HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09Date 10/17/11 Item No. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE OF THE SENIOR CENTER PROPERTY LOCATED AT 20732 HOLT AVENUE Proposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to adopt a resolution approving the advertisement for sale of the current Senior Center located at 20732 Holt Avenue. Passage of this motion will result in City staff advertising this property for sale. Overview In conjunction with the hiring of the architect and construction management firm for the proposed Heritage Center project, staff is recommending that we begin marketing the current senior center property for sale. This property was appraised in March of this year, and based on that appraisal staff recommends a listing price of $380,000. Because three of the four parcels that constitute the Senior Center property are owned by the City HRA, and one parcel is owned by the City of Lakeville, resolutions are required from both entities. The City would advertise this property on several commercial real estate websites including Greater MSP / MNCAR and LoopNet along with the City's newsletters and website. Staff recommends that any offers to purchase the property be brought to the City Council after the Council has approved the construction plans and budget for the Heritage Center project. Staff estimates that this will be completed in December. The City Council will have to approve any purchase agreement for the sale of this property. Primary Issues to Consider • Is the recommended approach to market the sale of the building the most effective approach? The City has sold two existing buildings in recent years using a similar approach. Supporting Information • Council and HRA Resolutions authorizing the advertisement for sale of this prope vid L. Olson Community and Economic Development Director Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Y/N Source: WHEREAS, the City is in the process of planning for a new Heritage Center and will close the Senior Center now in operation at 20732 Holt Avenue (Subject Property); and WHEREAS, maintaining ownership of the Subject Property would not serve the public interest; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Lakeville City Council hereby approves listing the Subject Property for sale. DATED this 17 day of October, 2011 ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 11- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mark Bellows, Mayor Print Preview Lakeville Senior Center Property ! oil tat Page 1 of 1 Disclaimer' Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Map Scale 1 inch = 75 feet http: / /gis. co. dakota. mn. us/ website/ dakotanetgis/ printPreview .aspx ?PrintOptData= Lakevil... 10/13/2011 CITY OF LAKEVILLE AGENDA HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY MEETING OCTOBER 17, 2011 Immediately following City Council meeting 1. Call to order and roll call. 2. Approve minutes of the January 18, 2011 H.R.A. meeting. 3. Resolution authorizing advertisement for the sale of the City Senior Center, located at 20732 Holt Avenue. 4. Adjourn. CITY OF LAKEVILLE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ANNUAL MEETING JANUARY 18, 2011 Chair Swecker called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. Roll call was taken. Present: Commissioners Rieb, Bellows, Swecker, Little and LaBeau. Also present: Steven Mielke, Executive Director. The minutes of the January 4, 2010 Annual H.R.A. meeting were approved as presented. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair Swecker called for nominations for the offices of Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. 11.01 Motion was made by Bellows, seconded by LaBeau to cast a unanimous ballot for the following slate of officers for the year 2011: Chair Commissioner Rieb Vice Chair Commissioner Swecker Secretary Commissioner Little Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Steven Mielke, Executive Director Laurie Rieb, Chair HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. 11- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City is in the process of planning for a new Heritage Center and will close the Senior Center now in operation at 20732 Holt Avenue (Subject Property); and WHEREAS, maintaining ownership of the Subject Property would not serve the public interest; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Lakeville Housing and Redevelopment Authority hereby approves listing the Subject Property for sale. DATED this 17 day of October, 2011 ATTEST: Steven C. Mielke, Executive Director HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CITY OF LAKEVILLE Laurie Rieb, Chairperson