Tom Barnard
Minnesota Valley Photography resumed its 2011-2012 season of educational meetings
on Thursday, September 1.
The LAAC was rented for a wedding reception on Sunday, September 4.
On Saturday, September 10, the Lakeville Area Arts Center celebrated 10 years of art
programming for Lakeville and the surrounding communities. A reception for guests was
held, followed by a recognition program for major contributors, followed by a stage
presentation by AudioBody.
On Thursday, September 15, Giant Step Theatre held its first meeting and rehearsal for
the fall production of .
Installed a student art exhibit as part of our 10 Anniversary Celebration.
The Lakeville Art Festival was held Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18. Rainy
weather dampened the crowd participation on Sunday.
The first of the season’s Wine Academy Classes was held on September 28, featuring
wine from Australia.
A special program for senior citizens was presented by the folk singing group, Dragon
Fly, on Thursday, September 29. The program which also featured readings by senior
citizen writers was sponsored by the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council.
Thursday evening, September 29, was Downtown Lakeville Business Association Ladies
Night. The event started and concluded at the LAAC using the theater for drawings,
drinks and snacks.
Lyn Hunter’s Designs glass exhibit continued through the month of September. Lyn was
a major contributor to the art festival with 25% of her sales.
September Attendance
5,4332256,836 682
Combined September Attendance
5,658 7,518
All 2011 Previous Months
14,94412,13917,554 7,847
Total 2011 Attendance to Date
20,37712,36424,390 8,529
Combined 2011 Attendance to Date
34,711 32,919
by Giant Step Theatre opens on October 20.
On November 6, a performance by actor and Twain scholar Michael Bateson will be
Expressions Community Theater will begin rehearsals in November for
which opens on November 11.
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John Hennen
Monthly Precipitation Total: .2” rain
Created bid package and issued P.O. for dugout repairs at King Park Field #4
Interviewed and executed agreements for architect and construction manager for
Heritage Center
Created bid package for standard and enhanced landscape maintenance contracts
Maintenance of Buildings, Park Facilities & General Grounds
Improved landscaping at Arts Center ID sign
Built and installed fundraising sign for the Heritage Center
Filled ruts at Ritter Farm Park
Hauled and spread sand at Orchard Lake / Valley Lake Beaches
Formed, poured pad and installed new aerator pumps at Valley Lake
Mulched planter area on west side trail entrance of Quail Meadows
Painted interior walls at Antlers Park restroom building
Assisted Lake Marion Association with buoy retrieval
Installed child swings at Stoneborough Park playground
Set up and operated irrigation at Stoneborough Park
Installed additional safety equipment in grinding / chemical storage rooms
Excavated, formed and poured concrete for bench pads at Foxborough baseball fields
Installed irrigation enclosure at Market Plaza
Commenced construction of Disc Golf Course at Kenwood Trail Middle School
Completed restoration of trail realignment in SW corner of Chadwick Park
Turf-related Maintenance / Athletic Fields
Commenced operation of fall fertilization and herbicide applications
Repaired baseball / softball fields
Completed deep tine aerification at Casperson Park
Landscaping / Forestry / Flowers
Trimmed trees at East Community Park / removed downed tree on 160 Street
Installed 2” Autumn Blaze Maple at Prairie Lake Park (donated tree)
Swept trails in preparation for approximately 15 miles of trail sealcoating
Closed beaches for the season / stored buoys
Special Events
Preparation and clean-up for Who Done it Hike / Arts Center Gala / Heritage Center
Kick-off event / Pedal the Parks / Apple Jack Cross Country Meet / Art Festival /
Thursday on Main
Cleaned lake buoys for storage
Removed understory brush, vegetation and installed wood chips for Disc Golf Course
Painted interior of hockey rinks at Dakota Heights and one at McGuire
Opening of Disc Golf Course
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Patty Dexter / Dan Brettschneider
Staff recruitment of warming house attendants, deadline to submit applications–Oct. 1
Prep work of upcoming special events – Who Done it Hike and Haunted Forest
Volunteer recruitment for Haunted Forest and Santa’s Secret Store
# OF
Fall/Winter Brochure Ads 7
SeptemberLittle Dippers 1
Sept. 6-20 Firearms Safety 91
Sept. 6-Oct. 13 Water Aerobics 1
Sept. 10 Who Done it Hike 225
Sept. 10 – Oct. 2 Lynch Fall Football and Tennis 24
Sept. 11 and 18 Bird Banding 21
Sept. 12 Nordic Walking 10
Sept. 16-Oct. 28 Adult Dance 4
Sept. 24 Pedal the Parks 100
Sept. 26-Dec. 5 Cheer America 12
Fall Session Discount Tickets – Nickelodeon Universe 23+20
FallBasketball 12teams
FallVolleyball 32teams
FallCo-Rec Softball 10 teams
FallMen’s Softball 8 teams
Staff will be working on the winter/spring brochure
Review rink applications and conduct interviews
Manage the fall athletic league season
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Linda Walter
Senior Center Month programs:
Sept. 12 – Ladies’ Grand Day in St. Paul (23 participants)
Sept. 13 – Heart Restart CPR class (4 participants)
Sept. 14 – Downtown Lakeville Walking Tour and picnic at Antlers Park (20
Sept. 15 – Zentangle Art Class (6 participants)
Sept. 16 – Tips on Riding the Light Rail, by Metro Transit (13 participants)
Sept. 29 – Book signing by Kent Stever (20 participants)
92 seniors participated in Life Line Screening on Sept. 6.
90 flu shots were given at our annual clinic on Sept. 20.
Creative Writing started their fall classes this month after taking the summer off. There
are 11 participants in the class.
Watercolor classes also started up, with 11 participants.
Due to the fact that it is now open enrollment period for health insurance, we offered
two health insurance counseling sessions and a Medicare seminar.
Two trips were offered in September:
Minnesota Twins vs. Seattle Mariners on Sept. 20 (8 participants)
Turtle Lake Casino on Sept. 21 (22 participants)
29 new members during this time period. Total membership is 1,038.
Oct. 3 & 19 – Medica meetings
Oct. 6 – Blue Cross meeting
Oct. 9 – Belgian Waffle Breakfast
Oct. 12 – Trolley ride to Applewood Orchard
Oct. 13 – Old Log Theater Trip
Oct. 14 – Coffee Lecture, “The Lincoln Assassination”
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