HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.jOctober 17, 2011 Item No. Resolution Calling a Public Hearing Relating to the Imposition of a Service Charge for Special Service District No. 1 Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve Reso Calling a Public H earing Relating to the Imposition of a Service Charge for S ep cial Service District No. 1 Approval of the motion will result in a public hearing on November 21, 2011. Overview On July 6, 1998, the City Council approved Ordinance 631 establishing a Special Service District No. 1. The Special Service District Advisory Board has requested City Council consideration of levying a special service charge p a- 11 1c in 2012 and approval of the attached budget fnr the .g g p _, b ., p ,..,., approval g,.. period of.lnly 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 The allocation of the total service charge to the downtown properties is based on the net tax capacity of the commercial values of the properties in the district. The Special Service District Advisory Board is recommending that the service charge payable remain unchanged ($27,534) consistent with those of prior years. Primary Issues to Consider • Purpose of the public hearing • Budget • Special Service Charge assessment list • Legal considerations Supporting Information • Budget • Special Service Charge Allocation Den is Feller,,k= fiiance Director Financial Impact: $ 27,534 Budgeted: To be determined at Hearing Source: Sp Svc Chg Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): O rdinance Establishing a Special Service District Notes: Primary Issues to Consider • Purpose of the public hearing. Minnesota Statute 428A.03 requires that a public hearing must be conducted each calendar year with notices mailed to each business organization subsequent to the service charge. After the public hearing is conducted, and the resolution is adopted, the amounts will be certified to the Dakota County Treasurer /Auditor for collection with taxes payable in 2012. • Budget. The proposed budget for period of July 1, 2012 . through June 30, 2013 is as follows: Exhibit C Actuals Adopted Proposed Fiscal Fiscal Fiscal Year Year Year Ended Ended Ended June, 2011 June, 2012 June, 2013 Revenues - service charges Current Levy collected 26,562 27,534 27,534 Other revenues 500 4,000 500 Net service charges 27,062 31,534 28,0 Expenditures Executive Director 11,205 11,250 11,300 Postage 84 150 88 Office supplies 599 500 300 Professional fees 442 265 315 Meeting expenses 105 225 100 `vVebsite 250 3 00 250 Flower Pots 2,855 2,750 2,600 Brochures /marketing 5 3,000 3,300 Ion man 425 4,000 425 Wednesday on Main 3,425 4,500 - Third Thursdays 1,274 - - Main Street Event - - 4,500 Pan -O -Frog 500 500 500 Holiday on Main 5,364 5,500 5,200 Promotional Events 1,975 - 4,000 Less Reimbursement (3,205 - (4,000) County assessment fee 133 150 133 Total expenditures 30,928 33,0 29,011 Net change (3,866) (1,556) (977) Balance - Beginning 24,031 22,940 18,609 Balance - Ending 20,165 2 1,384 17,6 • Special Service Charge assessment list. Attached is a schedule of the proposed Special Service District by parcel. The Service charge for a specific parcel may vary from year to year as a result of changes to tax classification, assessed market value or changes in value due to property improvements. • Legal considerations The Special Service District is subject to Minnesota Statutes 428A and City of Lakeville Ordinance 631. Section 428A.08 of Minnesota Statutes states that no action may be taken under section 428A.02_or 428 unless owners of 25 percent or more of the land area of property that would be subject to service charges in the proposed special service district and either: (1) owners of 25 percent or more of the net tax capacity of property that would be subject to a proposed service charge, based on net tax capacity; or (2) owners, individuals, and business organizations subject to 25 percent or more of a proposed service charge based on other than net tax capacity file a petition requesting a public hearing on the proposed action with the city cleric. A copy of the petition is attached. CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING RELATING TO THE IMPOSITION OF A SERVICE CHARGE FOR SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT NO. 1 WHEREAS, the Downtown Lakeville Business Association has submitted a proposed budget and requested the imposition of a service charge in the amount of $27,534 to be collected with taxes payable in 2012; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Statute requires that a public hearing must be conducted each calendar year with notices mailed to each business organization subject to the service charge. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Lakeville, Minnesota, that a public hearing will be conducted at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 21, 2011 relating to the proposed budget for the Special Service District No. 1 and imposing a service charge thereon. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota this 17` day of October 2011. CITY OF LAKEVILLE By: Mark Bellows, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk EXHIBIT B SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICT- DOWNTOWN Proposed Special Service Charge Allocation PROPERTY Plo# OWNER 22 44450 02 121 racnarc /,vnn lvimer 22 44450 12 02o 20777 LLC 22 4445012 042 ZVUI LLI 22 02900 78 051 noryoke rroressionai uc (22 13700 084 01) 22- 47600 - 01-010 Holyoke Crossing LLC 22- 13700 -02 -081 noryoke crossmg LLc (22-44450- 111 -13) Holyoke Crossing (former J +J 22- 47600 -01 -020 Hold.) 22 85100 01 051 J & J Holding Co. 22 44450 12 050 J & J Boling G0. Lakeville Real Estate Management 22 63700 01 040 LLC Lakeville Real Estate Management 2 63700 01 080 LLC Lakeville Real Estate Management 22 63700 01 030 LLC Lakeville Real Estate Management 22 63700 01 020 LLC Gregory J. /Nancy Papatola Tste 22 44450 12 044 Smith Gregory J /Nancy Papatola T9te 22 44450 12 040 Smith Market I Tax Capacity I Special Service I i value Vaioe i Citarbe I 446,800 434,100 8,186 7,932 922 903.40 15,346 _ 101,600 101.600 _,___?_032 2,032 147,300 146,800 2,210 2,202 249 250.80 6,060 159,900 159,900 2,448 2,448 276 278.80 45,400 307.200 306,700 4,658 4,650 525 529.60 vveus cargo 113,800 113,800 2,276 2.276 906,700 906,700 17,384 17,384 1,958 1,979.90 1,015800 1,015,800 19,080 19,080 2,150 2,173.10 1,650,500 1,625,700 33,010 32,514 3,719 3,703.10 135,400 135,400 2,708 2,708 305 308.40 2,264,600 2,212,800 44,542 43.506 5,018 4,95 5.00 149,600 149,600 2,244 2,244 253 255.60 149,600 149,600 2,990 2,990 337 340.50 299,200 299,200 5,234 6,234 590 596.10 56,500 56,500 1,130 1,130 127 128.70 282,900 282,900 5,658 5,658 637 644.40 56,000 56,000 1,120 1,120 126 127.60 282,900 282,900 4,908 4,908 553 559.00 678,300 678,300 12,816 12,816 1,443 1,459,70 238,900 238,900 4,028 4,028 454 458.80 15,346 _ 101,600 101.600 _,___?_032 2,032 229 23140 51,800 340.500 340.500 6,06 6,060 683 690.20 22 85100 01 070 22 85100 01100 Wells Fargo 804,800 804,800 15,346 15,346 1,729 1,747.80 22 85100 01 080 Wells Fargo 51,800 51,800 777 777 88 88.50 22 85100 01 070 Wells Fargo 45,400 45,400 681 681 77 77.60 22 85100 01 020 vveus cargo 113,800 113,800 2,276 2.276 256 259.20 1,015800 1,015,800 19,080 19,080 2,150 2,173.10 22 13700 02 010 nlva Investments 268,600 268,600 4,622 4,622 521 526.40 Market Tax Capacity Special Service PROPERTY Value Value Charge PID# OWNER 1 2011 1 2012 1 2011 1 2012 1 2011 1 20' 22 44450 07 120 Kose Acceptance me 260,700 257,900 4,464 4.408 503 502.00 22 44450 10 070 Holyoke Plaza LLC 264,600 264,600 4,542 4,542 512 517.30 22 44450 10 090 n01Y0Ke Mazy LLc 41.600 41,600 832 832 94 94.80 306,200 306,200 5,374 5,374 606 612.10 22 44450 10 110 rdn nano LLU /o rani nrause 114.400 114,400 1,716 1.716 193 195.40 22 85100 01 041 R. Gallagher Reichardt Tste 259,300 259,300 4,436 4,436 500 505.20 22 85100 01 071 K. uaiiagner Keicnarcc i ste 12,900 12,900 258 258 29 29.40 272,200 272.200 4,694 4,694 529 534.60 22 4445010 041 VFW Post 212,600 212,600 3,502 3,502 395 398.90 22- 44450 -10 -010 VFW Post 53,400 53,400 1,068 1,068 120 121.60 22- 44450 -10 -020 VFW Post 52,900 52,900 1,058 1,058 119 120.50 22 44450 10 030 VFW Post 52,900 52,900 1,058 1,056 119 120.50 22 44450 10 040 vrvv r051 19,500 19,500 390 390 44 44.40 391,300 391,300 7,076 7,076 797 805.90 22 85100 01 050 zu101 -�U /o iviarK notzler 191,800 191,800 3,086 3,086 348 351.50 22- 32190 -oo -010 Hewitt Investments 126,500 126,500 1,898 1,898 214 216.20 22- 32190 -01 -010 newly Investments 749,700 749,700 14,877 14.877 1,676 1.694.40 876,200 876,200 16,775 16,775 1,890 1,910.60 22 44450 07 183 LaKevine ranty bowl, me. 275,500 253,100 4,760 4,312 536 491.10 22 44450 06 101 Allstoc rroperues 314,100 314,100 5,532 5,532 623 630.10 22- 47600 -02 -010 H & V Apartments (Ace Hardware) 1,094,300 1,094,300 21,136 21,136 2,381 2,407.20 (22 44415 010 01) 22- 44415 -01 -011 Dakota County CDA 612,800 594,400 11.506 11,138 1,295 1,268.50 TOTAL 1102 12,889,700 244.419 241,753 27.534 27.534 Special Service District - Rate 0.1126508 0.1138931 City of Lakeville Downtown Special Service istrict Petition — Taxes payable; 2012 We the undersigned to hereby petition the City of Lakeville to conduct a public hearing to levy $27,534 for collection on the properties located in Special Service District #1 for taxes payable 2011 Land Square Property P # Footage Owner 22 44450 12 020 2,614 20777 t1C 22 44450 12 042 2,176 20777 LLC 22 02900 78 051 41,382 Holyoke Professional Ltd 22 47600 01 010 55,321 Holyoke Grassing LLC 22 13700 02 081 55,321 Holyoke Crossing LLC 22 47600 01 020 57,882 Holyoke Crossing 22 44450 10 070 6,970 Holyoke Plaza LLC 22 44450 10 090 4,792 Holyoke Plaza LLC 22 85100 01 050 1,307 20757 LLC % Mark Hotzier TOTAL 227 Market Value 2012 146,800 159,900 906,700 1,625,700 135,400 2,212,800 264,600 41,600 191,800 13,023,100 Signa ture