they planned to build. their center? 5-acre location,
was thee answer. Spande would like all types of reports from`..everyone--police, school
officials,' building plan, etc. Campbell asked the Commission be furnished with six more
copies of the information brochure they had submitted.
The_L'Chaim Human cervices concept will be an agenda item for June,l6th. '
D. Tatge, Natural Res+burcesCommittee chairman, spoke of establishing aline of
communication between his Committee :and the planning poly--a member' of NR will attend
Planning meetings, and Planning members-will be welcome at NR meetings, if they care to
attend. He spoke of an. immediate concern of NR--dumping and land development in bads..
waters of Qrchard Lake, east of` the viaduct.. His Committee has written a resolution ttS
attem.pt'to meet this problem, also having written a letter to DNR, which so far has not
been answered, to their knowledge. Inspector. D. Goodermont said he had been told that
the landowner involved had received a letter from ~R, telling him to remove the materials
which had been dumped here. The property owner had spoken to Mr. Goodermont about building
a nature center here.
recommendation is made to Council that they send a letter to the ,oioperty
owner here, and also to DNR, of possible violations connected with this lake property.
- D. `Licht explained the time .stages, particularly the 30-day reviewal time by
Council, in the proposed `amendment to the planned Unit Development ordinance. There
are no' ob sections'' to the P'UD amendment proposal from the planning Commission.
77.6b Motion to adjourn ,the meeting was made by ~ntolk, seconded by Sande. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
L._ Hazel, .Secretary mek
(2) pLA:~NINu CCMMLSSTON 2 .JUNE .1'777