MARCH 19, 2012
Mayor Bellows called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The pledge of
allegiance to the flag was given.
Present: Mayor Mark Bellows
Council Member Matt Little
Council Member Colleen LaBeau
Council Member Kerrin Swecker
Council Member Laurie Rieb
Also Present: Roger Knutson, City Attorney
Steve Mielke, City Administratc
Tom Vonhof, Police Chief
David Olson, Community & Ec
Chris Petree, Public Works Dire
Dennis Feller, Finance; Director
Daryl Morey, Planning Directoi
John Hennen, Park`Maintenar
Charlene Friedqes, Citv Clerk
Citizens' Comments None
Mr. Hennen presented th
Recreation Deoartment.
Chief Vonhof presented
is Development Director
monthly report of the Parks &
Police Department monthly report.
Council member LaBeau asked that the minutes of the February 27, 2012
Council work session (Item 6c) be removed from the consent agenda and
tabled for further review.
12.19 Motion was made by Swecker, seconded by Rieb to approve the consent
agenda items as follows:
a. Claims for payment.
MARCH 19, 2012
b. Minutes of the March 5, 2012 regular and special City Council
c. (Removed from consent agenda.)
d. Renewal of tree work licenses for Carlson's Tree Service, Inc., Tree
Quality, LLC and Premium Tree Protection LLC.
e. Resolution No. 12 -24 modifying liquor store
f. Second Amendment to Site Lease A
LLC for the Fairfield water tower.
g. Land lease agreement with Miller
h. Resolution No. 12 -25 receiving bids c
miscellaneous roadway repairs and
I. Agreement with Dakota Co
(215th Street) right of way.
j. Resolution No. 12 -26 accep
Fairfield and Airlake tower n
k. Resolution No. 12- 27acceptl
system upgrade.
I. Tree work license for Midw&
obile Central
contract for
ovement Project 12-
portion of CSAH 70
ng bids and awarding contract for
awarding contract for fuel
Tree Experts.
olution No. 12` -28 approving plans and specifications and setting
date for the renovation of Fire Station 4 into fire administration
n. Consulting Agreement between the Dakota County Community
Development Agency and the City of Lakeville.
o. Conditional use permit to allow an accessory day care use in the
Office Park District, located at 20855 Kensington Boulevard.
p. Conditional use permit to allow a building height greater than 45 feet
in the General Industrial District, located at 21860 Hamburg Avenue.
MARCH 19, 2012
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 7 - Economic Development Business Marketing Strategy
Mr. Olson presented the Business Marketing Strategy Report prepared by Arnett
Muldrow & Associates, Ltd. He explained that the Arnett Muldrow team worked
closely with a steering committee appointed by the City of Lakeville throughout
the course of the marketing plan's development. The Marketing Strategy Report
includes the new recommended tagline, "Positioned to Thrive ". This new tagline
incorporates the core attributes for Lakeville, which include location, quality of
life, progressive and full service. The implementation components of the
strategy include a redesign of the Economic Development website, use of
Google Analytics to monitor and measure website traffic, targeted online and
local print advertising and further exploring social media options. The official
launch of this Marketing Strategy is scheduled for the March 21 st State of the City
Council Member Little stated that one of the challenges /opportunities listed in
the report is that businesses are asking; for fiber. He asked if staff could put
together some information on fiber.
12.20 Motion was made by Rieb, seconded by Little to accept the Business
Marketing Strategy Report prepared by Arnett Muldrow & Associates LTD
dated March 2012.
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
Item 8!- Precinct Boundaries and Pollina Places
The City Clerk presented the Minnesota Supreme Court's redistricting plan for
the City of Lakeville, which divides the city into three state legislative and senate
districts. In order to accommodate over 33,000 registered voters, the city will be
divided into 17 voting precincts. Ms. Friedges presented a precinct map
illustrating the proposed precinct boundaries and polling places. She indicated
that the County Auditor's office will mail a postal verification card to all
registered voters, which will contain polling place and other election related
information. The cards will be mailed prior to the August 14, 2012 State Primary
12.21 Motion was made by LaBeau, seconded by Little to approve Resolution
No. 12 -29 establishing precinct boundaries and polling places.
MARCH 19, 2012
Roll call was taken on the motion. Ayes, unanimous.
• Blue Thumb Planting for Clean Water Workshop, April 3, 2012
• Council work session, March 26, 2012
• Next regular City Council meeting, April 2, 2012