21 JULY 1977 8:00 THURSDAY
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Campbell.
~swering roll call were Campbell, Lutgens, Antolik, Spanae, Hazel,
nd Asmus. Citg Attorney R. Knutson, City Planner S. Ryan, and Natural
Resource Committee member Randy Ellingboe were also present..
77.79 Motion made by Spande to approve the minutes of 7 July 1977.
Seconded by Antolik. Motion carried.
Open public hearing on Koinonia Baptist Church. Pastor Kolbrek
presented preliminary site plans and acknowledged receipt of Steve
Ryans letter of 18 July 1977. Pastor requested that the. 22 foot cross
be considered as an integral part of the building ,and not as a sign - _
the cross will bear no additional wording and will be within 10-feet
of the main building Steve Ryan pointed out the cross is free
standing and cannot be considered an integral part of the church - -
the cross can be addressed by a later meeting and need not affect the
church conditional use permit. The present area includes approxi-mately
8.5 acres.
Dave Gottermont pointed out that on-site waste systems of
public-buildings must have the approval of the Minnesota Health'Depart-
The sign (cross) portion of this request was .withdrawn
because the cross will be integral part of the church structure,
that is it will be attached_ This being the case no special use permit
77.80 A motion was made by Lutgens to close the public hearing.
Seconded by Antolik. Motion carried.
77.81 A motion was made by Antolik to approve the condition use
permit request subject to S. Ryan's letter of 18 July 1977,.
and the approval of the on-site waste systems by the Minnesota
Health Department and the building inspector_ Seconded
by Lutgens. Motion carried.
Applicant, Pastor Kolbrek, was advised this would be before
the City Council 1 August. 19.77..
Request for a variance for Kenneth Bartyzal for rear yard
set back and below. grade construction.
Dave Gottermont reviewed the site for alternative locations,
drainage, etc. and finds the request reasonable.
77.82 Motion to approve the request for variance was made by
Campbell. Seconded by Sande. Motion carried.
Glen Klotz presented his plat and requested committee
roval. It was pointed out that the lot sizes do not meet minimum
~a for R1B (20,000 sq. ft.}. If this .were to be approved it would have
to be rezoned to R1C. Mr.-Klotz was informed that he would:.have to
request a change in zone. There were several other problems associated
with these lots and ajoining properties requiring further study. Steve
Ryan and staff will investigate and report.
Mr. Carlson presented plans for preliminary review of the
Hanger Site Plan in Airlake. It was pointed out that before any.
approval could be made the property must be platted. The city planner-
and building .inspector had no objectives to the plans. The building is
for hanger purposes only and will not have full time employees it
is a concrete building.
~ -
77.83 A motion was made by Antolik and seconded by Spande to
_ approve the preliminary plans subject to obtaining final
plat approval.
77.84 A motion was made by Hazel to adjourn. Seconded by Asmus.
Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Lang Hazel, Secretary,