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Date: 6 February 2012 Item No.
Proposed Action
Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the Joint Powers
Agreement with Dakota County pertaining to the Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement.
The Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement provides for maintenance of City owned
traffic signals.
The City has participated in a Joint Powers Agreement for the maintenance of traffic
signals since November 2002 following the turn back of a portion of CSAH 50 to the
City, including Holyoke Avenue between 202 and 210 Streets. This agreement
pertains to the maintenance of the existing city-owned traffic signals at Holyoke Avenue
& 207 St. and at 175 St. & Kenrick Avenue/Junelle Path.
The agreement pertaining to 175 St. and Kenrick Avenue/Junelle Path was approved
in June 2005, following the realignment of Kenrick Avenue along Junelle Path to a new
intersection with realigned 175 1176th Street. In accordance with the terms of the
agreements, the City reimburses Dakota County on a per signal basis which includes
equipment and staff hours for the work specified in the agreement.
As outlined in the attached Agreement, the County agrees to continue to maintain the
traffic signals. The City is responsible for the maintenance of streetlights. Costs for the
maintenance services shall be reimbursed by the City on an annual basis. The annual
costs will be evaluated every other year, starting with reevaluation effective January 1,
Primary Issues to Consider
• Is City staff capable of maintaining traffic signals? Currently, Streets Division staff is
not trained to maintain traffic signals and does not possess the necessary
equipment. With only two traffic signals, it is cost effective to have Dakota County
provide maintenance.
Supporting Information
• A copy of the Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County concerning the Traffic
Signa Mainte - , A ! : - ment is attached.
Public Works Director
Financial Impact: $3,356 Budgeted: Yes Source: 1526.6280
Dakota County Contract 14543
Provide maintenance for City traffic control signal systems at various locations in the
City of Lakeville, Dakota County.
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
THIS AGREEMENT, is entered into by and between the County of Dakota,
referred to in this agreement as the "County", and the City of Lakeville, referred to in
this agreement as the "City", and witnesses the following:
WHEREAS, under Minnesota Statutes Section 162.17, subd. 1 and 471.59,
subd. 1, two governmental units may enter into an Agreement to cooperatively exercise
any power common to the contracting parties, and one of the participating
governmental units may exercise one of its powers on behalf of the other governmental
units; and
WHEREAS, the County has a policy to perform signal maintenance activities for
the City when time, manpower and equipment are available.
WHEREAS, the City has requested that the County provide maintenance
services on City traffic control signal systems as described below for the City on an
annual reimbursable basis; and
WHEREAS, the agreement is effective for the traffic control signal systems per
the 'City Signal List' (Exhibit 1) on file in the County Engineers Office and as amended
from time to time; and
WHEREAS, for future traffic control signal systems, the City will submit to the
County a letter of request for signal maintenance services and this agreement will be
effective for the new signal upon the date on the letter of acceptance from the County
to the City; and
WHEREAS, this agreement supersedes the traffic signal system maintenance
agreement and amendments previously entered into between the County and the City.
1. Assistance for New City Signals.
a) The selection, design, installation, and operation of the traffic control signal
systems shall be the responsibility of the City. Upon written request from the City
Public Works Director or City Engineer to the County Traffic Engineer, the County
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
agrees to assist in review of the design and set-up of the original cabinet for new
installations and assist in providing expertise to the City regarding the initial set up,
subject to available manpower. If County manpower will not be available, the County
will notify the City at least two weeks before the date of the needed service.
b) The City's letter shall define the services requested, a time line of the needed
services; and include a copy of the plan set. The assistance request letter shall be
submitted to the County Traffic Engineer at least two (2) months prior to the project
letting date.
c) The City shall notify the County Engineer in writing when the new signal is
operational. The new signal will be added to the 'City Signal List' upon approval of the
County Engineer. Written notice will be provided to the City Engineer or Public Works
Director if the County does not approve the addition of the new signal to this
maintenance agreement.
2. Maintenance Services for Existing Signals. The County agrees to maintain
the traffic control signal systems, except streetlights, in a manner consistent with the
County signal operation policies and practices and the following:
a) The County will respond to requests for assistance, subject to limitations
imposed by the availability of manpower, equipment, replacement parts and the
immediate needs of the County road system.
b) Work Schedule
• Regular Hours (7:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday): For failure or
malfunction, each maintenance operation performed by the County shall be individually
and specifically requested by the City. Malfunctions shall be screened by City Public
Works personnel prior to making a request for assistance. Requests for assistance
shall only come from authorized City personnel. A list of personnel (Exhibit 2)
authorized to request signal maintenance services, shall be furnished to the County by
the City.
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
• After Hours: The County will respond to official contact by Sheriff, Police or
authorized City personnel, and take action consistent with assessment for similar
County signals.
c) The County may provide and install County owned spare equipment
necessary to repair a signal system. The County will bill the City for actual cost plus the
current percentage for handling charge as applicable at time of installation. The County
may refuse to install County owned spare equipment if it is determined by the County
that the signal may cause damage to the County's spare equipment due to
incompatibility of equipment.
d) Routine Maintenance
• The County will provide routine maintenance including one annual inspection.
The County may perform a second inspection based upon the discretion of the County
Traffic Operations Supervisor. These inspections include, but are not limited to, signal
hardware, operation of detectors, pedestrian push buttons, and control equipment.
• The County will conduct minor preventative work, including
changing/installing LEDs upon request by the City. This work will be scheduled when
time permits based on urgent needs taking first priority. Major signal changes including
underground wiring, large equipment up-grade programs, and other changes will not be
applicable to this agreement. The County will determine if work is considered minor or
e) Utility Locates
Routine Locates: The County will provide utility locates. The City must
formalize the request in writing (email or fax) and provide the utility ticket to the County
for the specific signal impacted by the locate requests.
• Construction Locates: Prior to the start of a construction project consisting of
signal construction/revision/reconstruction work, the County will locate facilities one
time. From the start of construction through project completion (signal turn-on or full
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
system operational), the City or their designee will be responsible for maintaining the
markings and/or additional utility locates.
f) Work Zone Traffic Control Routine Maintenance -The County will provide work
zone traffic control while County staff is performing signal work.
g) Work Zone Traffic Control Urgent Maintenance — The County will provide
general work zone traffic control for operations requiring traffic control to address
maintenance needs. For traffic control necessary beyond the means of the County
signal maintenance staff person responding to the maintenance call, the County will
notify the City and the following options apply:
• The City will provide City staff or contract for additional traffic control and will
be billed directly by the contractor for the required work and materials; or
• The City may request the County to coordinate the necessary traffic control
with County staff and if the County has the staff and availability, the County will bill the
City for actual costs as outlined in 5 e.
The County will provide annually a summary to the City of work that has been
performed by the County and copies of the routine maintenance checklists.
Construction modifications and specialty changes that include, but are not limited to,
count down timers, red light indicators, radio interconnect, or fiber optic cable are
beyond the scope of the services defined in section 2 of this agreement. The County
may provide these services based on staff availability and ability, proceeding after the
City provides a written request of the County. The County will bill the City as outlined in
Section 5. e).
3. City Responsibilities for County Services.
a) The City will inform the County of any City (or City's contractor) activity which
changes or modifies a traffic control signal system.
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
b) The City will supply the County with parts necessary to correct failures of
equipment not common to County traffic control signal systems at the cost and expense
of the City.
c) The City will be responsible for all trenching, tunneling, jacking or any
excavation required in conjunction with the maintenance or repair of the traffic control
signal systems as well as all cleaning, painting and provisions for electrical power.
d) The City will provide any signing it determines necessary based on its policies
and practices while signals are not fully operational.
e) When repair of a signal is beyond the capability of County staff and/or County
equipment, the County will inform the City and the following options apply:
• The City will contract for the repair work and will be billed directly for the
required work and materials by the selected contractor; or
• The City may request the County to coordinate with a contractor for the repair
work and if the County has the staff and availability to, the County will bill the City for
actual costs plus a percentage for administration and handling costs at the most current
County rate.
f) The City will be responsible to provide traffic signal timing services and to
send updated timing plans to the County.
4. Discontinuing Service. The County may discontinue maintenance described
above of traffic control signal(s) if the County determines that it is no longer feasible
because of excessively worn or obsolete signal equipment. Termination of
maintenance shall be effective no later than one (1) year after the date of written notice
to the City Engineer or Public Works Director of the deficiency of the traffic control
signal unless the deficiency is corrected by the City within the one year notice period.
The County may discontinue maintenance described above if the County
determines that it is no longer feasible due to insufficient funds to maintain county
signal maintenance staff available to provide services. Termination of maintenance
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
shall be effective no later than one (1) year after the date of written notice to the City
Engineer or Public Works Director.
City may discontinue services for any or all signals that the County is maintaining
for the City. City shall notify the County Engineer in writing by July 15 to be effective
the following January 1 to terminate services. The notice shall list the specific signal
location or request to terminate all services.
5. Costs.
a) Costs for the County to provide maintenance services and initial set up
assistance pursuant to this agreement shall be reimbursed by the City on an annual
basis. Costs will be calculated on an annual basis to be evaluated every year starting
with reevaluation effective January 1, 2012 and will be brought forth for approval by the
County Board as part of the Transportation Department Fee Schedule.
b) The current signal maintenance annual rate is $1400 per signal to include all
equipment and staff hours to conduct work specified in this agreement and will be
effective July 1, 2011 at a prorated annual fee. The City will be billed at the 2010
annual rate of $1250 per signal for the first two quarters of 2011 and at the annual rate
of $1400 per signal starting on July 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011.
c) In the event that a new signal is installed during the course of the year and
the City requests County maintenance of the new signal, the cost will be $1600 for
initial set up. This cost is based on current County hourly rates, including work
overhead and benefits for staff, and County equipment rates. A pro-rated annual
maintenance fee will begin the first calendar quarter after the signal is operational.
d) Statements will be sent quarterly. The County will send an annual itemized
list of materials used for maintenance. The City shall tender payment to the County
within 30 days after receipt of statements.
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
e) The County will bill for services beyond those covered in a. b, and c, under an
Hourly rate for equipment and labor using Dakota County's current "Financial Services"
standard rates as follows:
• Hourly rate will apply to travel time and on-site operation/application time.
• Actual materials used during the process.
• Standard materials overhead (handling) charge - Current rate is ten per cent
(10%) which is subject to change based on financial services assessment annually.
6. Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement will be effective only after
approval by both governing bodies and execution of a written amendment document by
duly authorized officials of each body.
7. Indemnification. The County agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless
the City against any and all claims, liability, loss, damage, or expense arising under the
provisions of this Agreement and caused by or resulting from negligent acts or
omissions of the County and/or those of County employees or agents. The City agrees
to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the County against any and all claims, liability,
loss, damage, or expense arising under the provisions of this Agreement and caused by
or resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the City and/or those of City employees
or agents. All parties to this agreement recognize that liability for any claims arising
under this agreement are subject to the provisions of the Minnesota Municipal Tort
Claims Law; Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466.
8. Waiver. No person engaged in the work to be performed by the County shall
be considered an employee of the City. Any claims that arise under the Worker's
Compensation Act of this State on behalf of any County employee, while so engaged
on any of the work called for in this agreement shall not be the obligation or
responsibility of the City.
9. Audits. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 16C.05, Subd. 5, any books, records,
documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the City and the County
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
relevant to this Agreement are subject to examination by the County or City and either
the Legislative Auditor or the State Auditor as appropriate. The City and the County
agree to maintain these records for a period of six years from the date of performance
of all services covered under this Agreement.
10. Terms and Conditions. This agreement may be terminated by either party
with or without cause. The County agrees to provide written notice of termination to be
effective not sooner than one (1) year after the date of written notice to the City. The
City agrees to provide written notice to the County by July 15 to be effective the
following January 1 if the County's services are no longer desired.
11. Rights and Remedies. The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement
shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by
12. Integration. The entire and integrated agreement of the parties contained in
this Agreement shall supersede all prior negotiations, representations or agreements
between the City and the County regarding the traffic signals; whether written or oral.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed by
their duly authorized officials.
Public Works Director Mayor
City Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
No.: 11-368 Date: August 2, 2011
Traffic Signal Maintenance Agreement
DC Contract No. 14543 January 11, 2012
City Clerk
County Engineer Physical Development
1, 175 St. W. and Kenrick Avenue/Junelle Path
2. Holyoke Avenue and 207 St. W.
1 Public Works Director
2. City Engineer
3. Assistant City Engineer
4. Streets Superintendent
5. Street Supervisor
6. Streets Lead
7. Fleet Lead