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.Chairman Bill Campbell called-the meeting to order a t S PM. Campbell, Spande, Asmus,
and Antolik answered roll call. (Hazel came later.) Also attending this meeting were
~e Licht, Administrator McGarvey, and Dave Uoodermont.
`After a reviewal of the minutes of "the meeting held August 18th, the following motion
to approve the minutes was made:
77.10.3 Spande-Antolik moved and seconded approval of the minutes of the'preeeding meeting.
Voting "aye" were Spande Asmus, Ar~.tolik, and Campbell, 'Motion carried.
Mr. John J. Lankas was the"applicant at a public hearing for a conditional use permit
to .construct a garage over 1,000 square feet. ~'he location was Lot 1,`Bloek 1, Weichsel-
baum's lst Addition, 10055 205th St w.
Mr. Lankas stated he'bought this property four years ago, moved the,present''small
garage building closer to his home and :improved it. However, he does note have a°basement
and thus has s storage problem, plus the need for additional garage space. He showed ~i'~
plan and pictures of;present buildings, which are filed with'hs application. -.His plan is
for a garage ,anew construction, to measure 2~+ feet across the front and 36 or 38 feet deep.
He stated this 'will make'the home more attractive and give him the storage space he needs.
:Upon being asked, he said he plans absolutely no business here,-.the garage will be for: his
own private use.
77.I0~+ Antolik-Asmus moved and seconded motion to close the hearing. (Hearing explained in
preceding paragraphs.) Voting "aye" were Asmus, Antolik,_Camgbeli,-and Spande.
Motion carried.
;105 Asmus recommend a motion to approve: Mr. Lankas':application to-construct a garage
-over 1,000 square. feet, with the proviso .the building.-only be used for residential
purposes. The main reason for ,the approval being Mr. Lankas' lack of abasement.
Spande seconded. Voting "aye" were Antolik, Campbell, Spande, and Asmus. '...Motion
carried. Mr. Lankas was :asked to attend Council meeting Sept. 19th.,
Mr. McGarvey stated that it would be a leagal hearing to hold the next item on the
agenda, hear application of Mr. Ted Field of Rembrandt Enterprises, for a gravel ,permit to
remove 10,000 yards from pit located on the W2 of the Std of .Section 2~+, T11~, R21W.
Mr. Field said an amount of gravel .has been taken from this pit. The :gravel was mainly
used to construct "fishing bridge' project on north .Lake Marion, and sold to;a company in
Lakeville. They were not contemplating xemoving any more gravel in 1977, end wi hed"the.
permit to "make legal what has been done".
77.106 Asmus-Antolik moved and seconded motion to close the public hearing 'described
imm~diately'.abover Campbell, Spande, Asmus, Antolik voted "aye". Motion carried.
77.107 Motion 'was made by Campbell to approve the granting of a gravel permit for 1977
o Rembrandt Enterprises to remove 10,000 yards from pit located on the;Wz,of
Sku of Section 24, T114, R21W. Not additional gravel is to be removed `until written
dacumentation,is provided showing how much was removed in 1877. Second was by
Spande. Voting. "aye" were Spande, Asmus, AntoLi~, and Campbell. -Motion carried.
A review of draft of a shoreland ordinance was made by Dave .Licht.`' He outlined res-
t 'ctions-that would be placed on construction on adjacent property to 'lakes. Present
> zoning qualifications would be kept and the ordinance would support that, whichever is
th .most restrictive, that is the one that would apply. Members were asked to `review the
proposed ordinance more fully, for another meeting. This evening was .for informational
purposes, primarily.
Upon discussion of draft of zoning ordinance revision for domestic and non-domestic
animals, D. Licht waid there were two such drafts. One has been prepared by Midwest Planners
.and one has been prepared by Attorney Knutson. The later one has been received by the
Commission. Material will be sent to Commission members on this subject before the next
On October :1{-th, the present moritorium on certain development and ten-acre lot re-
Quirements for platting in unsewered areas will expire. There are some changes suggested.
Because of the proximity of the Burnsville system, the northern •'blue" and "yellow" areas
c d be"red". Planning Commission agreed to review the present resolution and staff recommen-
dons at their September 15, 1977 meeting. In this way, at least a reeonanendation on the
present resolution adopted bg the City Council on October 1976, No. 76.~F9, can be placed
on the .October 3~ 1977 Council agenda.
Planning Commission and.staff discussed policy alternatives on extension of the reso-
lution, and possible modifications on policy toward development in the mid-range/long
range revised areas. .
D. Licht said new subdivision ordinance draft will be received at City Hall
tomorrow--2nd of September.
108 Agmus-Spande moved and seconded motion to adjourn the meeting. Time 10.00 PM.
Motion carried.
Respectfully. submitted,
Larry Hazel, Secretary mek