HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 05.fOctober 17, 2011 Proposed Action ItE PROCLAMATION DECLARING OCTOBER 20 — 28 2011 AS MANUFACTURERS WEEK IN LAKEVILLE Staff recommends approval of the attached proclamation declaring the week of October 24 — October 28 2011 to be observed as Manufacturers Week in the City of Lakeville. Overview This will be the 18 annual Manufacturing Week in Lakeville which is part of a state- wide effort to recognize the contributions manufacturers make to our economy including jobs, tax base, and community involvement. Jim Emond Sr. of the Economic Development Commission will be in attendance at the October 17, 2011 City Council meeting to accept the proclamation. A copy of the proclamation will be provided to all industrial businesses in Lakeville. These businesses have been invited to the Lakeville Manufacturers Appreciation reception to be held on Thursday, October 27 at the Lakeville Holiday Inn & Suites. This year's event is sponsored by Dakota Electric Association, Frontier Communications, Minnesota Energy Resources and Xcel Energy. Supporting Information Copy of the proposed proclamation avid L. Olson Community and Economic Development Director Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y/N Source: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: 2011 Manufacturers Week Proclamation Whereas: The manufacturing industry is a dynamic part of Minnesota's economy, and promotion of this sector's strength, success, and high quality of life is an integral part of Minnesota's economic development strategy; and Whereas: Manufacturing provides high skill, high wage jobs which significantly contribute to Minnesota's high standard of living and economic vitality; and Whereas: Manufacturing has the second largest total payroll among business sectors in Minnesota, providing $16.1 billion in wages; and Whereas: Manufactured exports brought over $17.2 billion into the Minnesota economy in 2010; and Whereas: Manufacturing is the largest employment sector in Lakeville and accounts for nearly 2,000 jobs in our community, NOW THEREFORE, the Lakeville City Council does hereby proclaim that the week of October 24 to October 28, 2011 shall be observed as: Manufacturers Week in the City of Lakeville Proclaimed this seventeenth day of October, Two Thousand and Eleven. Mayor