SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Mayor Bellows called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Mark Bellows
Council Member Matt Little
Council Member Colleen LaE
Council Member Kerrin Swec
Council Member Laurie Riekx
Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorfl L•
Steve Mielke, City Administer
Tom Vonhof, Police Chief
Keith Nelson C #y Engineer
David Olson C��vrjty & Econortt Development Director
Steve Michaud, t rks feat for
Chris Petree, Oper #ions t $cs3t# anc6 Director
DaryL,M�a,prey, Planni g [ 0 or
Ron Gerk,.10466e poke about the Mayor's attendance at a
Hobert Kindelspire k0630 '207 Court, asked if the mailboxes on his street
'fi �
e going to be reced as'part of the City's 2011 street improvement
pfct. Mr. Petree.qted that mailboxes are proposed to be replaced in
one e$$Jhree areas *wever, mailboxes will not be replaced on 207th
} / q...
Cou A
Mr. Mielke recognized the accomplishments and contributions of City
Engineer Keith Nelson, who is retiring after 28 years of service to the City.
Chief Vonhof presented a Chief's Award of Merit to Lakeville Firefighter
Greg Stommes, Farmington Police Officer Andrew Van Dorn and a citizen,
William Inhofer, for their life saving actions in administering CPR to a
SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Page 2
vehicle crash victim. The victim, John Manias, thanked the three
gentlemen for saving his life.
Chief Vonhof presented the August Police Department monthly report.
Mr. Michaud presented the Parks & Recreation Department August
monthly report.
Consent Agenda
Council Member LaBeau asked that Item 61beremoveb.from the consent
agenda for discussion
11.60 Motion was made by Little, seconded ffly, cke approve �ae consent
agenda items as follows:;
1. �r
a. Claims for payment
b. Minutes of the September 2b1 fFTty Councifeeting.
C. Change O�,Oefx.No, 1 wit nstructi nc. for street
reconstr, ,4f6n ft roject 11 02
d. Chang6, rder No,'M and Pay ti mate No. 1 with Barber
Construc op Irk 4jor Safe Rout�to School, Improvement Project
Cost shaf applic' fon, contract and operations & maintenance
plan with s0ta C ty Soil and Water Conservation District to
install storm' ter bond outlet retrofit.
f worthless chi k diversion agreement with Check Diversion
g. One yof extension of the building setback variance for
Performance Office Papers, 21565 Hamburg Avenue.
h. Interim use permit to allow an accessory antenna more than 50 feet
in height at Superior Access Solutions, 21037 Heron Way.
SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Page 3
i. Grant a 100 -day extension for the recording of the Kingsley Shores
final plat.
Chadwick Farm fence encroachment agreement.
k. Ordinance No. 883 amending Title 11, Chapter 101, of the Lakeville
City Code concerning the floodplain overlay district, and Summary
Ordinance No. 883 for publication.
(Removed from consent agenda.)
M. Accept resignation of Gen Adler WW'the Plannin`dd,Commission.
fi i'1
n. Mixed municipal solid waste & realableerial colleon
license for GarbageMan of Lakevill' 'A a Haul Tech; LC.
o. Resolution No. 11 -100 ibq uding the positrcf s of.Fire Marshal and Fire
Inspector in the Public Retiremenyassociation Police and
Fire Plan.
tiz :r
Roll call was takers on the motion A' unanimotTs.
Item bl - Agr #'errient withUold Arctfects for Heritage Center
Council MembertaBe a`stated the 6 tract allows for reimbursable
expens�n additi�tbYa�of $58,250. She asked how much the
re�tr3lex�aense would ki'Cmd whether that amount could be
eidcded to the cvntracf tr Michaud stated the estimate for reimbursable
expenses, based the mr sstry standard, is $2,000 to $3,500. Staff will be
responsible for mairlt fining those costs within that range. Council Member
Ld:qu also questia3ed the fees for furniture and kitchen equipment.
Mr. Micaud expl�fed that Wald Architects has extensive knowledge of
the buildiritg asey completed a detailed analysis a couple years ago
for the possik5 sale or repurposing of the building. Their proposal came in
significantly under projected cost estimates and was the low bid.
At the request of Mayor Bellows, Mr. Michaud outlined the process, which
is similar to other building construction projects and includes the design
phase, review and approval of construction plans and specifications,
analysis and approval of the bids, and award of contracts. Mayor Bellows
SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Page 4
asked if there are deadlines for funding. Mr. Michaud explained that a
majority of the funding for construction has been secured through a
bridge loan and the City's park dedication fund. The fundraising
campaign has been given a threshold of two years, and it is anticipated
that the fundraising goals will be met within two years or earlier.
11.61 Motion was made by Little, seconded by Swecker to.approve an
agreement with Wald Architects and Engineers forrhitectural and
engineering design services for Heritage Center
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes,
Bellows, LaBeau.
Mayor Bellows stated that since the initrwc
additional information has come to ight.
was lied to by a staff member and there we
He stated he did not su000rftfie process or
Council Member Little stated P
them for their work on this proj
Unfinished bu
Council Me
confused w
explained the c
homestead cred
tb rket value ex(
apars in the bi
levy fe, net effe
New bu
N ays,
11's prolecf , me
>d he feels th &r ouncil
ramifications for that.
d the st ifj and thanked
LaBea voiced herncern that property owners will be
��y re�ive their trufl��n taxation statements, citing
jOrtbW00"'ed conflicting information regarding the
math value hi esfead credit program. Mr. Mielke
Inge Itaate law, which eliminated the market value
N prograrrind established in its place the homestead
IUS#pn, and how it will affect Lakeville taxpayers. While it
daet to be a 2.7% reduction in the City's portion of the
t 3 Lakeville taxpayers is a .6% increase.
Mayor Bellows asked staff to schedule an executive session of the City
Council to conduct a performance evaluation of a City employee. He
further requested that the Council conduct a performance evaluation of
the City Administrator. The City Attorney outlined the statutory
requirements for closed meetings, which requires that the individual to be
SEPTEMBER 19, 2011
Page 5
evaluated must be identified. Mayor Bellows identified the employee as
Linda Walter.
Council Member Little requested a special meeting to discuss decorum of
the Council. There were no further comments on the matter.
Announcements - Next regular Council meeting, October 3
Council work session, Septemb, F .,
Respectfully submitted,
Charlene Friedges, City Cle
Mark Bellows,
Mayor Bellows adjourned the meeting at 8 03 :m
SEPTEMBER 28, 2011
Mayor Bellows called the special meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in the
Marion Conference Room at City Hall.
Present: Mayor Mark Bellows
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Council Member Kerrin Swecker f
Council Member Matt Little
Council Member Colleen LqB bu
Also Present: Steve Mielke, City W.hinistrator
Roger Knutson City #orney
Cindi Joosten, Humarieso s Director
11.62 Motion was made by Swec
the purpose of conducting
Roll call was taken on the
11.63 Motion was mgc�y "Li "Mile, sea
counsel to aff, the cfbsed m
Roll call was tdkdn on;the motion. A
to conduct a performance
evdtuation of Linda Wd
Mayor Bellows adlovrne
Res p tfully submilf,
meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Cindi Joosten, Human Resources Director
conded by Lit;# to close the meeting for
bfmance evalb6 ion of Linda Walter.
by Swecker to invite Walter and
Mark Bellows, Mayor