HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.bCITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 2011 Mayor Bellows called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Present: Also Present Citizens' Presentatio report . pf th Mayor Mark Bellows Council Member Matt Little Council Member Colleen LaBea Council Member Kerrin Swecker Council Member Laurie Rieb Roger Knutson, City Attorr Steve Mielke, City Admini: Tom Vonhof, Police Chief Zach Johnson Acting Cit) David Olson Corrarrrunty Steve Michaud, Pcirks & Chris Petree, Opeir (ions E Charlene Friedaes ltu G on was mad sent agenda a. Claims for lopment Director presented the September monthly e Department. Little, seconded by Swecker to approve the s as follows: b. Minutes the September 19, 2011 City Council meeting and the September 28, 2011 special Council meeting. C. Stipulation of Facts and Civil Sanction with the following businesses for alcohol violations: Baldy's BBQ, Brackett's Crossing, Chart House, Crystal Lake Golf Club, FIN LLC, Mainstreet Cafe, Porterhouse, Sawa Japan Steak & Shushi, SuperValu, Tak Shing, Teresa's and VFW Club. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 201 1 Page 2 d. Temporary on -sale liquor license for 360 Communities for a fundraising event at the Spirit of Brandtjen Farm on October 28, 2011. 10 .® k. n. Resolution No. 11 -101 authorizing the sale of forfeited vehicles. Ordinance No. 884 amending Title 7 of the concerning stormwater; and Summary Orc Change Order No. 2 with Friedges l construction of Stoneborough Park, Resolution No. 11 -102 acce Recreation Department. Resolution No. 11 -103 accepting ns e City Code No. 884. Inc. for t;Project 1 1 -05. the s for Heritage Center. Agreement with Contegt y Group, Inc. for construction management services fart•ie'nfage Center Resolution No ,1,1 -104 establishing a no por'king zone on the east and westsides a�;Kenyon Avenue between 184th Street and Kerrville Trail Resolutidh No 111_05 authorizi6 'preparation of a feasibility study for the 2012 - T qns #ruction project, Improvement Project 12- Resolution o. 11- 1116.authorizing issuance and sale of $2,385,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2011A. on Nd". 11-107 authorizing issuance and sale of $1,885,000 I Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011 B. o. Resolution No. 11-108 approving the final plat of First Park Lakeville 3rd Addition. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Council Member Rieb abstained from voting on Item 6d due to a conflict of interest. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OCTOBER 3, 201 1 Page 3 Item 7 - Performance Evaluation Summary Council Member Rieb read the following statement: The City Council met on September 28th to conduct a performance review of Senior Center Coordinator Linda Walter. The Council concluded that: 1. The Mayor's reference to a lie at the was intended to reflect a perception opposed to a senior center and was: and 2. The Council acknowledged Ms Walt Senior Center Coordinator and direr performance evaluation at the regul 9th Council meeting u nity that he is bi Jo Ms. Walter, as the complete`q I timeframe. innesota q ty employees is vith City staff should by Council Member er 9th Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Mark Bellows, Mayor Respectfully submitted,