HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.bCITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY b, 2012 Mayor Bellows called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of allegiance to the flag was given. Present: Mayor Mark Bellows Council Member Matt Little Council Member Colleen LaBeau, " Council Member Kerrin Swecket- Council Member Laurie Rieb Also Present: Steve Mielke, City Adminis' i for Tom Vonhof, Police Chie'fr` ti David Olson, Community &`Eeoncr,nt6 Developmen# Director Chris Petree, Public Works Director' Dennis Feller Hnwnce Director Steve Michaud F6iks ,Recreation Director Daryl Morey, Planning Director Charlene Friedaes; City C# rfC Citizens' Charlie Gerl�, 20920 Idah6'Avenue, thanked City staff for responding to recent emails and asked the Council riot to bankrupt other City funds to supportthe Heritage Cer�ferraject. ; V_Pyne Tonsager, 24311�Natchez Avenue, addressed the City Council regarding an article in theStar Tribune involving the City's search for a new city engineer lie asked who wrote the article, whether or not the poon has been fled and what the salary will be. Mr. Mielke will respond to 14; in y r ing. uctions Fire Chief Meyer introduced the following Fire Department officers: District Chief Todd Sellner, Captain Don Johnson, Lieutenant Taber Akin and Lieutenant Steve Glinski. Chief Meyer administered the oath of office, and family members pinned badges on the officers. Chief Meyer also acknowledged the following firefighters for reappointment or promotion: Captain Kevin Needham, Engineer Walter Branz, Engineer Tim Bohlman and Engineer TJ Lawrence. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 2012 Page 2 Mr. Olson presented the 2011 Economic Development Annual Report. Mr. Petree presented the January Public Works Department monthly report. Consent Agenda 12.07 Motion was made by LaBeau, seconded by Rieb tQapprove the consent agenda items as follows: a. Claims for payment. b. Minutes of the January 17, 201 c d e f. i. J• k. I. Resolution No. 12 -08 adopting the Mitigation Plan. Resolution No. 12 -09 Lakeville Hockey As Amendments.to,the City c Community Develooment ct Insuranc( Obf�trge# crews. F `` Contract 1 ty All )ling premises permit for ostra "Nizeria. Policy Manual related to is Works. City of Lakeville and Medica for Sentence to Service Program work Portable Services. Set Council work sessions to interview advisory committee 6pplicants�,,6 ri February 21 and February 27, 2012. Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for traffic signal maintenance. Service Agreement with Financial Concepts, Inc. Resolution No. 12 -10 accepting donation of automated car washing services from Lakeville SuperAmerica. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY b, 2012 Page 3 M. Minutes of the January 23, 2012 Council work session. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. Item 7 - Dakota Co. CDA Redevelopment Incentive Grant Application Mr. Olson presented a proposed resolution authoriz application to the Dakota County Community Dev (CDA) for a redevelopment incentive grant in the grant is being requested to assist in funding t4 - ac i c of a vacant duplex in the southwest corneC of 210th Avenue. The demolition would allow for,f+rri lane it intersection to better handle the traffag'.generc School and JFK Elementary School. The total e acquisition and demolition is $90,000. The rem, demolition costs are proposed to be funded financing funds and /or the G#ty's economic dF funds. In response to Council Membe City's economic development balance of $70x000 12.08 Motion was made by Swdcker, sec No. 12-11 approYing submittal of a Redeyelooment Iriceritiv Grant:Ai call was taken on 8 - Legislative Policy loan submittal of an pment Agency punt of $30,000. The ition and demolition eet and Holyoke rovements at this McGuire Middle CDA tax increment lopment revolving loan Mr. Olson stated the currently has a d by Little to approve Resolution Dakota County CDA Ayes, unanimous. Mr. Welke presented the City of Lakeville Legislative Policy Priorities. The policie�'txce diviclo into five categories including municipal revenue & taxation, transportation, economic development, housing and general legislation. Mt. Mielke highlighted several of the high priority issues. 12.09 Motion was made by Little, seconded by Swecker to approve the 2012 Legislative Policy Priorities. Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous. CITY OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 6, 2012 Page 4 Announcements: Waffle Breakfast at Lakeville Senior Center, February 12 Next regular Council meeting, Tuesday, February 21 Mayor Bellows adjourned the meeting at 7:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Charlene Friedges, City Clerk Mark Bellows, Mayor