HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.eFebruary 1, 2012
Proposed Action
C, )
Human Resiurces Manager
Item No.
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve amendments to
City of Lakeville Policy Manual.
Passage of this motion will approve policies for Community Development and Public
City staff is in the process of reviewing all policies within the Lakeville Policy Manual.
The attached redlined policies, related to the Community Development and Public
Works sections of the manual, were reviewed by City Council at work session and have
been recommended for approval. They have also been reviewed and approved by City
Attorney Roger Knutson.
Primary Issues to Consider
• None.
Supporting Information
• Redlined policies for Community Development and Public Works.
Financial Impact: $ $0 Budgeted: N/A
Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.):
1.01 Subdivision and development within the City of Lakeville is a multi phase process which
begins with submission of a sketch or concept plan and then progresses through City approvals
as the requirements of each stage have been met. The entire process is closely monitored to
identify issues and solve any problems as they are realized as a means of reaching the best
design and layout in the shortest feasible time frame. Applications will not be formally
accepted or considered complete until all submission requirements have been met.
1.02 Each phase requires submission of various information relative to the review and approval b
necessary City departments. advisory committees and outside government agencies. A
se•arate a..lication must be filed for each •lase of the development process using the City's
a** cation forms alon with the re.uired fees and escrow de•osit. In cases where multi le
1.03 R
planning applications are necessary, such requests may he handled simultaneously if each
cation meets Cit re uirements.
develo ment review meetings are held to enable Cit staff to review sketch •lans and
-e uirements
rior to the corn•letion of detailed development
ans. All
Information submitted by the applicant will be reviewed and comments will be provided in a
timely fashion. Lot requirements, setbacks, streets, and utilities, landscaping requirements,
arkin and other ertinent Cit standards are discussed in detail durin' the development
review meetings.
2.01 Work with the applicant to guide and assist them through the development review process.
2.02 Review all applications for consistenc with Cit r ations and re are •ro'ect review letters
and reports.
2.03 Forward copies of staff reports and development plans to the City Council, Planning
Commission and other miscellaneous committee members in advance of the meetings.
2.04 Make presentations and recommendations on proposed developments.
2.05 Answer questions related to compliance with ordinances and City policy requirements.
3.01 Represent the proposed development and answer questions related to the project.
3.02 Have technical staff {i.e. en ineer, surveyor, landscape architect, forester} available to answer
questions related to the proposed development.
3.03 Insure staff review comments are addressed and resubmitted plans are completed as needed.
4.01 The City Council, Planning Commission and. Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources
Committee meet on the following schedule:
The City Council meets the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
The Planning Commission meets the first and third Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
The Planning Commission conducts the public hearings that are required for most
development applications.
• The Parks, Recreation and. Natural Resources Committee meets the first and third
Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.
4.02 The developer will be required to appear before the City Council and the advisory committees
during the review process to present their development plans. It is a City requirement that
preliminary plats are reviewed by each of these bodies. Final plats are only reviewed. by the
City.Councii,.unless..the final. plat is substantially different from the approved. preliminary i�at
whereby the final plat will be referred to the Planning Commission and the Parks, Recreation
and Natural Resources Committee.
4,03 The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee and Planning Commission typically
review development proposals during the same week. with the City Council reviewing the
project approximately two weeks later.
4.04 The Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Committee recommendations on preliminary
plats are forwarded to the Planning Commission and then to the City Council in conjunction
with the Planninz Commission recommendation. City staff will advise the developer of the
dates and times of these :meetings as part of the timeline discussed above.
4.05 The City staff and Developer roles at the City Council, Commission and Committee meetings
vary from one another and each plays an important part in the presentation of the project, its
review, and ultimate recommendation /decision by these groups.
1.01 This policy is adopted for purposes of the Business Subsidies Act (the "Act "), Minnesota
Statutes, Sections 116.1.993 through 1163.995. Terms used in this Policy are intended to have the
same meanings as if used in the Act, and this Policy shall apply only with respect to "subsidies"
as defined by the Act if and to the extent required thereby.
2.01 The City of Lakeville and the Lakeville Economic Development Commission maintain several
policy documents which speak to the general goals and objectives for the provision of public
assistance for private development or redevelopment activities. These documents include, but are
not limited to the current Strategic Plan for Economic Development and the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan.
2.02 The City of Lakeville has determined that in order for any project to be considered for financial
assistance, a finding is needed that determines that, "but for" the City's assistance, this project
will not occur or will not occur within a reasonable amount of time. The City will also need to
demonstrate a return on its investment based on one or more of the public benefit categories
listed in this policy.
2.03 Because projects vary greatly in structure and public benefit derived, each project will be
considered on its own merits. Consideration will be given to projects providing public benefits
in one or more of the following categories:
a. The creation of new jobs /increase in total payroll. In the case of new job creation, new jobs
must pay an average wage equal to the minimum wage level for business assistance programs
administered by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development for
cities located in the seven county metropolitan area in place at the time of an application by
any business seeking a subsidy. Preference will be given to higher paying jobs that also
provide benefits such as health care coverage.
b. Projects that provide value in the forms of needed transportation and other utility
infrastructure improvements including regional infrastructure in the community that would
be completed in conjunction with the project.
c. Redevelopment projects that result in the stabilization of business districts or neighborhoods
by elimination of blighting conditions.
d. Projects that enhance or increase the economic diversity of the community by attracting
businesses or industries not currently located in the City. New job wage requirements will
apply to any new jobs created.
e. Projects that result in the development of affordable senior or workforce housing.
f. Quality of Life based on business /projects. Those business /entities that provide a desirable
good or service and address an unmet demand in the community will be considered. New
job wage requirements will apply to any new jobs created.
g. Retention of existing jobs. To be considered under this category, it must be demonstrated —
to the satisfaction of the City — that the loss of jobs is specific and can be demonstrated.
2.04 If a particular project does not involve the creation of jobs, but is nonetheless found to meet
another public purpose of the City it may be considered without any specific job wage goals, as
a by Minnesota This has to b. th; other than tviaa�ieSota Statutes. la��a public purpose t
has w �� something ocu�,F cuuaf an increase
to the City's tax base. Other measurable, specific and tangible goals must be established.
Examples of tangible goals may include redevelopment or clean -up of a contaminated site or
increased tourism.
2.05 Each project shall not only be evaluated against the Business Subsidy Policy but also against
other applicable City of Lakeville or Economic Development Commission policies, including the
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and current Strategic Plan for Economic Development. The level
of assistance to be provided for any project is at the discretion of the City of Lakeville.
2.06 Because it is not possible to anticipate every type of project which may in its context and time
present desirable community building or preservation goals and objectives, the governing body
must retain the right in its discretion to approve projects and subsidies which may vary from the
principles and criteria of this Policy, The burden will be on the applicant to demonstrate, to the
satisfaction of the City of Lakeville, that the public benefit justifies the requested subsidy.
2.07 In all cases of business subsidy, where the subsidy is equal to or greater than the threshold
prescribed in Minnesota Statutes, a subsidy agreement will be entered into between the City and
the recipient. This agreement will delineate the subsidy structure and amount, as well as the
expected public benefit. The agreement will include provisions for repayment and other
resolution options if the expected public benefit is not achieved. Upon completion of the project,
the actual costs of the elements of the project eligible for the business subsidy will be verified.
All business subsidies will be subject to the criteria outlined in Minnesota Statutes, Section
116J933 through 116J,955 except those subsidies as exempted by same.
1.01 The City of Lakeville understands that foreclosed and abandoned properties have recently
increased, causing the City to take preventative measures.
1.02 The City of Lakeville understands that unoccupied foreclosed and abandoned properties tend to
attract and accrue unwanted damage from a variety of sources.
1.03 The City of Lakeville understands that damaged or blighted properties could have a lasting,
negative effect on community neighborhoods.
1.04 The City of Lakeville understands that many of the property owners and mortgage lenders are
difficult to contact but the City will make every effort to do so while enforcing the City code.
2.01 The purpose of this policy is to assist residents in preventing property foreclosures whenever
possible and to mitigate any blight effects in community neighborhoods from foreclosed and
abandoned properties. By focusing City resources on preventing foreclosures and monitoring
foreclosed and abandoned properties, Lakeville aims to effectively and positively address current
and future foreclosure issues.
3.01 Abandoned property — is a property that is no longer being occupied.
3.02 Foreclosed property — is a property that is currently going through the foreclosure process.
4.01 The City of Lakeville will offer, at its discretion, professional resources on the City's website
and through other media outlets to assist property owners preventing personal defaults and
potentially avoid foreclosure.
4.02 The City of Lakeville will routinely monitor foreclosed and abandoned properties that are no
longer being occupied for property damage and enforce City code requirements. Monitoring will
be conducted through an administrative procedure.
4.03 The City of Lakeville will recoup its costs for all contractual and City performed services on
foreclosed and abandoned properties within their statutory powers except for routine monitoring.
Each department is responsible for notifying the Finance Department of contractual or City
services performed at each residence.
1.O2Tho ity will maintain a. lid of foreciosed —and abandoned prop-ert ie pfevided by Dakota Coun y-er
ts:i.dent or staff complaints and concerns.
1.03When a force lo ,ed or abandoned property address has been obtained, the Inspections Dew
0-Determine i.f the property is occupied.
i)Make note of occupancy and condition of property.
ii)Update the code enforcement pro: .
iii-)Re inspect the property in three weeks.
i)Weed and grass violations.
ii)Garbagc or exterior storage violations.
iii)Conditi --
iy te if Gas andlor electric services are shut off.
v)Notc if water is shut off.
rior structures for water or mold damage.
enforcement program regarding the property.
1.06If the property is in violation of the City's garbage or exterior storage ordinances, the Inspections
the months of April 15' through October 15
Jtiiities Department immediately. If the gas or electric
upancy" notice on the front window with City contact information.
1.01 The purpose of this oliC is to guide staff in determining when to eco.mmend that a property
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owner or developer host a neighborhood meeting for a proposed land use development project
and the procedure for conduct,,' the neighborhood meeting.
2.01 A. critical__Aspe_c_t_of the develo ment review and a royal rocess is neighborhood participation.
After sketch plan submittal but prior to scheduling the public hearing for a preliminary plat or
other .lannin { action the develo er may be required to host a neighborhood .meeting for those
property owners living within 500 feet of the propnsed development. Property owner input is
in_p_ortant at this early stage and can actually rinimize project opposition and improve the
effi.cien.c of the development review rocess b kee.iu .ro stakeholders informed.
Lakeville residents have infonned City leaders of their desire to be involved earl in the .lannin_
rocess of develo ments .ro osed for their neighborhoods.
2.02 City staff recommends neighborhood meetings on a case -by -case basis, typically for commercial
or medium /high density residential developments pro psed adjacent to existing residential
neighborhoods or for large or potentially controversial projects.
2.03 The developer is in charge of notifying the property owners not less than 10 days before the
neighborhood meeting.
2.04 The developer is also responsible for conducting the .meeting, although City staff will be in
attendance to monitor the ni.eeti and to answer •uestions related to Cit ordinances and
2.05 The time and location of the meeting must be coordinated with City staff. Neighborhood
meetings must be held on a Monday — Thursday in the evening on a date that does not conflict
with a City Council or Planning Commission m.ceti.ng and preferably at a school or church near
the proposed development site.
2.06 Full size .fans should be used during the meetin .resentation, but it is also helpful to have
reduced copies of the plans available for distribution.
2.07 A sign -up sheet should be used so that a master list of persons in attendance can be documented
in association with the written summary of the major points raised at the meeting to be completed
by City staff.
2.02 The developer is advised to have technical staff (i.e. engineer, surveyor, architect, forester)
available to answer questions related to the proposed development.
0 1)
1 0
1.01 Provide for the security of wells, towers and reservoirs, and the Water Treatment Facility.
2.01 Define access requirements for individuals, groups, and companies that request access to City
facilities associated with the pumping, collection, treatment, and storage of water.
3.01 This policy applies to individuals, groups, or companies that:
a. Are under contract to the City for specific water system maintenance, rehabilitation, or
construction projects.
b. Tour any of the facilities.
c. Deliver products directly related to water treatment.
d. Lease, stage, and/or maintain equipment on or within secure areas, such as wireless
communications equipment.
4.01 The City requires that background checks be completed on all individuals who require access to
any of the water system facilities. This requirement is to be enforced based upon the discretion of
the Public Works Director and /or Utilities Superintendent. Background checks performed by the
entity requesting access for their employees cannot be used in place of a City of Lakeville
background check.
4.02 The City reserves the right to refuse access to any individual based on the results of the background
check and in the best interest of the City. The City will update the background checks annually.
5.01 Individuals, groups, and companies needing access to these facilities shall submit the names and
other pertinent infolination required by the City to the Public Works Department. Information
must be received sufficiently in advance of the visit to allow for the background check.
5.02 The Public Works Department will provide the information to the Lakeville Police Department
who will complete the background check. The Police Department will return the results of the
background check to the Public Works Department for review and disposition.
5.03 Chemical companies making deliveries to the Water Treatment Facility shall provide the name of
the driver and the carried load before the driver is granted access to the facility.
5.04 Information provided to the City concerning background checks will be maintained on file for one
6.01 All individuals must present appropriate state, federal, or company issued photo identification
before being granted access to any facility.
6.02 Individuals, regardless of the status of the background check, will be escorted by City personnel
when working within the Water Treatment Facility, water reservoirs, or at the wells.
6.03 Individuals with a completed, successful background check will be allowed to work within the
facility perimeter unescorted.
6.04 Individuals without a completed background check will be escorted while they are working in or
around the facilities.
6.05 For chemical companies making deliveries at the Water Treatment Facility, the driver must check
in with the office before being granted access to the facility. Department staff will verify both the
driver and the load before allowing the offloading of any chemicals.
7.01 Should the department be required to escort an individual, the company requesting access will be
billed for costs incurred by the City.
7.02 Should department personnel be called out after normal City business hours, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00
pan., Monday through Friday, to provide access to facilities, charges for the callout will be billed
to the requesting company.
1.01 The City of Lakeville finds that having a uniform boulevard tree maintenance .olic - serves to
protect the City's investment in its roads to maintain roadwa s for pedestrian and vehicular
traffic, to maintain • eneral tree health and where feasible .reserve aesthetically desirable
natural areas.
3.00 Optimum maintenance time
4.00 Reasons for maintenance
2.00 Where maintenance will take place
2.01 Annually the Streets Division coordinates the pruning of boulevard trees in one of six districts
throughout the City. Boulevard trees are considered trees that fall in the Citv's right-of-way.
Pro )e:rt owners will be notified at least 7 da s before .r anin occurs.
3.01 Boulevard tree trim in is done during the winter months when most trees are dormant: this
minimizes the stress to the tree and reduces the incidence of disease transmission.
4.01 Branches are pruned throu bout the tree to remove unhealthy, broken, or rubbing limbs to
improve the overall health and s :.nietry of the tree. This annual pruning progr..am is also
necessary to provide safe sight lines and allow sufficient overhead clearance for delivery trucks,
City vehicles, and maintenance equipment. City staff trims trees to allow for a 15 feet minimum
clearance height and shapes trees for tree health and aesthetic purposes.
5.00 What trees may be maintained by the City
5.01 The right -of -way extends approximately 15 feet from the back of the curb,
however, maintenance to some trees is not limited to boulevard trees. Any privately owned trees
with limbs or branches affecting the street signs, street lights traffic signals, sight lines, street
trails and sidewalks of the road right -of -way may be removed by the City of Lakeville with the
property pwner's consent. If a property owner chooses not to comply with the request. the City
can commence a nuisance abatement procedure.
5.02 City staff will not prune branches or remove trees where a conflict with a over line or
overhanging utility may occur.
1.01 The City of Lakeville, Minnesota finds that it is in the best interest of the City to outline the
policy and procedures for the consideration and installation of Driver Feedback (DF) sites.
2.01 In certain situations DFB signs can reduce speed and improve safety on some roadways. This
policy exists to outline the warrants necessary to consider the installation of DFB signs.
3.01 Driver feedback signs display real time speed measurements as the vehicle approaches the sign
advising, the driver of their speed. If the approaching car is exceeding the speed limit and not in
corn .liance with the .osted seed the are warned b a flashin r dissla of LE[) li rhts. The
display prompts the driver to slow down, creating a safer environment for pedestrians, school
children. cyclists, roadway workers, and the general public.
3.02 Traffic - calming, through the installation of DBV signs, has been proven effective in:
• School zones
Transition zones
• Work zones
Other speed critical areas
3.03 The installation of DFB signs must be approved by the City Council.
4.01 While DFB signs have proven to be effective in most instances. it is important that locations be
evaluated against these warrants to ensure that the devices do not lose their impact and that they
are used in locations where they are cost beneficial. Therefore the following warrants must be
met before consideration will be given for the installation of DFB signs. An engineering study
may also be required prior to City Council approval.
1. Roadway Classification: Major Collector
2. Average Daily Traffic (ADT): Greater than 5,000
3. Average Speeds: Exceed Posted Speed Limit
4. Driveway Access: Greater than 10 Driveways per 1500 feet.
5. Roadway History: Documeted Speed and Safety Problems
1.01 The City of Lakeville, Minnesota finds that it is in the best interest of the City to outline the
maintenance and use o f public and private fire hydrants. ThP y
j�i�lley isnd F�rG^.edUr�°.s for the maintenance �1.�.J � ncl p _ City
will use City employees and equipment as well as contractors to provide services under this
2.01 Define standard responsibilities, maintenance and inspection procedures, and restrictions on use
ofpublic and private fire hydrants within the City of Lakeville.
3.01 Fire hydrants in the City of Lakeville are for the exclusive use of the City and shall not be used
for purposes other than emergencies as determined by the City. This policy applies to:
A. Individuals, groups, or corn allies that use munici.al water for .ro ects within the Cit
B. City staff.
4.01 The Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor shall:
A. Direct and schedule all hydrant maintenance and inspection activities.
B. Contract as necessary for maintenance and repair services.
C. Review plans for and monitor the installation of hydrants in new developments to ensure
conformance with City needs and specifications.
D. Monitor the use of fire hydrants during responses to disasters and other emergencies.
E. Utilities maintenance staff shall
1. Inspect and exercise all hydrants in the City.
2. Document hydrants needin_ re ajr and make repairs as directed.
F. The Lakeville Fire Department shall:
1. Inspect hydrants for proper operation and unhindered access.
2. Report all Inalfunct.i.on.s and any non - working hydrants to the Utilities Division
5.01 Companies and individuals are prohibited from rasing City fire hydrants except under special
5.02 H drant meters will not be issued to coxn.araies or individuals using Cit water for •rivate
projects. The Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor will review exceptions to the use of hydrant
meters for municipal projects on a case -by -case basis.
5.03 Companies and individuals needing Cit water for .ro ects will be directed to the Finance
Department for inclusion on the access list for the bulk water fill station at the Central
Maintenance Facility tower.
5.04 Isolation valves at well site and well collection water main hydrants will be in the off position.
These hydrants are not to be used for any reason. A section of PVC pipe will be placed inside
the valve box as a reminder that the valve is off. Any inspection, maintenance, or repair of these
hydrants is only at the direction of the Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor.
5.05 Inspection and maintenance:
a All City fire hydrants will be inspected and exercised annually.
b Staff will document any problems with the hydrants found during the annual inspections.
Any hydrants taken out of service will be marked at the hydrant and its location provided
to the Fire Department.
c Repairs to hydrants will be prioritized based on City needs. Every attempt will be made
to return non - working hydrants to service within one business day.
d Hydrants that do not drain will be pumped dry each fall to prevent freezing and possible
damage to the hydrant.
e Fire hydrants will be painted periodically to maintain their appearance and visibility to
the Fire Department.
f The City may contract the painting of fire hydrants. Contract specifications will detail
type of paint, start and completion dates, and any measures required for the protection of
property around the hydrants.
g Fire hydrants will be sand blasted, primed, and painted entirely safety red using Sherwin
Williams product #B65R30 or an approved equal.
h Exceptions to the paint scheme are:
1. Hydrants that are plugged and do not drain will have the pumper nozzle cover
painted black.
2. Well site and well collection water main hydrants will have the pumper nozzle
painted blue.
Hydrants located on plyate property shall be considered a part of that property's fire
protection system. As such they shall be maintained in an operable condition at all
times and repaired or replaced where defective. All inspection, exercising, maintenance,
and repair are the responsibility of the propert y owner. The Utilities Division may
provide assistance to the property owner in evaluating the hydrants. Any fees for
services will be negotiated between the Utilities Superintendent and the property owner.
6.00 Fire hvdrant restrictions:
6.01 The Utilities Division will not issue hvdrant meters to any individual or company needing water
for use within the City. The Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor will review any exceptions on
a case -by -case basis.
.6.02 Staff witnessing use of a fire hydrant by other than City staff shall report the incident to the
TJfii hies S nr Supervisor.
6.03 The Utilities Superintendent will send a letter to the company involved requesting they stop
using Lakeville hydrants, explaining the City's policy on hydrant use and the availability of a
water fill station.
6.04 Lakeville Police Department will be notified as necessary to issue a citation to the violator.
7.00 Jlvdrant access:
7.01 There shall be no less than 36" of horizontal clearance on all sides of the hydrant.
7.02 All hydrants are to be free of obstacles so that the hydrant may be seen by approaching fire
trucks, at a minimum .distance of 200 feet.
7.03 Posts fences vehicles brush. trash and other items shall not be .laced or kert near fire
7.04 The Fire Department shall not be deterred or hindered from gaining immediate access to a
1.00 Introduction
1.01 The City of Lakeville, Minnesota finds that it is in the best interest of the City to do the
maintenance of its streets. An important part of street m.ainte:nan.ce is the repair of potholes. The
City will repair potholes in a safe and cost effective manner. kee.in in mind safet bud et
personnel and environmental concerns. The City will use City staff, equipment and/or private
contractors to provide this service. Pothole repair is part of the City's overall pavement
management program.
2.00 Application
2 01 This p olicy api lies to City. streets. It does not appiv to other governmental unit's roads and
private roads that og through the City unless there is a specific agreement between the Cit and
that other governmental unit or private entity.
3.00 Maintenance of potholes
3.01 The Streets Superintendent or his /her designated employee will decide when to conduct pothole
1. Standard Repair
Streets staff will be assigned an area to inspect. They will repair any potholes the find in
that area. Each street will be inspected. The timing for the repairs will also be based
upon weather conditions and available resources.
2. Response to Complaint or Accident
Streets staff will he sent out to inspect any street when the City receives a complaint or
4.00 Criteria for a pothole
4.01 Not every imperfection in a. street surface is necessarily considered to be a pothole in immediate
need of repair. The general criteria for repair will be a pothole that is 2 inches or more deep and
over 8 inches in diameter. The Streets Superintendent or his /her designated employee will have
discretion to decide if a pavement distress is a pothole in need of repair.
5.00 Pothole repair
5.01 Potholes will be re •aired tern.oraril during cold weather with cold asphalt mix or other means.
The repairs will be limited to those determined to be hazardous for motor vehicles. In warmer
weather and when hot asphalt mix is available, potholes will be filled with the hot asphalt or
other means for a rnore_permanent repair.
6.00 Priorities and Schedule for which Streets' Potholes will be repaired
6.01 The Cit has classified Cit streets based on the street function traffic volume and im.orta.nce
to the welfare of the community. The Cit will re air those streets first that are high volume and
high speed routes that connect major sections of the City and provide access for emergency fire,
op Lice, and medical services. The second .riorit streets are those streets . - ovvidin r access to
schools and commercial businesses. The third priority streets are Iow volume residential streets.
7.00 Weather Conditions
7.01 Pothole repairs will be conducted on.l.y when weather conditions do not limit the ability to
perform the work or when such work would not endanger the safety of Citv staff and equipment
Factors that may delay repairs are cold temperatures, rain, snow, and ice conditions.
8.00 Documentation
8.01 City staff will document all street repairs to potholes that are made under this policy. Records
will not necessaril identif each individual .othole but may show the general location where
.repairs were made.
1.01 Establish the policy, procedures, and responsibilities for preventing, responding to, and resolving
problems caused by municipal well interference with private wells.
2.01 Define the roles and responsibilities of the City of Lakeville in preventing, responding to, and
resolving interruptions to water delivery that may be caused by well interference.
2.02 Define the responsibilities of the well owner in reporting interruptions to water delivery that may
be caused by well interference.
2.03 Provide a means to expedite resolution of well interference complaints.
2.04 Define roles of the City and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to the well owner.
3.01 Development of a city and outlying residential areas requires installation of an infrastructure that
will promote sound development practices and meet the needs of residents for basic services.
From their inception, municipalities are expected to take the responsibility for installing and
managing infrastructure services to meet the needs of residents. Water and sanitary sewer
systems are two necessary infrastructure services required to be provided by any municipality.
The construction and maintenance of water and sewer systems by a municipality is governed by
Minnesota State Statute, Chapter 444, Section 444.075 which states:
444.075 Waterworks systems, main sewers, sewage disposal plants.
Subdivision 1. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the term "municipality" means
a home rule charter or statutory city, except a city of the first class, or a town that is not
in an orderly annexation process on October 3, 1989. The term "governing body" means
the town board with respect to towns.
Subd. 1 a. Authorization. Any municipality may build, construct, reconstruct, repair,
enlarge, improve, or in any other manner obtain
(i) waterworks systems, including mains, valves, hydrants, service connections,
wells, pumps, reservoirs, tanks, treatment plants, and other appurtenances of a
waterworks system,
3.02 The City of Lakeville, meeting the definition of a municipality, established its own water system
to meet resident needs and the early growth of the City. The continued growth of the City has
been matched by corresponding growth and improvements to the water system. Currently, rules
governing the water system are in Title 7, Public Ways and Property, Chapter 5, Water and
Sanitary Sewer System, of Lakeville City Code.
3.03 The placement of wells throughout the City is designed to distribute demand uniformly over the
portion of the Prairie du Chien — Jordan Aquifer and the Franconia- Ironton - Galesville Aquifer
that supplyies Lakeville with water . When pumping from any well, a portion of the aquifer is
drawn down around the well. High capacity wells can create a larger draw down pattern due to
the volumes pumped to meet residential demand. As a result, water levels may be lower than
well pumps for smaller, residential size wells.
Weather conditions, growth due to residential, industrial, commercial, and institutional
development within the City, as well as other factors may force demands on the municipal water
system causing additional wells to be brought on line and larger amounts of water to be pumped
from the aquifer. The result of this increased pumping may be an out of water situation for the
u ell o D w ith this situation is t first es tablishin g proce and procedures to
prevent an out of water situation, and second, to respond to and resolve suspected problems
4.01 Prevention
The City has a basic responsibility to supply clean, safe water to meet the needs of its residents.
In meeting this responsibility, the City plans for and implements expansion of its water system,
the addition of new wells, according to growth and development patterns. City growth creates a
steady increase in water use for domestic, industrial, commercial, and institutional purposes. To
prevent well interference, the City must plan effectively to minimize the impact to remaining
private wells within the city by completing the following:
a Collect information on private wells within a I /2 -mile radius of the planned well sites to
minimize the potential for interference from any new well.
b Explore alternatives to the Prairie du Chien — Jordan Aquifer to meet City needs.
c Require that the well owner hookup to the municipal water and sewer system, if available
(Lakeville City Code, Ordinance 7 -5 -2, and Minnesota Rules 4715- 0310).
d Establish water restrictions to limit non - essential water use.
e Continue to educate residents on effective water conservation techniques.
f Monitor groundwater levels to evaluate the effects of pumping.
g Configure control systems to limit pumping to the minimums required to meet demands.
4.02 Response and Resolution
Should a well owner be without water, quick response is necessary to determine the cause and
return the well to operation.
In the event the well owner is without water, they should:
a Contact the Lakeville Utilities Division between 7:30 a.m, and 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, or Dakota Communications Center at 911 at all other times to report the water
b Call a licensed well driller to return water service.
c Pay costs associated with returning water service.
d If the well owner suspects the repairs are due to well interference from City wells, they must
submit a claim for reimbursement to the Finance Department.
To support the prompt resolution of the well owner's water problem, the City will:
a Upon notification, dispatch a Utilities Division representative to the address experiencing the
service interruption.
b Provide a copy of the well interference resolution process.
c Work with the well owner and the well driller to evaluate probable cause /effect and
settlement of all costs (Minnesota Rules 6115.0730).
d Verify water well information (water well information form attached).
e Inform the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) of well interference
immediately after the City is notified.
f Provide written documentation to DNR on findings and settlement of the alleged interference
in evaluating probable cause and making repairs, the licensed well driller will:
a Notify the City of the interruption of water service by contacting the Lakeville Utilities
Division between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or Dakota
Communications Center at 911 at all other times. The City must be notified before any
submittals are - made to the DNR.
b Evaluate the well, determine probable cause, and make repairs necessary to return water
service to the well owner.
c Provide copies of work done to both the City and the well owner.
D If well interference is suspected, the well driller will collect and the City will forward the
following minimum information, if available, to the DNR:
i. Well casing size.
ii. Well depth.
iii. Open hole depth.
iv. Water level.
v. Pump size.
vi. Pump setting.
vii. Age and condition of the well and pump.
In the event that agreement between the City and the well owner cannot be reached, the City will
contact the Department of Natural Resources no more than 30 days after the occurrence.
1.01 The City of Lakeville, Minnesota finds that it is in the best interest of the City to outline the
policy and procedures for the installation and cost sharing of residential booster pumps.
2.01 Define criteria and responsibilities for the installation and cost sharing of _residential booster
pumps in areas with Iow water pressure from the City's water main.
3.01 Lakeville has both high and low pressure zones within the grid of the municipal water system.
These zones are a result of the placement of water towers and residential elevations relative to
the water tower. Increasing the height of the water towers or adding pumps to the water system
to provide a standard water pressure throughout the City would be cost prohibitive.
3.02 Functionally, residents can expect water ressures between 35 and 60 sounds .er s.uare inch
psi) throughout the Lakeville water system. However, there are areas in Lakeville where the
water .ressure to an individual residence ma fall below 35 .si and be unsatisfactory to the
property owner. In those instances, the City of Lakeville allows the installation of a booster
pump to increase the in -home water pressure.
3.03 This policy applies only to those home and property owners connected to the Lakeville municipal
water system.
4.01 The Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor are responsible for:
a Managing the residential booster pump program.
b Verifying residential water pressure before and after the installation of a booster pump.
c Explaining the. City's residential booster pump policy and cost share agreement.
d Approving the attachment of any device to the City's water distribution system.
e Complete all agreements between the home or .ro.ert . owner and the Cit for
reimbursement and provide to City Council for approval.
4.02 Home or property owners shall:
a. Contact the Utilities Division concerning the installation of a booster pump.
b. Obtain estimates for the cost of equipment and installation.
c. Provide information concerning costs to the Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor.
d. Proceed with installation at the direction of the Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor.
e Assume all costs for the installation.
f Maintain, repair and re lace the booster .um. as needed.
5.01 Prior to installation, property owners should contact the Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor to
discuss alternatives to low water pressure in the home.
5,02 The Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor will meet with the property owner to measure water
pressure and explain the City's residential. booster pump po.l.icy and cost share agreement.
5.03 Home or property owners shall obtain quotes for equipment and installation from at least two
vendors and submit them to the Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor for review.
5.04 U on a +royal the home or ro.ert owner ma roceed with the installation of the booster
pump. The home and property owner is responsible for all costs associated with the installation.
5.05 The installing contractor is required to get a permit from the City for the installation. Final
inspection of the installation will be completed by the Inspection Department.
5.06 Upon completion of the installation, the Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor will complete the
City's portion of the reimbursement agreement with the home or property owner.
5.07 The home or property owner will complete appropriate parts of the agreement and submit the
agreement with both quotes to the Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor.
5.08 The Utilities Superintendent or Supervisor will review the agreement for completeness and
prepare a memo to City Council for approval of the cost share reimbursement.
6.00 COSTS
6.01, All initial costs for installation or the booster pump are the responsibility of the home or property
6.02 After inspection by the City. the home or property owner assumes all costs associated with the
maintenance re air and re.lacement of the booster pump.
6.03 The City's reimbursement for the installation of a residential booster pump is limited to 50
ercent of the cost of labor and e.u:i•ment unless otherwise specified in approved City fee
1.00 Purpose
1.01 It is the poli of th city of Lakeville to comply w ith a ll applicable state and federal r
1.02 The City intends to provide effective and efficient mai:nten.anee to its sanitary sewer system.
Procedures identified in this policy are intended to m.aintain the City's sanitary sewer system to
prevent sewer backups and to extend the life of the system. The City has developed and
implemented this policy that takes into consideration public safety. the City's budget and
pcsonnel, environmental concerns, and the cost of implementation versus the benefit to be
achieved. The City will use its employees, equipment and /or private contractors to provide this
1.03 While the City fully intends to meet the guidelines established in this policy, there may be times
when this is not feasible. Issues including, but not limited to, budget constraints, critical
equipment failure, weather and other emer encies ma .revent the Cit from meetin► the
guidelines established herein. The Public Works Director may override provisions established
within this olic when necessa Deviations from the oals established in this .olio will be
1.04 The Cit will use this .olic to wide an sanita sewer maintenance activities to be rrovided b
a contractor or a party other than the City.
2.00 Routine Maintenance and Inspection
2.01 Sanitary Sewer Lines -
a Sco )e of Cit 's Res.onsibilit - The Cit will maintain the co m. orients of the )ublic sanitar
sewer system. This includes sanitary sewer mains, manholes, lift stations, and other
components. Applicants, owners, occupants and users shall be Iiable for all repairs required
to any sanitary sewer line from the building to the property line. Furthermore, it shall be the
responsibility of the applicant, owner, occupant or user to clean and maintain the sanitary
sewer service line (Le. keep free from blockages and roots, etc.) from the building to the
sewer main.
b. Schedule -- The City will inspect and maintain each sanitary sewer mainline every four years.
c. Problem Area — This is an area of the system that is known to have problems such as grease
accumulation, shallow slope, blockage or backups. Problem areas will be cleaned once per
near, unless more fre uent cleanin is neeessai . A chemical or proofer may be used in
sanitar sewer mainlines to hel eliminate crease build u
d. Equipment — A jetter or a rodding machine will be used to clean the sewer mainlines.
Depending on location, type of pipe and i.f a known problem exists the Utility Division will
determine what t e of cleaning method will be used.
e. Television Inspection — The City will use a television camera to inspect the sanitary sewer
system mainlines every ten years. All sanitary sewer mainlines that are on a street
maintenance project will be televised, recorded and inspected before and after the project.
The City and /or a contractor will televise. record and inspect all sanitary sewer lines in new
developments before the City will accept them as City lines. A camera may also be used to
inspect sanitary sewer lines for possible problem areas.
Visual recordings of sewer line televisin will be required of any contractor performing this
service for the Cit , A written re.ort summarizint and inte 'retina the findings of the
televising will also be required. These records will be kept by the City for a minimum of 12
f. Visual Inspection — City Utility Division staff will perform a visual inspection of the sanitary
sewer mainlines every four years by looking down the manholes to determine if there are any
3.00 Sanitary Sewer Lift Stations —
3.01 Schedule — City Utility Division staff will complete a weekly maintenance check of each lift
station. Weekly checks include all alarms, alarm lights, floats, control systems, motors, piping,
sump pump operation, blower /air exchantre system, transducer, bubbler, air compressor and
greasing. Annually, City Utility Division staff and /or a contractor will perform a documented,
comprehensive inspection /service of all lift stations. This will include all electrical components,
controls, pumps, piping and related infrastructure.
3.02 Operations — The hour meters at each lift station will be checked each normal workday (Monday
through Friday, excluding City observed holidays) to ensure the lift stations are working properly
and to detect any problems in the system. The City also uses a SCADA (Supervisory Control
And Data Acquisition) system to monitor lift stations.
4.00 Emergency Response
4.01 Notification — City Utility Division staff may be notified of an emergency or a problem within
the sanitary sewer system by a system alarm, another employee or a resident.
4.02 Response — After being notified, a City Utility Division employee will go to the location of the
problem to determine if the problem is with the City's sanitary sewer system. A City employee
will check the City's sanitary sewer main at the point of the problem. Corrective action will be
taken if the City's sanitary sewer main is found to be blocked or obstructed.. The time necessary
to remedy a problem. will vary depending on the number of calls, the nature and seriousness of
the roblem weather. and other factors that ma im act the de artment's abil it to res fond find .
and correct a reported problem.
When a blockage found in a sanitary sewer main is causing a backup into a private portion of the
system, the first priority will be to address the problem in the City's sanitary sewer main.
After a sanitary sewer backup is remedied, efforts to determine the cause of the blockage or
backup will be undertaken by those responding to the emergency. Written records of emergency
response will include information and documentation concerning the cause(s) or possible
cause(s) of the blockage or backup.
When investigation of a backu determines that the .roblem is within the .rivate .ortion of the
sanitary sewer system, the sewer customer will be informed of possible corrective action they
may have to perform on their portion of the system.
5.00 Inflow / Infiltration
5.01 Definition - Inflow and infiltration occurs when clear water gets into the sanitary sewer system.
This ma , occur tlirou'h cracks or leaks in the sewer .i es and manholes or throu h sum i um .s
incorrectly connected to the sanitary sewer system. I flow and infiltration can lead to backups,
overflows and unnecessary and ex.en.sive treatment of clear water.
5.02 Inflow — Reducing inflow will be done by public education to encourage voluntary compliance.
5.03 Infiltration — Reducing infiltration will be done by routine maintenance and inspection found in
section II of this policy. Manholes will be inspected every four years by City employees and
those that contribute to the problem will be repaired.
6.00 Personnel Responsibilities and Requirements
6.01 Exercise of Professional Jud ent - It is ex.ected that Cit em.lo ees in accordance with their
lob duties and responsibilities. will exercise their professional judgment in the implernentation of
this .olio ..Further it is ex•ected that in enieraenc situations Cit em 10 ees will be required
to exercise their discretion and weigh political, social, and economic considerations including but
not limited to .ublic and er ee safet , the .otential for damage to srivate .ro.ert . and the
City sanitary sewer system, and environmental concerns.
7.00 Documentation
6.02 Training and Education - The Cit will srovide training to em.lo ees res onsible for
maintenance of and emergency response to issues with the sanitary sewer system. Training of
employees will include education necessary to earn and maintain appropriate operator
certifications. Training will also address standard o. era tin• .rocedures, proper use of
equipment, emergency response and other topics required by state and federal regulatory
6.03 Weather Conditions - Re Tular sewer maintenance o orations will be conducted only when
weather conditions do not endanger the City employees and equipment. Factors that may delay
sewer maintenance operations include, but are not limited to severe cold, severe heat, flooding
rain, snow and other severe weather events.
7.01 The Cit will document all of its inspection and maintenance activities and emer enc r res.onses
for its sanitary sewer system. The City will also document circumstances that limit its ability to
comply with this policy. These records will be kept in accordance with the City's records
retention schedule.
1.00 Introduction
1.01 The City of Lakeville finds that it is in the best interest of the City to do the maintenance of its
sidewalks. Not every irregularity in the surface of a sidewalk rises to the level of a defect. The
City recognizes that some sidewalk conditions create unreasonable hazards for pedestrians and
other sidewalk users.
2.00 Sidewalk inspection procedures
2.01 The procedures for regular sidewalk inspection will include:
a An annual city wide sidewalk survey completed in the fall.
b Criteria for determining whether the condition of a particular sidewalk requires
re +lacemen.t or re +air will .include but not necessaril limited to. a deviation or difference
in. elevation greater than 1 inch, as determined at the time of inspection.
3.00 Sidewalk replacement and repair
3.01 Upon completion of the annual sidewalk survey, the Streets
Superintendent or his/her designated employee shall establish a replacement and repair schedule.
The sidewalk replacement and repair schedule will:
a Take into consideration and weigh the following factors:
1. Sidewalk location and amount of pedestrian traffic.
2. Proximity of sidewalk identified as needing replacement or repair to
other sidewalks needing replacement or repair.
3. The nature and severity of the condition needing replacement or
b, How we replace or repair:
1. Street staff will make repairs to offset joints and cracks by means of grinding to remove
the trl ipping hazard.
2. The City will use City employees, equipment and /or private contractors to provide
service of sidewalk replacement when warranted.
1.01 This policy establishes and maintains uniform definitions and procedures concerning snow and
ice control operations by the City of Lakeville.
1.02 It is the goal of the City's Public Works Department to maintain city roadways during the snow
and ice season in order to assure delivery of emergency services and provide access to the
motoring public.
3.01 The Public Works Director, Streets Superintendent or his /her designated representative will
determine when to begin snow and ice control operations.
3.02 Every year the Public Works Department prepares snow removal and ice control route maps.
These reaps are carried in t .. - : all vehicles and
equipment associated with snow removal and ice control and are not altered except for public
safety emergencies.
3.03 Any snow, freezing rain, sleet or wind conditions contributing to drifting may require operations
to begin, depending on their effects to city roadways.
3.04 Mainline plowing operations will occur upon the accumulation of approximately two or more
inches of snow.
3.05 Cul -de -sacs will be plowed to the center whenever possible with the intention of bulk snow
storage in the center of the cul -de -sac. Exception,, will be defined by Tthe Streets
Superintendent or his/her designee will define exceptions after identifying a special need or
3.06 Applications of salter or other deicing chemicals will occur as a secondary effort follow
snow plowing, except for major intersections or critical areas where needed.
3.07 Removal of snow from bridge shoulders, medians, and intersections may occur at some time after
snow and ice control operations are complete. Normally, these efforts will occur during regular
work hours.
108 All plow routes will be checked and re- plowed as needed during the next regular work days
following mainline plowing efforts.
Additional plowing, scraping, and /or application of - - ... deicing materials will
occur as determined by the Public Works Director, the Streets Superintendent, or his /her
designee. Whenever possible, these additional operations will continue during normal work
3.10 Snow plowing and ice control on county roads is the responsibility of the Dakota County
Highway Department. State Highways are the responsibility of the Minnesota Department of
3.11 During extraordinary snow and ice events, additional personnel and equipment may be utilized to
supplement normal mainline and cul -de -sac operations. During periods of extended continuous
snowfall or freezing rain, operations may be focused on primary transportation routes and
emergency service delivery locations and may be performed on a limited scale.
3.12 Snow removal and/or ice control operations will be coordinated with police and fire operations to
accommodate emergencies. In the event a : .. - w .. • ' : lse�
his /her designee, winter weather emergency is declared, the City Council approved. Emergency
Operation Plan will take precedence over this policy.
3.13 The city has classified city streets based on street function, traffic volume, and importance to the
welfare of the community. Accordingly, snowplow routing is designed to provide the maximum
possible coverage to higher volume safety sensitive areas first.
3.14 On- street parking is not allowed dufing-s now removal operations per City Code, attachment A.
between November 1 and April 1 between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. or when two or more inch
snowfall accumulation is forecast by the National Weather Service until streets have been cleared
per City Code, Title 6, Chapter 1, Paragraph 6- 1 -1 -3B.
3.15 Safety of personnel and the public will always be a priority in snow removal and ice control
4.01 Snow and ice is stored on the public boulevard area adjacent to the street (normally 7 to 13 feet
behind the curb). Any object that could hamper or be damaged by snow removal operations
should be removed from this area -(f . _ b, - .. Trash awaiting pick -up should be
set in at least eight feet behind the curb line. Mailboxes should be installed no less than 18"
ebe e the street level and should not cxten.d beyond the back of the curb.
A.Mailboxes actually hit by a snow plow will be the reapon ;ibility of the city to replace, per City
Council. Resolution No: 99 290, Attachment B.
4.02 Snow removal near mailboxes is completed by the city as safely as possible to not damage the
mailbox. It is the mailbox owner's responsibility to remove any excess snow to allow for mail
4.03 Most of the mainline plowing vehicles are equipped with a front plow and side wing for two -pass
plowing of most residential streets. Plows are angled to the right for plowing from the centerline
of the street toward the curb. For this reason, a certain amount of snow will be deposited in
driveways and on the boulevards. The city does not plow private streets, accesses or driveways.
4.04. The city will maintain pedestrian sidewalks and trails in the citystri.an sidewalk/trail
snow removal routes, Attachment C. AG there is a .limited number of personnel available, the city
esc sidewalks after the streets have been plowed. as depicted on the
pedestrian sidewalk/trail snow removal route maps, All other sidewalks are the responsibility of
the owners and/or occupants
The city will repair turf damage on boulevards which was the direct result of plowing beyond the
back of the curb. All other damage within the public right -of -way is the property owner's
responsibility (i.e. shrubs, bushes, rock, trees, irrigation systems, invisible pet fences, etc.)
5.00 Mailbox replacement policy
5.01 Criteria for replacement of mailbox
Only mailboxes hit by a snowplow will be the responsibility of the city to replace or reimburse.
At the mailbox owners request, the city will replace the mailbox with a standard size non -
decorative mailbox and replace the support post as necessary with a minimum of 4 "x4 ", decay
resistant wood support post both installed by the city.
If the homeowner would like to replace their mailbox and post, the city will reimburse the
homeowner in accordance with the city's approved fee schedule. Any person receiving the
reimbursement is responsible for replacement or repairs within six months.
5.02 Homeowner's responsibility
The cit will not be ressonsible for repairs to any mail boxes, posts, or paper delivery boxes that
are not constructed installed or maintained ser s ecifications.
1.01 The City of Lakeville, Minnesota finds that it is in the best interest of the City to evaluate
and manage the installation of stop signs on public streets and roads within the City. Stop
signs, or stop controls, are important to the safety of motorists and pedestrians. They also
add to the quality of life within the City. Overuse of stop controls can reduce their
effectiveness, increase noise in neighborhoods, and create potential hazards for residents
and businesses. In meeting the requirements of this policy; the City may use City staff
and /or private contractors to perform specific tasks and evaluate data. Final installation
of stop controls will be done at City direction.
2.00 General
2.01 Due to the growth of the City and the increasing number of requests for stop controls and
to address concerns for vehicle speed and safety throughout Lakeville, the City
established a traffic safet policy committee to review stop control policies and
procedures and make recommendations pertinent to the City's needs.
2.02 The work of this committee formed the basis for policies and procedures for requesting
installation of stop controls, the collection of data applicable to the specific request, the
evaluation of the data, and to address the safety and quality of life issues related to stop
control installation. It is the intent of this policy to detail a review, screening and
justification procedure for the installation of stop controls within the City of Lakeville.
3.00 Responsibilities
3.01 The Public Works Director shall:
a. Manage the overall stop control program to include data collection, evaluation, and
sign installation.
b. Explain the policy for stop control installations and provide information necessary to
residents and businesses to initiate the request process.
c. Monitor request through all phases of the process to ensure adequate and accurate
data collection , correct interpretation of data, and to provide results feedback to the
d. Prepare the appropriate documentation and a resolution for City Council to approve
any stop control installation.
e. Provide a formal response to the requestor explaining the results of data collection
and evaluation, as well as the final recommendation.
3.02 The Streets Superintendent shall:
a. Assist the Public Works Director in managing the stop control program and
responding to requests for stop controls.
b. Coordinate with City Engineering staff and/or a traffic consultant to collect data
related to the request.
c. Evaluate the data collected and make a recommendation to the Public Works Director
for or against stop control installation based on the results.
d. Following approval of a resolution for installation of a stop control, direct staff to
make the installation and add the new signs to the sign database.
4,00 Procedure
4.01 The City of Lakeville stop control policy recognizes that there are conditions that may
justify stop controls at local street intersections. The predominant causes or conditions
are related to vehicle speed, traffic volume, sight distance, pedestrian activity and traffic
accident history. The City also recognizes the need to evaluate requests to prevent the
inappropriate use of stop controls where they are not justified.
4.02 To aid in the collection and evaluation of data for stop control requests, the City uses
warrants established in the .Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices as a
guideline. Though not intended to address the specific conditions present on all
neighborhood and local streets, it does provide a framework with which to objectively
evaluate requests.
4.03 Initiating a request:
a. All requests for the installation of stop controls are initiated by residents and
businesses in a specific neighborhood or around a specific intersection.
b. Individuals requesting the installation of a stop control are provided an informational
brochure describing the policy and procedures. as well as specific information
regarding stop controls and their effectiveness.
c. Should they wish to continue with the request, they must submit a petition provided
by the Cit . to the Public Works Department that has been signed by 50% or more of
the residents or businesses residing on the subject streets and located within 300 feet
of the intersection where the stop control will be installed. The City will provide a
listing of addresses likely to be affected by the stop control.
4.04 Data collection and evaluation:
a. Once this si rued etition has been received b the Cit a site surve and traffic data
collection will be scheduled for the subject intersection. Site surveys and data
collection can only be done from May through October due to weather related
b. This site survey will include traffic volume counts on all applicable intersection legs
and an approach speed survey as necessary,
c. Additional information to evaluate sight distances, pedestrian use, and traffic accident
history for the past 12 months will be compiled.
d. When the site survey /traffic data collection has been completed, the subject
intersection will be evaluated using a worksheet system where points are assessed for
the various speed, volume, sight distance, traffic accident history and pedestrian use
e. When a minimum point threshold is reached or exceeded the stop control may be
justified. The final recommendation to install stop control will be made based on this
evaluation and the professional judgment of the appropriate City staff.
4.05 Recommendations:
a. Once the final recommendation to install a stop control has been made for the subject
intersection, a resolution for City Council action will be prepared and included in the
agenda for the next available City Council meeting. The neighborhood will also be
notified of this action.
b. If the final recommendation for the subject site is not to install a stop control, the
neighborhood will be notified of that decision and provided additional materials
relative to their case and what other actions or measures could be considered.
1.00 Introduction
f The of k Ville Minnesota the t_. of to basic
.�. 1 FLG City of l. Lakeville, �vt.a.a.�.�s.cSGtz€ Ends that it is in tjac best interest vi the city to assume vu „U
2.00 When Will the City Perform Street Sweeping Operations
2.01. Spring: Sweeping from snow and ice control aggregate will begin when streets are significantly
clear of snow and ice, usually late March or early April, after the risk of later snowfall has
assed. Spring swecpin_g typically completed by the May 31.
responsibility of sweeping City streets. Reasonable sweeping is necessary for vehicle and
pedestrian safety, budget. personnel, and environmental concerns. The City will use City
employees, equipment and/or private contractors to rovide this service. Com.letion dates are
dependent on weather conditions, personnel and equipment availability. The Streets
Superintendent or his /her designee will be res.onsible for scheduling of .ersonnel and
Summer: Seal coating is a surface application of an asphalt emulsion followed by a layer of small
rock that protects the pavement from the deteriorating effects of sun and water, plus it provides
increased surface friction. Sealcoat swee ing will commence 7 days after application of sealcoa.t
and will be com Meted within 14 da s of a. lication. Sealcoat areas will be swept additionally as
needed during the year.
2.03 Fall: Sweepi_n will commence in October and t .icall . is completed b November 30. Areas
with extensive foliage will be swept after most of the leaves have fallen.
2.04 Storrs. Water Sualit areas will be swept on a iriority basis throughout the year.
2.05 Environmental /general sweeping will be performed on a routine /as needed basis.
2.06 Citizen re.uests for sweeping will be evaluated and the Streets Superintendent or his/her
designee will determine the priority.
3.00 Priorities
3.01 The City has classified City streets based on the street function, traffic volume, impact on water
quality and the environment and the importance to the welfare of the Community. Accordingly,
sweeping routes will be designed to provide the maximum possible benefit to higher volume and
water quality sensitive areas.
4.00 Weather Conditions
4.01 Sweeping operations will be conducted when weather conditions permit. Factors that may delay
sweeping operations include: temperatures below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, wind, rain, snow, and
frozen gutter lines.
5.00 Work Schedule
5.01 Swee ip n& operations are performed in conjunction with and can be impacted by other
maintenance operations. Sweeping operations will normally be conducted Monday -Friday
during regular business hours. Extended workdays and shift changes may be utilized when
necessary or for emergency sweeping to provide maximum efficiency,.
x]!17 *fry
Y Y1 8
1.01 Due to the increasing number of requests --fer all way stop control and to address concerns for
vehicle speed and safety in residential neighborhoods, the City established a traffic safety policy
committee to review current residential all way stop control policy and procedures and
1.03 Meeting regularly the committee compiled and review,wcd extensive materials concerning all way
-1.04 Based on this work the committee has formulated a recommended policy and procedure —to
safety and :. _ 'n, tes related to these concern. It is the intent of this policy to address
the need for a review, screening and justification procedure for the installation of all way—step
eentrel - -iri residential neighborhoods.
1.05 The Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices establishes "warrants" for all-way
stop control. However, these warrants are not intended to address the conditions present on
arterial streets.
s concern:, and the subsequent requests for all way stop control.
that may justify all way stop control at local residential street inters etions. These pr- dominant
where it is not justified.
with an informational flyer describing the policy and procedure and specific information
concerning all way stop control, what it can and cannot do for the neighborhood, what the likely
Should the neighborhood decide to go €erg
should complete the attached petition fore
scheduled for the subject intersection. This site survey and data collection can be done—e*
1.09 This site surv-y will include traffic volume counts on all intersection legs and an approach specs
tance, pedestrian use and traffic
1.10 When the site survcy/traffic data collection has been c mpletcd, the subject site wilI be evaluated
distance, traffic accident history and pedestrian use criteria. When a minimum point threshold is
reached or exceeded the all vay stop control may be justified. The final recommendation to
d on this c aluation and the professional judgment
of the appropriate city staff.
the agenda for the next available City Council meeting. The neighborhood will. also be notified
of this action.
1.12 If the final recommendation for the subject site is not to install all way stop control, the
neighborhood will be notified of that decision and provided additional materials relative to their
2.02 This worksheet is the product of a cooperative work between residents, city council, city staff,
-4he City's traffic engineer-in -eon..... .. .. z • . - t-ed- tfaffde safety
policy committee. In fe Mowing the intent of the recommended policy and procedures for
site distance, traffic accident, and pedestrian activity criteria for the subject intersection request,
with speed limits of 30 mph. Higher functional classificaeets such as major collector or
arterial streets are not applicable to this Policy Procedure and the standard All Way Stop Control
- ,ota Manual on Uniform. Traffic Contr evices apply.
--iii—order to respond to
intersection is on a major collector or arterial street the Mn Manual on Uniform Traffic Control
2.07 Residents Petition
2.08 Onec the petition for residential all way sop co ax -been .submitted to the City, a review i;I
households is determined within 300 foot from the center of the subject intersection and along
the streets that would be affected by thc AWSC. From the number of households (not thc
2.09 Approach Speeds
2.10 Based on the speed data collected for the uncontrolled approac
thc highest 85
obacrvati ona:
2.11 Traffic Volume
xes on the vcrkshcet, one for
speed group with 2 or more
Based on the average daily approach traffic volumes collected at the subject intersection, enter
2.12 Sight Distance
uncontrolled approaches and stopping -at-a "point" 300 feet and also at 450 feet from the subject
like a car, curb, sign or other appropriate feature is visible from that location. �'Measure the
intersection using-either a vehicle installed distance measuring instrument (DMI) or measuring
2.16 Other Condition:
2.17 Based on traffic accidents recorded by the City police for the last 12 month period enter the
number of accidents (not number of vehicles or persons involved) in the blank space. Multiply
this nu ber of accident., by 10 point and enter the score in the adjacent box.
there is significant pedestrian a.etivity crossing the subject intersection caused by a nearby
school, park, bus stop or other pedestrian generator.
2.19 Worksheet Results
that total in the total points box. If the total point score is greater than or equal to 120, all way
stop control may be justified at the subject intersection. The final recommendation to install All
This Residential Stre t All Way Stop ContFol Justification Worksheet is applicable only to intersection:
Uncontrolled approach speed. Check two boxes, one for the 27.5 mid
per hour or less
recorded speed group with two or more observations.
g5 a'
0 points
27.5 to 32.5 miles per hour
20 points
37.6 to 42.5 miles per hour
— highest recorded speed group with twe or more
observations. 42.6 to 47.5 mile pc
> MF
250 vehicles per day 0 points
€o the total major street approach volume and one for the
52.6 miles per hour or more
4 a:
- total daily traffic volume for both major street
vehicles per day 20 points
to sight distance.
subject intersection.
Tota Pot
- highest minor street approach daily traffic
The safe stopping sight distance on any uncontrolled approach is restricts: : than-343-0-feet by 60 points
horizontal and/or vertical road vay alignment, or by other "permanent" obstructions to sight distance.
• is
n ighborheed we
ential nci
stop sign violaters, plus increased acceleration/deceleration, noise, auto emi^.,ions, fuel consumption
ctive in treating your neighborhoods safety concern? AWSC has
.G J
.r ity to develop. The street should not be considered a
safe area to play in or along side under any circumstances °Vex with an all way stop in place. Over
use of AWSC can lead to contempt and non compliance of this important traffic control.
Schedule an appointment submit a request for all way stop control with a petition signed by
neighbors in favor of the all way stop.
AWSC. This activity includes traffic counts, speed measurement and site survey. This site survey
and data collection a. '. • : - . one from May through October due to weather conditi ,ns,
gnosis and Treatment based on the traffic data collected and. conditions present at your
n 300 feet from the subject intersection
submit this petition. to Den Volk, Director of Operations and Maintenance,
985 '15'11. Don will then begin the AWS - -
ity of 'Lakeville, (952)
WHEREAS, in an effort to address numerous requests by residents to establish All Way Stop Control
intersections, on September 3, 1996, City Council authorized the establishment of a Traffic Safety
Committee to develop a
WHEREAS, this Committee consisted of 1 residents of the City, Steve P
and. Robin Brown, and 1 City staff personnel to include the: Director of Operations & Maintenance Don
Volk, Police Lt. Richard Schwartz, Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson, and Council Member Mary Liz
Holbcrg, ai
neighborhood streets, and
WHEREAS, this Policy was to be established to remain consistent with the Lakeville Transportation
WHEREAS, this Policy will be reviewed annually to insure effectiveness in review of All Way Slop
Control intersections requests.
- Counci .:. ty of Lakeville that the
at -tached All Way Stop Control Policy be authorized for implementation to be effective on the date of
Resolution approval.
City of Lakeville.
Duane Zaun,M y
Replacement Policy) in its entire+
posts by direct con
WHEREAS, tl e city is accepting responsibility for replacement or reimbursement for
the mailbox o vners request, the city will replace the mailbox with a.:,tandard size non decorative
AND, WHEREAS, replacement or option .reimbursement per policy will satisfy city's responsibility
for damage to mailbox.
, 1999.
Charlene Friedges, City Clerk
The purpose of this policy is to establish and maintain uniform definitions and procedure;
eonociliing snow and ice contrcl operations by the City of Lakeville.
e City of Lak ille Public Works Department to maintain city roadways during
the motoring public.
The Operations & Maintenance Director, Street Departmen
In General:
inches of snow.
D.Cu1 de sacs will-be plowed to the center whenever possible with the intention of bulk snow
E..Application of salt /sand or other chemicals will occur as a secondary effort following now
plowing, except for major intersections or critical areas where needed.
shoulders, medals, and intersections may occur at some time
after snow and ice control operations are complete. Normally, these efforts will occur
checked and re plowed a., needed during the next
following mainline plowing efforts.
determined by the Director of Operations Maintenance, Street Superintendent, or
normal work shifts.
r C_'«..,,., p, 1- or aunty: e
Department of Transportation.
s4s the responsi
- extraordinary snow and ice events, additional personnel and equipment may be utilized
transportation routes and emergency service del-i-veryat-iens-and-tnay be performed on
a limited scale.
1=..Te city has classified city streets based on the street function, traffic volume, and importane -e
to the welfare of the community. Accordingly, snow plow routing is desi.= • - - :: the maximum possible cover
behind the curb). Ally object that could hamper or be damaged by snow removal operation;
{3 et in at least eight feet — behind the curbline-. Mailboxes should be installed no less than 48"
A.Mailboxes actually hit by a snow plow will be the responsibility of the city to replace, per City
Council Resolution No: 99 290, Attachment B.
streets, accesses or driveways.
been plowed. All other sidewalks are the respor sibility of the owners and /or occupants,
per City Code, Attar
E.The city will repair turf damage on boulevards which was the direct result of plowing boys.
SECTION 6 1 1 3
, re d YT 771
or permit the same to stand on any city street or alley for
hours. (Ord. 452, sec. 1, 10 7 1991)
ore than forty eight (4 8)
(2} or m ore inches of snow until the street or alley has been pI Residences without
restrictions. (Ord. 682, see. 1, 1 18 2000, eff. 10 1 2001)
approved by tl
sec. 1, 10 7 1994}
shall leave, park,
to a mailbox. (Ord.
WHEREAS, it is the City of Lakeville's responsibility to perform snow and ice removal services on
public city streets and designated pedestrian sidewalks and trails, and
WHEREAS, reasonable now and ice control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services, and
Snow and .Ice Control Policy, attached.
of the City of Lakeville.
Betty Sindt, Acting Mayor
, 2000, by the City Council
the snow or
C.Aftor giving t
Staff. §429.,1 Q4
the property owner in accordance with Minn.
4-A4-Ty-person who violates this section shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall
be punished by a Fine of up to one hundred dollars ($ 100.00).
Ike Company that drilled - • - -:
D il..l.ed Depth:
Present Depth:-
of well: . ,
Home ( )
Work ( )
exact of your well.
This is (610
grid one section acres
divided ',!i, 1 ,4, 14
in section').
N ..' ! A t
Di er=
Interval from:
Drilling 4etho+
Tool t i Dug
ft. to
e Mud Rotary -e Cable
Air Rotary
€ Driven
d € Other
e Bored /Auger
Use: Type Any.. -
g°pd '7
and . . _ .
£ Domestic l Commercial
_ .. -Other 3, :
Original & Current Non Pumping Water Level Above
Land Surface:
Set between ft.
• . - : :.. .
Home ( )
Work ( )
Place "X" the
an on grid showing
the location
exact of your well.
This is (610
grid one section acres
divided ',!i, 1 ,4, 14
in section').
N ..' ! A t
1/1 1/1
1 /4
f. y
Or open. hole
Jet Shallow
e Jet Deep
Pumping Rate:
Flowing well:
Method of
Date Measured
-.�Om,r or Agent:
Well Driller:
" _ - _ ,
- . .:
.. _ . . _ - -
e C •acked
, . .
e Encrusted
e Holes
e- her
Comment (Describe method of inspection):
e Encrusted
€ Other
e Rusted /Corroded
Comment inspection):
<`° - • -
(Describe method of
€- RustcdJCorroded
- • -- • -- -
. ...
.=-,:)..`--- tithe
'r Water
€ Vacuum in Lines
YES =3-N
- . .. , - ,
- e
' - Health Water Well Construction Code?
. artment of
-.�Om,r or Agent:
Well Driller: