MARCH 17, 2008
Mayor Dahl caked the meeting to order at 7.15 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Attendance was noted. Present: Council Members Bellows, Swecker, Rfeb,
and Mayor. Dahl
Also present:. R. Knutson, City Attorney; S. Mielke, City Administrator;
K. Nelson, City Engineer; D. Olson, Community & Economic Development
Director; D. Morey, Planning Director; D. Feller, Finance Director;
S. Michaud, Parks & Recreation Director; T. Vonhof, Police Chief;
B. Anderson, Assistant to City Administrator; J. Hawkins, Deputy City Clerk.
Mr. Mielke informed the Council that. under New Business he will be asking
.for consideration of a resolution regarding proposed legislation on the
Metropolitan Transit Taxing District.
.Presentations to retiring:Operations and Maintenance Director Don Volk
were made by City Administrator Steve Mielke; Police Chief Tom Vonhof;
Kristen Babcock, Jeff Forshee and .Dave Litzinger on behalf of Pan-O-Prog;
and former City Administrator Bob Erickson. Alf presenters expressed heir
admiration and gratitude to fti/lr. Volk. for his many accomplishments and.
contributions, and his commitment to service, during his nearly 14 years with
the City of Lakeville.
Chief Thomas Vonhof presented the. Police Department Monthly Report for
Chief Vonhof presented the Medal of Commendation to Captain John
Arvidson for his quick response while off-duty, which saved the life of a
choking victim. Captain Arvidson was nominated for the Medal of
Commendation by a Lakeville officer who was first on the. scene and
recognized the extraordinary act and successful lifesaving efforts that had
been demonstrated.
Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud presented the Parks and
Recreation Department 2007 Annual Report. The report highlights the
activities and. developments in the department, including. the Arts Center,
Senior Center, park facilities and recreation programs.
March 77, 2008
Mr. Michaud presented details on the upcoming tree sale and encouraged
Lakeville residents to contact the Parks. Dept. to pre-order their trees.
Citizens' Comments
..John Bowen, 11220 Kenora Way. At a previous .meeting Mr. Bowen had
requested the City review the. liquor license. policy and asked if that has
been done. He referenced the 2004 study of the liquor ordinance and
gave a rebuttal to comments. made by City Council members. at their
February 18, 2008 meeting.
GinnyLampert, 11062 Kenora Way.. Ms. Lambert attended the work session
when the liquor ordinance was discussed. In reference to a wine and beer
license, the ordinance requires seating for not iess than 25 patrons,
however, by definition; a restaurant requires seating .for not less than b0
guests. She feels this is contradictory and should be addressed.
Greg Porten, 11050 Kenora Way. Mr. Porten requests a review of Title 3 of
.the City Code regarding liquor licenses and a rewrite of the ordinance prior
to the City Council granting any additional Liquor licenses.
Terry Marshik, 16338 Kent Trail. Ms. Marshik believes that the application is
incomplete and does not meet requirements of the city code. She
requests that Item. 6m be removed from the consent agenda to be
discussed. as a single item.
Bob Sommerdorf, 11115 Kenora Way. Objects to City Council having the
authority to approve liquor license applications and requests a referendum
be held which would allow residents to determine the City's authority to
approve future liquor license applications. A petition was presented to the
Deputy Clerk.
Chris Drake, 11242 Kenworth Lane. A website has. been built for the
purpose of getting the neighborhood's message out regarding the
Brunswick Zone facility.
At the request of City Administrator Mielke, City Attorney Roger Knutson
reviewed State Statutes and reported that the statute cited by Mr.
Sommerdorf does not apply to the City of Lakeville; it applies to cities of the
` 4th class. Since Lakeville. is a city of the 2"d class, the statute has no
March 17, 2008
Mr. Mielke added that, if the statute applied, passage of the referendum
would result in a "dry town" since no licenses could be issued or renewed.
Consent Agenda
Council Member Bellows asked to discuss Item 6m independently from
.other items on the Consent Agenda -and asked that it be removed to the
regular agenda, or preferably, tabled. He believed Council would be
receiving the best practices report from the Police Department prior to
proceeding with. this application. Council Member Swecker stated that she
was not expecting to receive the report at this time; she understood that it -
would be placed on a future Council work session.
Council Member Swecker asked that Item #8 be moved to the consent
.08.29 .Motion was made and seconded to approve the consent agenda as
a. Claims for payment.
b. Minutes of the March 3, 2008 City Council meeting and the February
25, 2008 Council work session.
c. February Investment Report
d. .Minutes of the March 6, 2008 Planning Commission meeting
e. Resolution No. 08-36 authorizing he sale of a cargo storage
f. Resolution No. 08-37 approving change orders for the Lakeville Arena
g. Contract with Rent N Save for portable restrooms.
h. Agreements with SBF Development Corporation for construction of,
pedestrian boardwalk and miscellaneous work and services at East
Community Park.
i. Resolution No. 08-38 authorizing participation in a joint grant
application with .Dakota County and other bakota County
March 17, 2008
communities to be part of a Blue Cross Blue Shield Active Living
j. Senior Citizen assessment deferment for Donald & Ranae Clarke,
1.8$81 Kenwood Trail
k. Resolution No. 08-39 approving agreement with Progressive Rail, Inc.
and MnDOT for railroad crossing signals and gates. on 210' Street,
Improvement Project 07-12.
L Resolution No. 08-40 approving Traffic Control Signal and Lighting
Agreement No. 91742M with MNDOT and Dakota- County, CSAH 70/I-
35 interchange, Improvement Project 99-2.
m. .Removed to the Regular Agenda.
n. Resolution No. 08-41 authorizing spring weight restrictions on certain
city roads...
o. Three-year special home occupation permit extension to allow a hair
salon in a single family home located at 16524 Jaguar Avenue.
p. Resolution No. 08-42 approving private activity revenue. bond
financing policy.
q. Resolution No, 08-43 receiving bids and awarding contracts for Police
Department security systems
Item 8. -Conditional use permit toallow the construction of a
banquet room expansion onto the existing Brackett's Crossing
Country Club, located at 17976 Judicial Road.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item bm. -Receive application from Leiserv, Inc., d.b.a Brunswick Zone XL-
Lakeville, for an on-sale and Sunday liquor license at 1 1 1 29-1 62nd Street
West, and call a public hearing to be held on April 7, 2008
City Administrator Mielke stated that the Police Department. has received.
the application of Leiserv, Inc., conducted background and criminal
records checks on-the principles involved, and feels the application is
ready for a public hearing. The Police Department's report on best
March i 7, 2008
practices will be placed on a future work session for discussion... The intent
of best .practices into provide incentives for license holders to properly train
staff in the sale of alcohol and tobacco by offering awards and
disincentives to employees who serve and sell responsibly and to deal with
violations. Businesses who do not adopt best practices would be held to a
tougherstandard of penalties, should violations occur.. The Police Dept.. has
no objections to issuance of this liquor license.
Council Member Swecker requested-.the Police Department ensure that the
Brunswick application is complete and have the. City Attorney verify that it
meets ordinance requirements. If at the time of the public hearing City
Council has unresolved concerns, on the advice of the City Attorneythe
.license could be issued with conditions or Council could choose to delay
their decision pending their questions being addressed.
08.30 Motion was made and seconded to receive the application from Leiserv,
Inc., d.b.a. Brunswick-Zone XL Lakeville, for an on-sale and Sunday liquor
license at 11 l 29 - 162"d Street West, and call for. a public hearing to be held
on April 7, 2008 on the condition that the City Attorney and Police
Department concur that the application is complete and meets ordinance
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, Dahl, Swecker, Rieb; No, Bellows.
Item 7. -Public hearing on proposed assessments for snow and ice removal
from sidewalks.
Mayor Dahl opened the public hearing on proposed assessments for snow
and ice removal from sidewalks. The Deputy Clerk attested to legal notice
Mr. Feller presented the proposed assessments for a total amount of $979.74
on four parcels of property; 16914 Gannon Way, $220.51;-16917 Gannon
Way, $220,51; 16900 Gerdine Path, $263.74; and 7383 - 170th Street W.,
$274.98. The assessments include $463.45 for contract snow and ice
removal, $120 for legal notice publication, $1.40.00 for administrative costs,.
$13.20 County special assessment fees, and interest in the amount of
Mr. Feller acknowledged receipt of one letter, dated February 27, 2008.
There were no questions or comments.
March 17, 2008
08.31 Motion was made and seconded to close the public.hearing on proposed
special assessments for snow and ice removal from sidewalks.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
08.32 Motion was made and seconded to approve Resolution No. 08-44
adopting special assessments for snow and ice removal from sidewalks.
Roll calf was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous..
Item 9. - Consider an amendment #o the. Nordic Square Planned Unit
Development to allow Aggregate. Industries, Inc.. gravel mining operations
24 hours a day, seven days a week, on land located. south of 160th Street
and east of Pilot Knob Road.
Mr. Bob Bieraugel of Aggregate Industries presented the proposal to
expand their hours of operation to 24 hours a day, seven. days a week,. in
order to supply materials to roadway. projects under nighttime construction.
..They are requesting the extended hours of operation for the .remaining
timeframe of their mining lease, which. is through December 31, 2010. A
.neighborhood meeting was held on February 28, 2008 prior to the Planning
Commission public hearing; four residents attended, Staff recommends
ahother neighborhood meeting be held 60 days affer the extended hours
begin. A 24-hour call line has also been put in place for public comments.
Planning Director Daryl Morey stated that this is an amendment to the
Nordic Square PUD Agreement, which allowed the mining of the 320 acres
which makes up the north half of Spirit of Brandtjen Farm, east of Pilot Knob
Road and south of County. Road. 46 (160th Street). The proposal is to
increase the hours of operation. to 24/7 which would allow Aggregate
Industries to bid on projects that require hauling of materials during
nighttime (off-peak) hours. The current PUD limits hours of operations to 5:00
a.m. to .1:00 a.m., Monday through Friday. The majority of the development
in the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm has taken place in the. southern portion of the
plat, furthest away from this operation. The developer has agreed to use
low level backup alarms on their trucks during the extended hours and has
agreed that there will be no rock crushing or other high level noise
A public hearing was held at the March 6, 2008 Planning Commission
meeting. Four residents, from the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm development
were in attendance. The Planning Commission raised .questions regarding
March 17, 2008
public: safety, which were addressed in the recommended stipulations.. An
alternate truck route using Pilot Knob Road will be designated. If concerns
arise offer the operation hours expand, this can be reviewed at the time of
their annual mining license renewal. The Planning Commission unanimously
recommended approval subject to eight stipulations in the planner's report
as amended. Staff recommends approval of the PUD amendment. as
Council Member Swecker .asked how it would be determined. if there was a
.safety issue. Mr. Morey stated staff would rely heavily on the Police Dept.
for their input, and added that Officer Rick Bussler serves as an Ex-Officio
member of the Planning Commission...
08.33 Motion was made and seconded to amend the Nordic Square Planned
Unit Development to allow Aggregate Industries, Inc. to operate gravel
mining_operations 24 hours a day, seven days a week, on `land located
south of 1bOth Street and east of Pilof Knob Road, subject to eight
stipulations as presented..
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 10. -Consideration of .the 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Allyn Kuennen presented the 2008 Draff Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Update for review. Mr. Kuennen outlined the process that was used to
develop the plan, from neighborhood meetings, -open houses, and Council
work sessions. A public hearing was held at the March 6, 2008 Planning
Commission meeting and the Planning Commission .unanimously.
recommended approval.
Dan Licht, NAC, presented the Draff 2008 Land Use Plan component of the
Comprehensive Plan. State Statute requires the Comprehensive Plan to be
updated every ten years. This update builds on a previously adopted and
updated Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the plan. is to provide a
framework for city officials, developers, and residents to understand how
growth is to occur within the community and be managed overtime. This
includes designating land use for certain activities and integrating those
uses into the natural environment and the necessary systems that support
those land uses. Supporting systems include water, sanitary sewer,
transportation, parks and trails, and police and fire services.
March 17, 2008
The .2030 Land Use Plan projects that the City of Lakeville will be nearly fully
developed by 2030, with a population of approximately 88,000. Mr. Licht
reviewed several areas of the draff land use plan including changes to the
2030 Parks and Trail System Plan, which. will. become apart of the
Comprehensive Plan. The next step- will be a six-month review period by
adjoining. communities and school districts for the purpose of receiving
input. Information was provided to the public on how they can receive
further information and also comment. on the plan. Following he review
period, the document will be submitted to the Metropolitan Council.
City Engineer Keith Nelson presented the Draff 2008 Water Management
Plan, Sanitary Sewer Plan, and Transportation Plan.
City. Administrator Mielke emphasized the importance. of the process and
expressed his appreciation for the numerous hours of work that have .been
put into the document by staff, consultants, the Parks, Recreation and
Natural Resources-.Committee, the Planning Commission, and others.
Staff recommends City Council approval of the-Draff 2008 Comprehensive
Plan documents.
08.34 Motion was made and seconded to direct staff to distribute the Draff 2008
Comprehensive Plan Update to appropriate public agencies for comments
and. input.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
New Business:
.City Administrator Mielke presented a draff resolution opposing the City of
Lakeville being placed in the Metropolitan Transit Taxing District. A bill was
introduced at the legislature which would require the cities of Lakeville and
Farmington to be part of the Transit Taxing District. The imposition of the
resulting property tax burden would significantly affect the residents of
these two.communities but would not guarantee services. Representatives
from the two communities were not notified prior to the bill reaching the
legislature. The City of Lakeville's adopted 2008 Legislative Policies favors
abolishment of the Metropolitan Transit Taxing District in favor of more
equitable funding solutions.
Mr. Mielke testified at the Legislature in opposition of the bill since the
Metropolitan Council is not in a position to provide services for the City of
March 17, 2008-
Lakeville. The MVTA has been working to expand their ervice to the cities
of Lakeville and Farmington.. Tie MVTA and the I-35 Solutions Alliance
support a seven county expansion of the transit district; however, they were.
unaware of the bill until it was being discussed at the legislature. Passage
of the. resolution opposing the .legislation would alert residents and
representatives to the potential of this property tax being imposed by
legislators who do not represent their community.
08.35 Motion was made and .seconded. to approve. Resolution No. 08-45
opposing HF3800 and SF3223 placing the City of Lakeville, Minnesota into
the Metropolitan Transit Taxing District without commensurate transit related
service improvements or commensurate transit capital improvements,
along with the imposition of the transit taxes, as presented.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Announcements -
• Next regular. Council meeting; Monday, April. 7 2008
Mayor Dahl adjourned the meeting at 9:Ob p.m.
Respectfully submitted,.
'7" h ° ta.o
udi Hawkins, Deputy City Clerk
H Da ay r