HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-15CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS, RECREATION & NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Meeting Minutes for February 15, 2012 ITEM 1 Call to order Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. ITEM 2 Roll call of members Present: Judy Hayes, Scott Kelly, Howard Lovelace, Jeanne Peterson, Bob Swan Absent: Matt Dinslage, Tom Goodwin, Jerry Zell Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Director Steve Michaud, Environmental Resources Manager Mac Cafferty, Recording Secretary Patty Ruedy ITEM 3 Approval of February 1, 2012 meeting minutes The Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting minutes were approved as presented. ITEM 4 Citizen comments There were no citizens present. ITEM 5 Staff Report Staff is working on finalizing bids and specifications for Heritage Center project. It will be presented to Council on February 21, with a bid opening tentatively scheduled in March. ITEM 6 Kenora Ridge preliminary and final plat The Kenora Ridge plat consists of three single - family home lots located on Kenora Way, east of 163" Street, south of 162 Street and west of Kent Trail. The property is approximately .79 acres and is zoned RS -3 Single - Family Residential. Park dedication fees were previously satisfied for Outlot B, Kent 46. As such, no park dedication requirements are due. There are no sidewalks existing on Kenora, nor will there be a requirement for sidewalks on these lots. (12.01) Motion made by Peterson, seconded by Lovelace to recommend City Council consider approval of Kenora Ridge preliminary and final plat with no park dedication requirements due. The developer is required to follow other recommendations outlined in the Planning and Engineering reports as they pertain to this plat. The developer is also required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage, and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes -5 Nays -0 ITEM 7 Crescent Ridge Third Addition preliminary plat The Crescent Ridge plat is located north of 195 Street, east of Holyoke Avenue and south of 190 Street. Crescent Ridge Third Addition consists of 111 single - family lots on 47.62 acres. Review of the 2006 Parks & Open Space System Plan indicates no park land dedication identified in this area. The System Plan identifies a neighborhood park south and east of this area. (12.02) Motion made by Kelly, seconded by Hayes to recommend City Council consider approval of Crescent Ridge Third Addition preliminary plat with developer being required to pay a park dedication fee at the current rate at the time of final plat approval. In addition to the park dedication fee, a future 10' wide asphalt trail will be constructed along both sides of Holyoke Avenue when it is upgraded to a parkway. A future trail will be constructed on the south side of 190 Street when it is upgraded. The developer will be required to post a cash escrow of 5/8 of the cost of the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee Meeting Minutes, February 15, 2012 Page 2 future trail along Holyoke and 190 Street at the time of final plat. An 8' trail will also be required on both sides of 194 Street at the time of final plat. The trail will be constructed by the developer and be responsible for all the grading and restoration of the trail and 5/8 of the cost of the aggregate base and bituminous paving. The City will provide credits to the park dedication fee for 3/8 costs of the aggregate base and bituminous pavement. The developer is required to follow other recommendations outlined in the Planning and Engineering reports as they pertain to this plat. The developer is also required to follow the natural resources requirement detailed in the Planning and Engineering reports associated with tree preservation, grading, drainage, and erosion control and further recommendations by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, if applicable. Ayes -5 Nays -0 ITEM 8 Unfinished business Staff reviewed a draft proposal from The Planning Company regarding Park Dedication fees. If after closer review there are comments on this by committee members, please let staff know. An update of the Park Dedication Ordinance will be presented at a Council work session on February 27. ITEM 9 New business Staff reviewed a proposal from Meridian Land Holdings regarding running a water line north of 202n Street through Aronson Park to provide water to the Boulder Heights plat. They will be boring 8' -10' deep and the project will include hydrants and restoration of the disturbed areas in the park. Project is proposed for this spring and there will be no impact on playing fields and athletic activities in the park. Future parking plans for this area will not be affected. (12.03) Motion made by Kelly, seconded by Hayes to recommend City Council consider approval of granting Meridian Land Holdings approval to bore a water line through Aronson Park to accommodate water needs at their plat known as Boulder Heights. The developer will provide the City payment of $50,000 to be placed in the Park Dedication fund and provide hydrants in pre- approved locations along the underground pipe. In addition, the developer will complete all required restoration of disturbed areas in the park. Ayes -5 Nays -0 • Staff will be presenting to the Met Council a proposal to change the scope of using the Bury property to 195 Street for a trail and accelerate funding for the Kenrick Trail project from 2014 to 2012 and complete construction of the trail in 2012. • 2011 Parks Annual Report — will be presented to Council next Tuesday • Elvis Tribute Concert in February — great show! • April 21 — Community Cleanup Day • April 28 — Tree Sale pickup at CMF — Committee supported the notion to dedicate proceeds of this year's Tree & Shrub Sale to the Heritage Center. • May 5 — Household Hazardous Waste Dropoff at CMF to include electronics and prescription drugs • May 6 — Ironman Bike Ride ITEM 10 Announcements Next Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Committee meeting, March 7. ITEM 11 Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Re pe tf011y submi Pa Ruedy, cording Secreta ATTEST: Scott Kelly, Chair