HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.lDate: 27 September 2011 Item No. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE WSB & ASSOCIATES TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR THE 2012 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve a resolution authorizing WSB & Associates to prepare a engineering feasibility report for the 2012 Street Reconstruction Project that includes portions of Cedar Highlands 1 Cedar Highlands 2 Cedar Highlands 3 Cedar Highlands 4 Cedar Highlands 5 Dodd Park, Donnay's College Park, Donnay's College Park 2 Donnay's Valley Park, Donnay's Valley Park 2 "d , Donnay's Valley Park 3 Donnay's Valley Park 4th, Donnay's Valley Park 5 Addition, and properties along Gerdine Path between 170 Street West and Dodd Boulevard. These street improvements constitute City Improvement Project 12 -02. Overview Under the City's current Pavement Management Program, pavement condition ratings guide long -term infrastructure management. Using these ratings, the City has established an annual street reconstruction plan as part of its 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan. The streets recommended for reconstruction in 2012 show significant surface distresses and failures in the asphalt. A neighborhood meeting was held on September 22, 2011. Approximately 70 -80 property owners attended. The estimated project cost is $7,060,000. Proposed project financing is through bonds issued under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, for local improvements. A portion of the total project cost will be assessed to the property owners abutting the identified streets. The engineering feasibility report is required under Chapter 429 prior to adopting a resolution ordering the improvement. Primary Issues to Consider • Could some property owners oppose the proposed assessments for the street reconstruction project and question the need for the proposed improvements? Yes, and City Staff has worked to address all questions and concerns from residents regarding the timing of and the need for the project. Supporting Information • Attached is a summary of the September 22, 2011 Neighborhood Meeting and Pro '- 'ic/ d011e l.9 'stop Petree Operatio s & Maintenance Director Financial Impact: $7,060,000 Budgeted: Yes Source: 429 Bonds Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Capital Improvement Plan Notes: A portion of the cost is planned to be assessed to the property owners. CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO: RESOLUTION TO AUTHOR IZE WSB & ASSOCIATED TO PREPARE A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR 2012 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT WHEREAS, the pavement within portions of Cedar Highlands 1 Cedar Highlands 2 "d , Cedar Highlands 3 Cedar Highlands 4 Cedar Highlands 5 Dodd Park, Donnay's College Park, Donnay's College Park 2 Donnay's Valley Park, Donnay's Valley Park 2 Donnay's Valley Park 3 Donnay's Valley Park 4 Donnay's Valley Park 5th Addition, and adjacent to properties along Gerdine Path between 170 Street West and Dodd Boulevard has reached the end of its lifespan and is programmed to be reconstructed in the City's 2011 -2015 Capital Improvement Plan; and WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville wishes to finance a portion of the project through special assessments; and WHEREAS, a feasibility report is required under MN Stat. Chapter 429 for this local improvement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, that WSB & Associates is hereby authorized to prepare an engineering feasibility report for the 2012 Street Reconstruction Project, City Improvement Project 12 -02. ADOPTED th 3 rd day of October 2011, by the City Council of the City of Lakeville. ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mark Bellows, Mayor A WSB &.f..r Engineering • Planning • Environmental • Construction Memorandum To: Steve Mielke, City Administrator Chris Petree, Operations and Maintenance Director Troy Grossman, Street Superintendent Keith Nelson, City Engineer Zach Johnson, Assistant City Engineer From: Monica Heil, Project Engineer Date: September 27, 2011 Re: City Project No. 12 -02 WSB Project No. 1715 -83 • Chris Petree, City of Lakeville, Operations and Maintenance Director • Troy Grossman, City of Lakeville, Street Superintendent • Zach Johnson, City of Lakeville, Assistant City Engineer • Monica Heil, WSB & Associates, Inc. • Katie Kasper, WSB & Associates, Inc. Minneapolis •St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 - 541 -4800 Fax: 763 - 541 -1700 A Neighborhood Meeting was held on Thursday, September 22, 2011 to discuss the proposed 2012 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project #12 -02. Approximately 70 -80 residents attended the meeting held at the Parkview Elementary School to discuss the proposed improvements. The following Staff and WSB & Associates, Inc. representatives were in attendance: The following is a summary from the Question and Answer portion of the presentation: Question #1 (Q1): How will the assessments be paid? Answer #1 (Al): The City is proposing a 20 -year amortization schedule for the assessments. The interest rate will be determined at the time the bonds are executed. The rate applied to the 2011 Street Improvement Project was approximately 4.0 %. Q2: Will I have access to my driveway during construction? A2: The contractor will be required to maintain street access during construction. However, inconveniences due to additional utility work and /or curb replacement may limit access to properties during working hours. The daily onsite representative will coordinate efforts with the contractor to limit inconveniences during the project, but there may be instances when access to properties is limited between the working hours of 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM. L.01715-830 Ad \Do., &92211 NeIghburhood Meeting Mirwtes.doca Lakeville 2012 Street Reconstruction Project Neighborhood Meeting Minutes September 27, 2011 Page 2 Q3: I have a new driveway - what is going to happen to my driveway if the curb adjacent to my driveway is to be replaced? A3: It may be necessary to remove a portion of your driveway within the right -of -way in order to make improvements to structurally deficient curb and gutter. In this case, driveways will be replaced in -kind, i.e. concrete driveways will be replaced with concrete, bituminous driveways will be replaced with bituminous. The contractor and on -site representative will make all necessary efforts to minimize disturbances to driveways and only remove and replace what is necessary. Q4: What are the major factors leading to the deterioration of our streets? A4: The age of the streets and drainage issues are likely the biggest factors. Water that is not draining from the pavement is finding its way into the street subgrade, causing damage during freeze -thaw cycles. Q5: What effect does heavy truck traffic have on our roads? We have three different waste haulers that pick up garbage, yard waste and recycling in three different trucks. A5: Road restrictions are in place every spring, when heavy truck traffic can cause the most damage to our streets. Spring road restrictions limit truck traffic along these streets to 5- tons /axel. However, school buses, emergency vehicles, and to a certain extent, waste haulers, are exempt from these restrictions. Q6: What about the frequency of waste hauling vehicles in our neighborhoods? Is there anything that can be done? A6: It is difficult to regulate waste haulers, and this issue has been discussed by the City's policy makers over the years. Ultimately, the City's policy makers have decided to allow free enterprise in the waste hauling business to continue and to allow multiple waste haulers to serve the area. However, your concerns regarding waste haulers, and the effect their vehicles have on your streets, will be included in the comments presented to the City Council regarding this meeting. Q7: Can assessments be paid early without interest? A7: Yes. Once the assessment roll is adopted by the City Council, residents can pay their assessments by December 31s of that year to avoid any interest charges. Q8: Can assessments be deferred? A8: Yes. There is a senior citizen deferment policy for those over 65 -years of age. Interest will continue to accrue until the assessment is paid in full. Additional questions regarding deferments can be answered by the City's Finance Director. Q9: Can street lights be added to any of the neighborhoods with the project? A9: The possibility can be investigated if the there is enough interest within the neighborhood. Street lighting improvements would be 100% assessed to benefiting property owners, separate from the street improvement project. K. 1,1715-83G AdnunDoch,092211 Neighborho d Meddin6 Minnten.docx Lakeville 2012 Street Reconstruction Project Neighborhood Meeting Minutes September 27, 2011 Page 3 Q10: Can entire driveways be replaced as a part of the project? A10: Not as a part of the City Project. However, property owners can sometimes reach a deal with the contractor working on the City Project to complete private driveway work. Q11: Will mailboxes be impacted with the proposed street improvements? I have landscaping surrounding my mailbox, will that be replaced? All: The vast majority of mailboxes will be unaffected by construction. Mailboxes in conflict with any of the proposed street improvements will be salvaged and reinstalled as a part of the project. If necessary, temporary mailboxes may be installed to accommodate local mail carriers. The daily on -site representative will coordinate the removal and replacement of existing mailboxes and, if necessary, the installation of temporary mailboxes. Q12: Will bank -owned properties be assessed? Al2: Yes. Property owners will not be burdened by properties owned by financial institutions. The City will bear the cost of the assessment for the property until the property is sold. At that time, the property owner will be responsible for repaying the assessment. Q13: The cul -de -sac I live on seems to have a spring under the existing roadway. Has the City used drain tile to eliminate drainage issues along roadways? A13: Yes. Drain tile has been installed within other street improvement project areas to help alleviate the effects of high groundwater tables on the existing road sub - grade. Soil borings will be performed to determine the groundwater elevations within the project area, and drainage issues such as this will be investigated as a part of this street improvement project. Q14: I live on Galena Avenue, and every year in the fall, leaves plug the existing catch basins contributing to flooding in the roadway. Can the catch basins be replaced so this does not happen every fall? A14: Replacing the catch basins along Galena Avenue will not resolve any of the drainage issues caused by the leaves. Currently, the City schedules sweeping of the streets every spring after the snow melts and again in the fall. The City recognizes there is a need to inspect the area catch basins more frequently to monitor the structures for plugging. Q15: I live on Gannon Way, and the drainage from the street is directed to my house. I have tried drain tile and installing rocks to filter the water. Does the City have any plans to stub storm sewer near my property to redirect the storm water? A15: The purpose of this neighborhood meeting is to gather feedback from the residents regarding issues such as this. Your drainage concerns will be investigated as a part of this street improvement project. There are property maps at either end of the lunch room. Please indicate on the maps any drainage issues or concerns you may have. Residents are also encouraged to fill out a comment card with specific issues they would like to see addressed with the project. All comments/concerns will be presented to the City Council at the first City Council meeting in October. R \01715 -83( Admin Do,s\09221' Neighborho d MLetink M r tu.docx Lakeville 2012 Street Reconstruction Project Neighborhood Meeting Minutes September 27, 2011 Page 4 Q16: Two properties along Gannon Way experience ice build -ups within the street during the winter months. Does the City have plans to improve the drainage in this area so there are not patches of ice in the winter? A16: All drainage concerns will be investigated as a part of this project. We encourage all residents to fill out the provided comment cards and include drainage concerns. Q17: Does the City work with local utility companies? Is it possible to have all the overhead utilities buried with this project? A17: The City does not determine when or if a private utility is to be buried within a project area. The City will make every effort to coordinate with the private utility companies to have the lines buried if the utility company decides to eliminate overhead lines. All private utilities in the area are contacted and made aware of the project so if there are plans to relocate or bury utilities, the utility work can be completed concurrently with the street reconstruction project. Q18: What is the design life of a new or reconstructed road? A18: Roadways are designed for a 50 -year life span. Maintenance activities, such as a mill and overlay, crack sealing, or chip seal, will be necessary during the lifetime of the new road, but the new roadways will be designed to last 50 -years before another reconstruction project is necessary. Q19: What is necessary for reclaiming the roadway? How much of the road is to be removed? A19: Soil borings will be completed throughout the project area prior to construction to determine the removal limits. If the sub -grade material is acceptable, the road will be reclaimed and mixed with the existing aggregate base. Additional sub -grade corrections may be required if the soil borings indicate unsuitable sub -grade materials are present. Q20: Is there a specification for manhole casting elevations? Will existing castings be adjusted to the new road elevation? A20: Yes. All castings are required to be depressed 5/100' (1/2"). Q21: Has the City investigated the impacts de -icing chemicals have on roads? A21: There has been no conclusive evidence indicating that de -icing chemicals lead to premature aging of the bituminous surface. However, studies have indicated that as the de -icing chemical enters the cracks within the roadway and penetrates the sub -grade material, the chemicals attract the fines within the underlying soils, making the road somewhat unstable. The de- -icing chemicals have been linked to heaving/tenting issues along some roadways. Over the last three years, the City has proactively reduced the amount of de -icing chemicals used during snow events. Q22: What are the construction hours of operation? A22: The City of Lakeville identifies working hours as Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM; and Saturday, with permission, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. No work may be performed on Sundays or Holidays. Working hours observed on the 2011 project were typically between 7:00 AM and 8:00 PM, Monday through Thursday, 1/2 days on Fridays, and minimal work on Saturdays. K.01715 -830 AduunDuca.092211 Neighb.rhad Meeting Minute .ducx Lakeville 2012 Street Reconstruction Project Neighborhood Meeting Minutes September 27, 2011 Page 5 Q23: Is the City considering improvements to the bridge and runoff to the creek on Foliage? A23: Independent from the street reconstruction project, the City is also studying drainage through the area commonly referred to as North Creek. Coordination with other regulatory agencies will be required to complete any such improvements, and the City will work to coordinate any such activities with the improvements proposed with the 2012 Street Reconstruction Project. Q24: How are the assessments determined? A24: Assessments are calculated on a per single family unit basis using the construction contract bid amount. The public hearing to adopt the assessments will be held prior to construction. Holding the public hearing prior to construction will require that the City bear the responsibility of any additional unexpected costs encountered with construction. Q25: How does the City determine when to apply chip sealant to the streets? A25: Previously, the City applied multiple applications of chip sealant to the streets on a 7 -year maintenance cycle. The City's current pavement management plan dictates that streets be crack sealed every 2 to 4 years, and that chip seals are now only applied once, approximately 4 -to -6 years after a roadway resurfacing project. Recent research indicates that multiple chip seals can lead to delaminating issues when the sealant does not bond 100% with the existing road surface, allowing water to enter the pavement. Q26: In areas where the sidewalk has heaved due to the root system of the adjacent boulevard trees, will the trees be removed? Will the City replace these trees? A26: The status of each tree will be reviewed on a case -by -case basis. The City Forester will assist in determining which trees will likely not survive root cutting activities, and designate those trees for removal. Like many cities, the City of Lakeville does not replace trees removed within the City right -of -way. Q27: What is the standard street section? A27: The design for residential streets is 1 ' /2 of bituminous wear course, 2" of bituminous base course, 6" of aggregate base, and l 2" of approved sub - grade. Streets identified as collector roadways, such as Foliage Avenue and Gerdine Path, will receive 2" of bituminous wearing course. The additional bituminous is proposed to accommodate the higher rates traffic volumes along those collector roadways. Q28: What is WSB? A28: WSB & Associates, Inc. is a consulting engineering firm. WSB & Associates, Inc. is working with the City to provide preliminary research, design and construction observation for the project. Q29: Has the City considered installing a round -about at the intersection of Flagstaff and Dodd? A29: The intersection is a County roadway, and therefore, any improvements proposed along Dodd Boulevard are under the jurisdiction of Dakota County. However, there are no improvements proposed at that intersection in the County's current Capital Improvement Plan. KA01715 -8 30,Admh.lDocs\092211 Neighborhood Meeting Minuto .docx Lakeville 2012 Street Reconstruction Project Neighborhood Meeting Minutes September 27, 2011 Page 6 Q30: If a repair is identified adjacent to /within my driveway, is there an additional assessment? A30: No. Individual property owners will not be assessed for repairs to driveways due to deficient curb and gutter. Q31: How will the construction be scheduled? Will the roads by reconstructing all at once? A31: The City will likely phase the construction within the project area. Historically, the City has specified that construction along any street that is reclaimed must be completed within three weeks of roadway reclamation. However, in areas where additional utility improvements will be proposed, construction will likely be limited to six weeks. To eliminate damage to reconstructed areas, the phasing plan will aim to avoid sending heavy truck traffic to newly reconstructed areas. Q32: Can the turn lane arrows be set back further than their current location? A32: All proposed striping will be designed to meet current City standards and specifications. Q33: Does the City plan to replace the water main along Gerdine Path? A33: Utility maintenance records have identified a number of water main breaks in the area. Additional testing of the utilities in the area will be completed in the upcoming weeks, the results of which will be used to determine the limits of any proposed utility improvements. Y: \01715- 830,Admin\Docs \0922I 1 Neighborhoon Meeting Minutes.docx 115 @afeutt .W WS lhL11.