HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 06.jProposed Action Staff recommends adoption of the following motion: Move to approve the sale of unclaimed bicycles. Passage of this motion will result in the Lakeville Police Department conducting a public auction on Thursday, May 3, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. to be held at the Water Treatment Facility. Overview The bicycles were turned in to the Lakeville Police Department as found property. To the extent reasonably possible, attempts have been made to contact owners of the property. All of the items have been held over 60 days and no claims have been made thus far. The advertising for the auction will be provided on Channel 16, the Messages page of the Life and Times and flyers. The proposed list of items is attached to the Resolution. Valek Auctions has furnished the attached contract for auctioneering services. Primary Issues to Consider �t.7i- Supporting Information • See attached list of bicycles and a contract from Valek Auctions. r ) Thomas E. Vonhof Chief of Police Financial Impact: $ Budgeted: Related Documents (CIP, ERP, etc.): Notes: Y/N Source: CITY OF LAKEVILLE RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALE OF UNCLAIMED PROPERTY WHEREAS, the City of Lakeville has unclaimed property held over sixty (60) days, after which time it may be sold at public auction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Lakeville that the unclaimed property (bicycles) described on Schedule A, attached hereto, are hereby authorized to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Thursday, May 3, 2012, commencing at 6:00 p.m. at the Lakeville Water Treatment Facility (barn) located at 18400 1pava Avenue; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute the Contract with Valek Auction for auctioneering and clerking services. DATED this 2nd day of April 2012. CITY OF LAKEVILLE Mark Bellows, Mayor ATTEST: Charlene Friedges, City Clerk "Schedule A" 2012 Bike Auction List Brand & Model Magna Razer Scooter Roadmaster Mtn Spirit Specialized Magna Silver Canyon Gaint Talon 123 Schwin LINK Magna Excitor Mongoose MGX Mongoose Extreme Air Next Roadmaster Mt. Fury Nordic Track child carrier Magna Excitor XP300 Huffy Next Surge UNK Haro Kent Rock Shimano VAX3000 Schwinn Malibu Huffy Superia Ironhorse AT 70 Roadmaster Avigo Corruption Mongoose Quest Rocket Schwinn Ranger Rhino Rebound Huffy Torsion Diamond back Schwinn Sims Boost Specialized Hardrock Next Chaos Base of two wheel scooter Next Huffy Thunder Ridge Next Pro Comp XT Huffy Ornate Next Haro Magna Huffy Cherokee Magna Excitor Type Gender Condition BMX Male Fair Good Mountain Female Good Mountain Female Good Mountain Male Good Mountain Male Good Crossroads Female Fair Mountain Male Poor Mountain Male Fair Mountain Male Fair BMX Male Good BMX Male Fair Crossroads Female Good Missing Parts Frame & back tire Poor BMX Male Poor BMX Male Good BMX Male Good BMX Male Good 20 inch Female Good Crossroads Female Poor 20 inch Female Fair Mountain Male Fair Mountain Male Good Mountain Male Good BMX Good BMX Male Good 12 inch Male Good Crossroads Female Good Mountain Male Poor 20 inch Male Fair 20 inch Male Good Crossroads Female Good 20 inch Male Good Mountain Male Good 20 inch Male Good 20 inch Male Fair Mountain Male Fair Mountain Female Poor Crossroads Male Poor 20 inch Female Fair 20 inch Male Good 20 inch Male Good 20 inch Female Poor Mountain Male Fair Mountain Female Good "Schedule A" 2012 Bike Auction List Schwinn Ranger Mountain Male Good Hyper Mountain Male Good Mongoose 20 inch Male Fair Shimano Mt. Sport 20 inch Male Good Mongoose Override 20 inch Male Good Huffy Mountain Male Poor Trex Mountain Male Good Next power Climber Mountain Male Good Raleigh Sportfir Crossroads Male Good Schwin Crossroads Female Fair Roadmaster Mt. Sport Mountain Female Good Mongoose Mountain Male Good Vista 2.2 Mountain Female Good Contract This agreement is between Cli �L vi t E„e & Vaiek Auctioneer ng Seller (s)° address: �A , ; �� phone# In CONSIDERATION of the services provided by Valek Auctioneering, the undersigned seller employs and grants the Auctioneer the exclusive right to sell the following property ] I This right to sell specifically includes the r to sell the above property at a public auction, to the Fr) highest bidder (s) on " IQ 200 1 �Pl_ time location L p sg l i Seller agrees to pay all expenses of . advertising in the following prints/ papers . port - a- potty commission Terms of Sale: Items deemed major selling items of the auction shall still be charged the same commission as stated above should the seller decide not to sell the said item. The Auctioneer Shall: A) Seil said property, using his skill, knowledge, and experience to the best advantage of both parties in preparing and conducting the sale. B) Keep accurate records of said sale, and provide a copy for the seller- C) Receive as compensation for promoting and conducting said auction sal % of the gross selling price. Auctioneer may deduct commission and agreed upon expenses from proceeds. D) Provide 8 hours of set up prior to the auction ( additional his will be charged $15.00 per hr per person ) and 1 hay wagon for use at auction ( additional wagons will be charged $35.00 per wagon). The Seller Shall: A) Maintain & provide premises in which said property is located, & furnish light, water, personal and public liabiity insurance. B) Not sell, dispose, or otherwise withdraw any part of the said property, or refuse to submit said property. C) Not interfere, prevent, or prohibit auctioneer, in any manner, prior to or during the auction, from carrying out his duties and obligations of this agreement - D) In the event of breach of covenants contained herein, pay the auctioneer as liquidated damages, all advertising, and other expenses incurred, and a commission of ten percent ( 10% ) of the value of the said property, or any other agreed upon amount prior to cancellation of the auction - E) Pay for additional labor ( that which is more than 8 hours) $15,00 per hour per person, and additionai equipment. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to or constitute the parties hereto as partners. In the event it becomes necessary for either party to collect any sum (s) due through legal action, Seller waives venue and agrees to pay atl costs and expenses of such action, including reasonable attorney fees - This agreement shall bind and adhere to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. Signed and sealed on ! 1 2 Month & Date SELLER AUCTIONEER MN Lic 4 19 -126